Background to and consequences of Jan. 11, 1994 devaluation of the CFA (Communauté Financière Africaine) franc for French-speaking African economies; 9 articles and comments. Summaries in English p. 188-9.
Post devaluation : hypotheses and mortgages. The recent CFA franc devaluation is a new external stroke for the African countries of the Franc Area (PAZF). Given the deplorable economical and social situation of most of them, this measure is often presented as an ultimate resort and seems to heavily condition the future. The possible PAZF futures fit into two opposite scenarii. The first pessimistic one makes room for a series of unfortunate chain of events leading up to increasing marginalization and pauperization and could also give rise to a growing lack of interest from the international community for the continent. The second alternative, more optimistic, sounds hopeful by conveying a revolution in the African elite behavior who would, from now on, work for the present and future well-being of the whole population.