Modeling security in cyber–physical systems
In: International journal of critical infrastructure protection: IJCIP, Band 5, Heft 3-4, S. 118-126
ISSN: 1874-5482
8376 Ergebnisse
In: International journal of critical infrastructure protection: IJCIP, Band 5, Heft 3-4, S. 118-126
ISSN: 1874-5482
Part 1: Knowledge Discovery and Sharing ; International audience ; According to a widely shared view, manufacturing is currently un- dergoing its fourth industrial revolution, termed "Industrie 4.0" in the high-tech strategy of the German government. Smart Factories with vertically and hori- zontally integrated production systems are enabled through the realization of machines, storage systems and utilities as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), which are able to share information, act, and control each other autonomously. The development of CPS requires the collaboration of different disciplines, like mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. This cre- ates new challenges for Requirements Engineering (RE), which needs to estab- lish a common perception of the targeted CPS for the involved stakeholders. This paper will elaborate the specific challenges in RE for CPS based on a lit- erature review. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used as an approach to automatically translate shared informal requirements specifications to formal domain specific models for the involved disciplines, to develop a comprehen- sive RE methodology for CPS.
In: Advances in systems analysis, software engineering, and high performance computing (ASASEHPC) book series
"This book focuses on how cyber-physical systems in the social sphere can be designed and implemented to improve the human ability to learn new knowledge and to feel and perform art. This will impact future societies when knowledge and art will be even more accessible to all due to the emergent novel information and robotic technologies"
Cyber physical systems : vulnerabilities, attacks and threats -- Improving security and privacy for cyber-physical system -- Vulnerability analysis for cyber-physical systems -- State estimation based attack detection in cyber physical systems : limitations and solutions -- Security and privacy in cloud and embedded systems for cyber physical systems -- Towards secure software-defined networking integrated cyber-physical systems : attacks and countermeasures -- Ddos defense in sdn-based cyber-physical cloud -- Detecting pilot contamination attacks in wireless cyber-physical systems -- Laboratory exercises to accompany industrial control and embedded systems security curriculum modules -- Security and privacy in big data cyber-physical systems -- Security and privacy in big data cyber-physical systems -- Big data technologies supported generic visualization system in an enterprise cyber-physical environment -- Searching for iot resources in intelligent transportation cyber-space (T-CPS) -requirements, use-cases and security aspects -- Cybersecurity in cyber-physical systems -- Evaluating the reliability of digital forensics tools for cyber-physical systems -- Point of sale device attacks and mitigation approaches for cyber physical system -- Cyber-profiteering in cloud of smart things.
In: acatech Studie
In: Acatech STUDIE Ser. v.1
Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- GELEITWORT -- KURZFASSUNG -- PROJEKT -- 1 EINFÜHRUNG -- 1.1 Ziele und Struktur des Berichts -- 1.1.1 Struktur des Berichts -- 1.2 Cyber-Physical Systems - Trends und Charakterisierung -- 1.2.1 Optionen konvergierender CP5-Trends -- 1.2.2 Initiale Charakterisierung von Cyber-Physical Systems -- 1.3 Cyber-Physical Systems, ihre Bedeutung und Chancen für den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland -- 1.4 Methodik und Vorgehen -- 1.4.1 Szenarienanalyse und strukturierte Ableitung von CPS-Fähigkeiten und Kerntechnologien -- 1.4.2 Validierung der Ergebnisse -- 2 CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS: VISIONEN, CHARAKTERISTIKA UND NEUE FÄHIGKEITEN -- 2.1 Ineinandergreifende Anwendungsbereiche -- 2.2 Smart Mobility - Assistenz, Komfort und Sicherheit durch kooperierende Systeme -- 2.2.1 CPS als umfassende Planungs- und Mobilitätsassistenten -- 2.2.2 Sicherheit im Verkehr durch kooperierende Systeme -- 2.2.3 Effiziente und sichere Fahrt und Koordination auf engem Raum durch autonome Systeme -- 2.2.4 CPS-Mehrwert und Nutzenpotenziale für die mobile Gesellschaft -- 2.3 Individuelle und sichere Versorgung - integrierte Betreuung in der Medizin -- 2.3.1 CPS in Telemedizin, Ferndiagnose und bei der Betreuung zu Hause -- 2.3.2 Nachsorge und Betreuung in vertrauter Umgebung -- 2.3.3 CPS als Unterstützung bei der automatischen Erkennung einer Notfallsituation und in der Erstversorgung -- 2.3.4 CPS-Mehrwert und Nutzenpotenziale -- 2.4 Smart Grid -- 2.4.1 Micro Grid -- 2.4.2 Identifizierte Mehrwerte und Dienste -- 2.5 Intelligente Fabrik - vernetzte, adaptive und echtzeitfähige Produktion -- 2.5.1 Auftragsabwicklungsprozess - Szenario und Teilszenarien -- 2.5.2 Szenario zum Produkt- und Produktionsentstehungsprozess -- 2.5.3 CPS-Mehrwert und Potenziale.
"The cultivation of crops plays a very important role in agriculture. However, proper maintenance and management are required. Lack of such management would lead to crop loss or reduced crop yields. Hence, the ability to detect and identify diseases on infected crops is a problem of increasing concern. Real-time disease detection systems do not exist in the current agricultural landscape. It requires tremendous amounts of work, expertise in plant diseases, and excessive processing time. Using precision agriculture techniques, combined with AI, a great deal of work is reduced. Contemporary Developments in Agricultural Cyber-Physical Systems provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and achieve progress in cyber-physical systems by highlighting agricultural applications, advances, and research challenges. The book features chapters on all aspects pertaining to this multidisciplinary paradigm, in particular in its application to sustainable agriculture developments. Covering topics such as automation, monitoring systems, and smart agriculture, this premier reference source is an excellent resource for scientists, healthcare professionals, data analysts, computer scientists, students and educators of higher education, researchers, and academicians."--
Working paper
The integration of IT, OT, and human factor elements in maritime assets is critical for their efficient and safe operation and performance. This integration defines cyber physical systems and involves a number of IT and OT components, systems, and functions that involve multiple and diverse communication paths that are technologically and operationally evolving along with credible cyber security threats. These cyber security threats and risks as well as a number of known security breach scenarios are described in this paper to highlight the evolution of cyber physical systems in the maritime domain and their emerging cyber vulnerabilities. Current industry and governmental standards and directives related to cyber security in the maritime domain attempt to enforce the regulatory compliance and reinforce asset cyber security integrity for optimum and safe performance with limited focus, however, in the existing OT infrastructure and systems. The use of outside-of-the-maritime industry security risk assessment tools and processes, such the API STD 780 Security Risk Assessment (SRA) and the Bow Tie Analysis methodologies, can assist the asset owner to assess its IT and OT infrastructure for cyber and physical security vulnerabilities and allocate proper mitigation measures assuming their similarities to ICS infrastructure. The application of cyber security controls deriving from the adaptation of the NIST CSF and the MITRE ATT&CK Threat Model can further increase the cyber security integrity of maritime assets, assuming they are periodically evaluated for their effectiveness and applicability. Finally, the improvement in communication among stakeholders, the increase in operational and technical cyber and physical security resiliency, and the increase in operational cyber security awareness would be further increased for maritime assets by the convergence of the distinct physical and cyber security functions as well as onshore- and offshore-based cyber infrastructure of maritime companies and asset owners.
Working paper
This unique introduction to the foundational concepts of cyber-physical systems (CPS) describes key design principles and emerging research trends in detail. Several interdisciplinary applications are covered, with a focus on the wide-area management of infrastructures including electric power systems, air transportation networks, and health care systems. Design, control and optimization of cyber-physical infrastructures are discussed, addressing security and privacy issues of networked CPS, presenting graph-theoretic and numerical approaches to CPS evaluation and monitoring, and providing readers with the knowledge needed to operate CPS in a reliable, efficient, and secure manner. Exercises are included. This is an ideal resource for researchers and graduate students in electrical engineering and computer science, as well as for practitioners using cyber-physical systems in aerospace and automotive engineering, medical technology, and large-scale infrastructure operations.
The importance of cybersecurity of cyber-physical systems is increasing across the wide spectrum of critical infrastructure systems and resulting in governmental attention to methods of reducing risks. Although these systems use computers to manage the communication and control of the processes, the systems are distinctly different from IT systems in business. Securing these cyber-physical systems require a different approach and set of tools. There are some unique characteristics of the physical systems under control that can be used to help mitigate risks associated with control system failures. This paper examines how security measures need to take a wider approach than just application of IT controls to a new environment if one is interested in truly managing the risk of these systems.
In: Advances in computer and electrical engineering (ACEE) book series
"This book covers discussion on new security frameworks, solutions, cybersecurity laws and regulations, and risk management frameworks for a smart city environment. It also provides the recent advances in a smart city security and privacy and how to design and implement safe, secure and reliable smart city project"--
In: EAI endorsed transactions on security and safety, Band 3, Heft 7, S. 151724
ISSN: 2032-9393
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are the next generation of engineered systems into which computing, communication, and control technologies are now being closely integrated. They play an increasingly important role in critical infrastructures, governments and everyday life. Security is crucial in CPS, but they were not, unfortunately, initially conceived as a secure environment, and if these security issues are to be incorporated, then security must be considered from the very beginning of the system design. One way in which to solve this problem is by having a global perspective, which can be achieved by employing a Reference Architecture (RA), since it is a high-level abstraction of a system that could be useful in the implementation of complex systems. It is widely accepted that adding elements in order to address many security factors (integrity, confidentiality, availability, etc.) and facilitate the definition of the security requirements of a Security Reference Architecture (SRA) is a good starting point when attempting to solve these kinds of cybersecurity problems and protect the system from the beginning of the development. An SRA makes it possible to define the key elements of a specific environment, thus allowing a better understanding of the inherent elements of the environments, while promoting the integration of security aspects and mechanisms. The present paper, therefore, presents the definition of an SRA for CPS by using UML models in an attempt to facilitate secure CPS implementations.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are the next generation of engineered systems into which computing, communication, and control technologies are now being closely integrated. They play an increasingly important role in critical infrastructures, governments and everyday life. Security is crucial in CPS, but they were not, unfortunately, initially conceived as a secure environment, and if these security issues are to be incorporated, then security must be considered from the very beginning of the system design. One way in which to solve this problem is by having a global perspective, which can be achieved by employing a Reference Architecture (RA), since it is a high-level abstraction of a system that could be useful in the implementation of complex systems. It is widely accepted that adding elements in order to address many security factors (integrity, confidentiality, availability, etc.) and facilitate the definition of the security requirements of a Security Reference Architecture (SRA) is a good starting point when attempting to solve these kinds of cybersecurity problems and protect the system from the beginning of the development. An SRA makes it possible to define the key elements of a specific environment, thus allowing a better understanding of the inherent elements of the environments, while promoting the integration of security aspects and mechanisms. The present paper, therefore, presents the definition of an SRA for CPS by using UML models in an attempt to facilitate secure CPS implementations.