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45897 Ergebnisse
In: Political corruption and governance
By exploring the anti-corruption strategies in six countries, this book is the first detailed, cross-national analysis on techniques to address corruption. It highlights the importance of understanding that quality of governance is critical to tackling corruption and that only when this link is truly appreciated can inroads into corruption be made.
Preliminary pages -- Contributors -- Introduction -- 1. Good government and corruption -- 2. Research: A tool for building corruption resistance - Angela Gorta -- 3. An international human rights approach to corruption - Zoe Pearson -- 4. Regulating virtue: formulating, engendering and enforcing corporate ethical codes - Andrew Brien -- 5. Building organisational integrity - Catherine Boardman and Vicki Klum -- 6. Controlling corruption by heads of government and political elites - David A. Chaikin -- 7. The microeconomics of corruptionthe classical approach - Flavio M. Menezes -- 8. Transnational crime: corruption, crony capitalism and nepotism in the twenty-first century - John McFarlane -- 9. The prevention and control of economic crime - Peter Grabosky -- 10. Use of information technology to address institutional failure - Asim Barman -- 11. Depoliticising key institutions for combatting corruptiont: the new Thai constitution - Borwornsak Uwanno -- 12. Combatting corruption in the Philippine Customs Service - Guillermo Parayno, Jr. -- 13. Corruption as a social process from dyads to networks - John Warburton -- References -- Index
There is new international attention being given to the old problem of corruption. It has been taken up by international organisations, and driven by economic analysis. It is impatient of cultural justifications, and suspicious of state action. It is concerned with corruption prevention as much as detection, investigation and prosecution. Corruption and Anti-Corruption deals with the international dimensions of corruption, including campaigns to recover the assets of former dictators, and the links between corruption, transnational and economic crime. It deals with corruption as an issue in political theory, and shows how it can be addressed in campaigns for human rights. It also presents case studies of reform efforts in Philippines, India and Thailand. The book explains the doctrines of a well-established domestic anticorruption agency. It is based on research to develop a curriculum for a unique international training course on 'Corruption and Anti-Corruption', designed and taught by academics at The Australian National University, the Australian Institute of Criminology and public servants in the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption. Versions have been taught in Canberra, and several countries in South East Asia
There is new international attention being given to the old problem of corruption. It has been taken up by international organisations, and driven by economic analysis. It is impatient of cultural justifications, and suspicious of state action. It is concerned with corruption prevention as much as detection, investigation and prosecution. Corruption and Anti-Corruption deals with the international dimensions of corruption, including campaigns to recover the assets of former dictators, and the links between corruption, transnational and economic crime. It deals with corruption as an issue in political theory, and shows how it can be addressed in campaigns for human rights. It also presents case studies of reform efforts in Philippines, India and Thailand. The book explains the doctrines of a well-established domestic anticorruption agency. It is based on research to develop a curriculum for a unique international training course on 'Corruption and Anti-Corruption', designed and taught by academics at The Australian National University, the Australian Institute of Criminology and public servants in the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption. Versions have been taught in Canberra, and several countries in South East Asia.
There is new international attention being given to the old problem of corruption. It has been taken up by international organisations, and driven by economic analysis. It is impatient of cultural justifications, and suspicious of state action. It is concerned with corruption prevention as much as detection, investigation and prosecution. Corruption and Anti-Corruption deals with the international dimensions of corruption, including campaigns to recover the assets of former dictators, and the links between corruption, transnational and economic crime. It deals with corruption as an issue in political theory, and shows how it can be addressed in campaigns for human rights. It also presents case studies of reform efforts in Philippines, India and Thailand.
The book explains the doctrines of a well-established domestic anticorruption agency. It is based on research to develop a curriculum for a unique international training course on 'Corruption and Anti-Corruption', designed and taught by academics at The Australian National University, the Australian Institute of Criminology and public servants in the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption. Versions have been taught in Canberra, and several countries in South East Asia.
In: Political Corruption and Governance
In: Political Corruption and Governance Ser.
By exploring the anti-corruption strategies in six countries, this book is the first detailed, cross-national analysis on techniques to address corruption. It highlights the importance of understanding that quality of governance is critical to tackling corruption and that only when this link is truly appreciated can inroads into corruption be made
In: Arbeitspapiere und Materialien / Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen, Band 65
Der Beitrag über die politische Korruption in Polen gliedert sich in zwei Untersuchungsgegenstände: Die erste Studie befasst sich mit den Ursprüngen der Korruption im post-kommunistischen Polen. Dabei gliedern sich die Ausführungen bzw. das Datenmaterial von 1991 bis 2004 in folgende Punkte zum aktuellen Ausmaß der Korruption: (1) Indikatoren der Korruption - Wahrnehmung, Korruptionspraktiken, strukturelle Korruption; (2) korruptionsfördernde Faktoren - Privatisierungstempo, Handhabung des öffentlichen Beschaffungswesens, Rolle des Geheimdienstes im polnischen Transformationsprozess. Die zweite Studie beleuchtet in einer Fallstudie den Klientelismus in der schlesischen Bergbauindustrie seit Beginn des Transformationsprozesses 1990 bis 2003. Die Befunde basieren auf Netzwerkanalysen, Befragungen sowie Inhaltsanalysen von Wirtschaftsprogrammen zur Restrukturierung dieses Industriezweiges, Artikeln und Inspektionsberichten. Nach einer Darstellung der Organisationsstruktur der Bergbauindustrie werden die Untersuchungsergebnisse in Angaben (1) zum Massenklientelismus im Kontext der Beschäftigungssituation der Bergleute und (2) zum individuellen Klientelismus bzw. Vetternwirtschaft (zusätzliche Einkommensquellen durch die Verbindung der Bergbaugesellschaften zu der Privatwirtschaft) unterteilt. Ferner werden Ausprägung und Ausmaß des Klientelismus anhand der 'Umdrehungen des Positionenkarussells' verdeutlicht, also dem Netzwerk der Machtzirkel in Bergbau und Politik. Abschließend werden in einer Zusammenfassung die Hauptgründe und Konsequenzen für das Auftreten von Netzwerken mit klientelistischen Verbindungen im Bergbau genannt. (ICG2)
In: Journal of democracy, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 47-47
ISSN: 1086-3214
In: Pellegrini , L & Gerlagh , R 2004 , ' Corruption ' , Kyklos , vol. 57 , no. 3 , pp. 429-456 . https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0023-5962.2004.00261.x
A common finding of recent theoretical and empirical literature is that corruption has a negative effect on economic growth. In the paper, through growth regression analysis, we estimate the direct and indirect effects of corruption on economic growth. The indirect transmission channels, specifically investments, trade policy, schooling, and political stability, analysed in our study prove to be significant in explaining the deleterious effect of corruption on growth rates. We find that one standard deviation increase in the corruption index is associated with a decrease in investments of 2.46 per centage points, which in turn decreases economic growth by 0.34 per cent per year. The second, by importance, transmission channel is openness: a standard deviation increase in the corruption index is associated with a decrease of the openness index by 0.19, resulting in a decrease in economic growth by 0.30 percent per year. Jointly, the transmission channels explain 81 per cent of the effect of corruption on growth. While combating corruption is a long-term task, an understanding of the transmission channels, through which corruption affects the economy, may suggest ways to limit corruption's negative, but indirect, effects on growth.
In: Romania and the European Union, S. 203-229
In: International journal / Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Band 58, Heft 1, S. 223-224
ISSN: 0020-7020
Ukraine is more than 30 spots ahead of Russia on the 2022 Rule of Law Index.
In: International Journal, Band 58, Heft 1, S. 223
In: Discussion paper series 6272
In: Development economics