Lexical cooccurrence of mental verbs in the Chinese language
In: Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, Heft 1, S. 34-41
83 Ergebnisse
In: Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, Heft 1, S. 34-41
In: Technologie et innovation: Technology and innovation, Band 6, Heft 2
ISSN: 2399-8571
International audience ; This contribution defines the cooccurrence as a textual unit for statistical text analysis. Through the study of a corpus of statements of principles of women and men candidates under the French Fifth republic (1958-2007), it aims to expose some of the main benefits of using cooccurrences for textual comparisons. As minimal forms of co(n)text and semantic units, cooccurrences are a qualitative leap in the characterization of texts. ; Cette contribution pose les cooccurrences comme des unités textuelles pour le traitement statistique des textes. Elle vise, à travers des analyses menées sur un corpus de professions de foi électorales rédigées sous la Cinquième République (1958-2007), à exposer quelques-uns des principaux apports de l'application des outils de contrastes textuels à l'unité cooccurrentielle. Forme minimale du co(n)texte et déjà porteuse de sens, la cooccurrence incarne pour les entreprises de caractérisation des textes une avancée qualitative notable.
International audience ; This contribution defines the cooccurrence as a textual unit for statistical text analysis. Through the study of a corpus of statements of principles of women and men candidates under the French Fifth republic (1958-2007), it aims to expose some of the main benefits of using cooccurrences for textual comparisons. As minimal forms of co(n)text and semantic units, cooccurrences are a qualitative leap in the characterization of texts. ; Cette contribution pose les cooccurrences comme des unités textuelles pour le traitement statistique des textes. Elle vise, à travers des analyses menées sur un corpus de professions de foi électorales rédigées sous la Cinquième République (1958-2007), à exposer quelques-uns des principaux apports de l'application des outils de contrastes textuels à l'unité cooccurrentielle. Forme minimale du co(n)texte et déjà porteuse de sens, la cooccurrence incarne pour les entreprises de caractérisation des textes une avancée qualitative notable.
In: La revue internationale de l'éducation familiale, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 37-61
ISSN: 1279-7766
Résumé Les services de protection sont de plus en plus appelés à intervenir auprès des familles aux prises avec une cooccurrence de violence conjugale et de maltraitance envers des enfants. Or, on dispose de peu de connaissances sur le profil des familles aux prises avec des situations de cooccurrence qui sont connues des services de protection de l'enfance. La présente étude vise à documenter les caractéristiques ayant trait aux enfants, aux parents, à leur famille ainsi qu'aux formes de maltraitance et de violence conjugale associées aux situations de cooccurrence à partir d'un échantillon de 1025 enfants signalés aux services de protection francophones de Montréal au Québec (Canada). Trois groupes sont distingués : 1) les enfants exclusivement exposés à la violence conjugale, 2) les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale et victimes de maltraitance, 3 ) les enfants victimes de maltraitance mais non exposés à la violence conjugale. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que les situations de cooccurrence de violence conjugale et de mauvais traitements envers les enfants sont associées à un portrait plus lourd aux plans des formes de maltraitance, des conséquences pour l'enfant et des facteurs de risques parentaux et familiaux.
In: Rossijskij gumanitarnyj žurnal: Liberal arts in Russia, Band 8, Heft 5, S. 371
ISSN: 2312-6442
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 29, Heft 26, S. 38768-38796
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: Cahiers québécois de démographie, Band 44, Heft 1, S. 35-64
ISSN: 1705-1495
La cooccurrence des symptômes est un problème de santé publique dans plusieurs pays en développement. Faute de données appropriées, on dispose de très peu de preuves entre cooccurrence des symptômes, environnement et facteurs démographiques. Dans cet article, on recourt aux données sur cinq quartiers de l'Observatoire de population de Ouagadougou pour examiner l'influence des facteurs environnementaux et démographiques dans la cooccurrence de la diarrhée et de la fièvre. Les analyses multivariées basées sur des modèles logit ordonnés montrent que les effets de l'environnement et des facteurs démographiques sont plus importants sur la diarrhée ou la fièvre simple que sur la diarrhée et la fièvre combinées. Les analyses révèlent également que l'insalubrité du ménage, la nature du sol extérieur et l'âge de l'enfant sont des facteurs importants de cooccurrence de la diarrhée et de la fièvre chez les enfants.
In: STOTEN-D-22-02597
A-08-02 ; International audience ; Vine-plot mapping and monitoring are crucial issues in land management, particularly for areas where vineyards are dominant like in some French regions. In this context, the availability of an automatic tool for vineyard detection and characterization would be very useful. The objective of the study is to compare two different approaches to meet this need. The first one uses directional variations of the contrast feature computed from Haralick's cooccurrence matrices and the second one is based on a local Fourier Transform. For each pixel, a 'vine index' is computed on a sliding window. To foster large-scale applications, test and validation were carried out on standard very high spatial resolution remote-sensing data. 70.8% and 86% of the 271 plots of the study area were correctly classified using the cooccurrence and the frequency method respectively. Moreover, the latter enabled an accurate determination (less than 3% error) of interrow width and row orientation.
A-08-02 ; International audience ; Vine-plot mapping and monitoring are crucial issues in land management, particularly for areas where vineyards are dominant like in some French regions. In this context, the availability of an automatic tool for vineyard detection and characterization would be very useful. The objective of the study is to compare two different approaches to meet this need. The first one uses directional variations of the contrast feature computed from Haralick's cooccurrence matrices and the second one is based on a local Fourier Transform. For each pixel, a 'vine index' is computed on a sliding window. To foster large-scale applications, test and validation were carried out on standard very high spatial resolution remote-sensing data. 70.8% and 86% of the 271 plots of the study area were correctly classified using the cooccurrence and the frequency method respectively. Moreover, the latter enabled an accurate determination (less than 3% error) of interrow width and row orientation.
A-08-02 ; International audience ; Vine-plot mapping and monitoring are crucial issues in land management, particularly for areas where vineyards are dominant like in some French regions. In this context, the availability of an automatic tool for vineyard detection and characterization would be very useful. The objective of the study is to compare two different approaches to meet this need. The first one uses directional variations of the contrast feature computed from Haralick's cooccurrence matrices and the second one is based on a local Fourier Transform. For each pixel, a 'vine index' is computed on a sliding window. To foster large-scale applications, test and validation were carried out on standard very high spatial resolution remote-sensing data. 70.8% and 86% of the 271 plots of the study area were correctly classified using the cooccurrence and the frequency method respectively. Moreover, the latter enabled an accurate determination (less than 3% error) of interrow width and row orientation.
A-08-02 ; International audience ; Vine-plot mapping and monitoring are crucial issues in land management, particularly for areas where vineyards are dominant like in some French regions. In this context, the availability of an automatic tool for vineyard detection and characterization would be very useful. The objective of the study is to compare two different approaches to meet this need. The first one uses directional variations of the contrast feature computed from Haralick's cooccurrence matrices and the second one is based on a local Fourier Transform. For each pixel, a 'vine index' is computed on a sliding window. To foster large-scale applications, test and validation were carried out on standard very high spatial resolution remote-sensing data. 70.8% and 86% of the 271 plots of the study area were correctly classified using the cooccurrence and the frequency method respectively. Moreover, the latter enabled an accurate determination (less than 3% error) of interrow width and row orientation.
In: Socius: sociological research for a dynamic world, Band 10
ISSN: 2378-0231
Cynicism poses a potentially formidable barrier to personal and collective investments in addressing the climate emergency that has yet to receive substantive research attention. In this article, the results of a qualitative study involving interviews with 74 participants in Canada and the United States regarding personal perspectives on climate change are presented. Several different forms of cynicism were expressed across the sample, including media cynicism, government cynicism, policy cynicism, political economy cynicism, human nature cynicism, and science cynicism. Using cooccurrence analysis, cynicism was found to be strongly associated with confidence in societal response to the climate emergency, and personal feelings of powerlessness. Although not the most prevalent cynicism code, political economy cynicism had the strongest level of cooccurrence with low response confidence and powerlessness. The implications for research and praxis are discussed.
In: STOTEN-D-22-09957