CRIMEN: časopis za krivične nauke : journal for criminal justice
ISSN: 2683-5800
34613 Ergebnisse
ISSN: 2683-5800
In: SAGE course companions
In: SAGE Course Companions series
'This Course Companion in Criminal Justice by Ursula Smartt is to be applauded. It is an essential handbook for all students and practitioners who are studying the criminal justice system. The user-friendly framework provides students with practical support in how they can organise their approach to studying to maximise their knowledge and revision skills. I have no hesitation in commending this Companion as a valuable complementary text' - Professor Allyson MacVean, John Grieve Centre for Policing & Community Safety, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College. Designed as an accessible refe
In: Law, Crime and Law Enforcement
Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Federal Crime Control Issues in the 111th Congress* -- Summary -- Introduction -- Crime Statistics2 -- Violent Crime Rate -- Property Crime Rate -- Violent Crime Control -- Hate Crimes6 -- Gangs14 -- Gun Control24 -- Combating Fraud and Theft -- Identity Theft31 -- Organized Retail Crime -- Drug Control -- Sentencing Reform50 -- Crack/Powder Cocaine Sentencing Disparities -- Early Release -- State and Local Justice Assistance -- Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)67 -- Juvenile Justice71 -- Witness Protection Program -- Criminal Justice System Review -- End Notes -- DC Gun Laws and Proposed Amendments* -- Summary -- Introduction -- Overview of Congressional and DC Legislation -- Analysis of DC Gun Laws under the Proposed Amendments -- Authority of DC to Promulgate Rules -- DC Semiautomatic Ban -- Registration Requirements, Ammunition Sales, -- and Interstate Purchases -- Registration -- Ammunition Sales and Registration -- Interstate Transfers of Firearms -- Trigger Lock Requirement -- Criminal Penalties for Possession of Unregistered Firearms -- Regulating Inoperable Pistols and Harmonizing -- Definitions for Certain Types of Firearms -- Prohibitions of Firearms from Private -- and Sensitive Public Property -- Regulating the Carrying and Transport of Firearms -- Carrying of Firearms -- Transportation of Firearms -- Toy and Antique Pistols -- Providing Jurisdiction to Office of Administrative Hearings -- Additional District Provisions that Would Be Affected by the Congressional Proposals -- Qualifications and Duties for Dealers of Firearms -- Transfer or Sale by Non-Dealers and by Licensed Dealers -- Assault Weapons/Handgun Roster -- Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices -- Waiting Period -- Microstamping and Discharge of Firearms -- End Notes
The South Carolina Budget and Control Board, Division of General Services published the findings of an audit of the procurement policies and procedures of the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy.
In: Opposing viewpoints series
Why consider opposing viewpoints? -- Introduction -- Does the criminal justice system need reform? -- Chapter preface -- 1) Grand juries should be reformed to check prosecutor power / Stanley S. Arkin -- 2) Grand juries should be reformed to reflect the communities they serve / Kevin K. Washburn -- 3) Law enforcement should cease racial profiling / Jesselyn McCurdy -- 4) Law enforcement does not engage in racial profiling / Steve Chapman -- 5) Terrorism suspects should be tried in federal court / Carl Tobias -- 6) Terrorism suspects should be tried by military commission / R. Peter Masterton -- 7) The criminal justice system should be lenient on minors / MacArthur Foundation -- Periodical bibliography -- What is the state of the prison system in the United States? -- Chapter preface -- High incarceration rates decrease crime rates / James Q. Wilson -- High incarceration rates do not necessarily decrease crime rates / Howard N. Snyder and Jeanne B. Stinchcomb -- Comprehensive reentry programs will reduce recidivism / Mark A. Nadler -- Reentry programs are often flawed / Douglas B. Marlowe -- Faith-based prison programs should be supported by the government / John D. Hewitt -- Faith-based prison programs are unconstitutional / Lawrence T. Jablecki -- Periodical bibliography -- Should sentencing laws be reformed? -- Chapter preface -- Mandatory minimum sentences are necessary and just / Alberto Gonzales -- Mandatory minimum sentences are unnecessary and unjust / Mary Price -- The death penalty should be abolished / Amnesty International -- The death penalty should not be abolished / David B. Muhlhausen -- Crack-cocaine sentencing laws should be reformed retroactively / Mark Mauer -- Crack-cocaine sentencing laws should not be reformed retroactively / Gretchen C.F. Shappert -- Periodical bibliography -- Are defendants' rights protected in the United States? -- Chapter preface -- 1) War detainees deserve the right to habeas corpus / Aziz Huq -- 2) War detainees have no right to habeas corpus / Andrew C. McCarthy -- Are we failing to safeguard the rights of poor defendants / Kirsten Anderberg -- 4) Judges are failing to safeguard the rights of poor defendants / Richard Klein -- 5) Circumventing police' knock and announce' rules violate civil rights / Radley Balko -- 6) The exclusionary rule should be abolished / William Tucker -- Periodical bibliography -- For further discussion -- Organizations to contact -- Bibliography of books -- Index
CLIFFSQUICKREVIEW Criminal Justice -- About the Author -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- CHAPTER 1 THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM -- The Structure of Criminal Justice -- The Process of Criminal Justice -- The Politics of Criminal Justice -- Great Debates in Criminal Justice: Should the Crime Control Model or the Due Process Model Prevail? -- CHAPTER 2 CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN THE U. S. -- Citizen Participation -- Rights Consciousness and Civil Liberties -- Racial Disparities in American Criminal Justice -- Great Debates in Criminal Justice: Is the Criminal Justice System Racist? -- CHAPTER 3 CRIME -- Definitions of Crime -- Types of Crime -- Part I Offenses -- Drugs and Crime -- Guns and Crime -- Great Debates in Criminal Justice: Does Gun Control Reduce Crime? -- CHAPTER 4 CRIMINAL LAW -- Sources of Criminal Law -- The Nature of Criminal Law -- Functions of Criminal Law -- Legal Elements of a Crime -- Legal Defenses and Justifications for Crimes -- The Limits of Criminal Law -- Great Debates in Criminal Justice: Should Drugs Be Legalized? -- CHAPTER 5 DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN POLICE -- Policing Colonial America -- Developing the New Police -- Frontier Justice -- Progressive Police Reform -- Crime Control Decades (1919-1959) -- Policing the Social Crises of the 1960s -- Crime Control Revisited (1970s-1990s) -- Law Enforcement Goes High-Tech -- Great Debates in Criminal Justice: Should Police Take DNA Samples from All Arrestees? -- CHAPTER 6 POLICE FUNCTION -- The Nature of Police Work -- Police Systems -- Police Organization -- Police Strategies -- Great Debates in Criminal Justice: Does Community Policing Prevent Crime? -- CHAPTER 7 POLICE POWERS AND CITIZENS' RIGHTS -- Criminal Procedure and the Constitution -- The Right to Privacy -- The Exclusionary Rule -- The Fifth Amendment's Right Against Self-Incrimination
In: Peace research reviews, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 45-52
ISSN: 0553-4283
In: Aspects of Britain