Construction Projects
In: The women's review of books, Band 15, Heft 7, S. 8
16528 Ergebnisse
In: The women's review of books, Band 15, Heft 7, S. 8
Construction is questionably a main part in relative to comprehensive development . It plays an important part in the role in the economy as and in people's survives over influencing and preserving the environment of the city-region's constructed, and it is a rising sector. To provide an efficient performance and more development of the economic, there is emphases on optimizing the employees contribution to the goals and areas of the governments. The training significance as a management central part has long been documented by principal writers.This paper aim to find the impact of training in the construction industry and how the training is been underestimate lead in increase the cost by using the simulation technique system dynamic. The research methodology include designing of questionnaire that consist of three items , the first item include , general Training (Training Program), evaluation of on-the-job training and evaluation of training after establishing work and the second part include building the model using system dynamic to show the effect of training on the cost of construction. the results the authors made the following conclusions .The absence of training program has very strong effect as the absence of such program is caused by the finance absence , this is common problem with Iraqi construction industry. The most environment of the Iraqi industry is the absence of the finance from both owner and contractor as they ignore this part and consider unnecessary expenses and this will lead to unqualified engineering or worker in the wrong job .The absence of management mean that , usually the contractor and his staff are working without the supervise or represented from the owner side , which some time mean unskilled workers may be hired which lead to delay of the work and cost overruns .
The Swedish construction sector has for some time struggled with problems that result in increased costs, delays and faults. To sort out and analyse these problems, the federal government appointed a commission that produced the report "Skärpning gubbar" (2002). This report highlights that despite ongoing work with quality management and internal quality surveillance, improvements still lack. Risk management is about thinking ahead and calculating the risks and uncertainties involved in a project, which is mostoften part of the quality management system in an organization. The systems available have been developed to focus on medium to large sized projects, leaving behind the smaller projects needs, conditions and application. However, the smaller projects are an essential part of the construction sector, with 83% of all projects smaller than 15 MSEK.In this study the research questions have focused on the smaller projects and their tools and methods to handle risks, and how the theoretical framework in the field of risk management corresponds to routines in the involved companies. The study also presents previous research in the field of risk management in construction. Finally, the drivers and obstacles for risk management in small projects are also focused upon.An interview study was carried out to answer the research questions. Triangulation was done using document and literature searches. Ten projects were involved with three key role individuals in each; site manager and project managers from the client and construction company, totaling 28 interviews.The results from this study show a need for improvements regarding risk management in small sized construction projects. Present risk management lacks both system and application. The results also show that risk management education and training is low, almost non-existent, in the studied projects. Also, the management system is more of an obstacle than of beneficial use for efficient risk management, with frustrating routinesthat are too extensive. Previous research similar to this study shows that the reliance on the individual experience and background is high and that the most commonly used tools are different types of checklists. This could, however, not be considered systematic risk management. Critical to how risk management works at site are the individuals and their judgments. The management systems adopted on site have not been essential or in some cases not even of any use.This thesis, as well as the report "Skärpning gubbar" (2002), and previous research, show that merely using management systems is not enough to attain efficient control of construction projects. This thesis suggests continuing with research that focuses on theindividuals and their attitudes, the organizations culture and the maturity in relation to risk and risk management. ; Den svenska byggsektorn har brottats med problem som resulterar i höga byggkostnader, förseningar och byggfel. För att komma till rätta med dessa problem tillsatte regeringen en kommission som 2002 presenterade sin rapport Skärpning gubbar. Här konstateras att det trots insatser på kvalitetssystem och utökad egenkontroll inte gett önskvärda resultat. Riskhantering handlar om att kunna förutse och beräkna risker och osäkerheter i ett projekt och ofta utgör det en del av de kvalitetssystem som tillämpas i företagen idag. De system som tagits fram har i huvudsak fokuserat på medelstora till stora projekt och de små projektens behov, förutsättningar och tillämpning av systemen har lämnats därhän. De små projekten utgör dock en väsentlig del av den svenska byggbranschen. 83% av antalet projekt är mindre än 15 miljoner sek. Många små förluster här ger i slutändan stort ekonomisk utfall på grund av antalet små projekt under ett år. I den här studien har forskningsfrågorna fokuserat på att ta reda på hur de små projekten hanterar risker samt hur väl de teoretiska ramverken inom riskhantering stämmer med de rutiner och riktlinjer som finns i de undersökta byggföretagen. Utöver detta inkluderar studien en genomgång av tidigare forskning inom riskhantering i byggprojekt. Slutligen har även studien sökt svar på vad som verkar som hinder och drivkrafter för att tillämpa riskhantering i små projekt. För att få svar på dessa forskningsfrågor har en intervjustudie genomförts och triangulerats med dokument- och litteraturstudier. Utifrån 10 entreprenadprojekt har tre nyckelroller; platschef, arbetschef och byggledare, i varje projekt intervjuats, totalt 28 intervjuer. Resultaten från den här studien visar att det finns behov av förbättringar inom riskhantering i små projekt. Den riskhantering som finns idag visar brister i såväl systematik som tillämpning. Resultaten visar även att utbildning inom riskhantering är låg, näst intill obefintlig, i de undersökta projekten. Det visar sig även att systemen i sig upplevs mer som hinder än som stöd för en effektiv riskhantering. Det finns en frustration över alltför omfattande rutiner. Tidigare forskning visar i likhet med den här forskningen att tilliten till egen erfarenhet och bakgrund är hög samt att det verktyg som används mest är olika former av checklistor. Dessa arbetssätt kan dock knappast anses uppfylla kriterierna för systematisk riskhantering. Det som är av betydelse för hur riskhanteringen har fungerat i dessa projekt beror till stor del på individen och dennes personliga bedömningar. De verksamhetssystem som finns har inte varit avgörande eller i vissa fall ens till någon nytta. ; Godkänd; 2006; 20061120 (pafi)
The construction industry is increasingly concerned with improving its environmental performance and reducing the environmental impact. Construction projects utilise water and generate wastewater. A considerable volume of water is used for washing and cleaning processes at construction sites which is often unmetered. At the same time, liquid waste/wastewater generated from construction projects is harmful to the environment and human health, pollutes the groundwater and the ground soil and therefore, it is important to manage liquid waste appropriately. This project investigated the current practice of liquid waste management (LWM) and treatment including the legal requirements related to LWM in construction projects. The sources of liquid waste, different methods used for managing liquid waste in construction sites and barriers for implementing sustainable LWM practices have been identified through semi-structured interviews with industry experts. Systems that improve current practice have been studied as comparators. The average of water consumed for tool washing and water-saving per square meter have been estimated for different types of buildings and compared against the use of sustainable LWM systems in construction projects. Moreover, this study compares the total volume of water consumed for tool washing between water mains and sustainable LWM systems. This research summarises the practice of LWM in construction projects through the analysis of expert user views while providing an account of legislation relent. It also summarises the water use and water saving potential when sustainable LWM practices are adopted. It has the potential to add new and under-measured factors to the current LWM systems for the Green Rating of buildings and produce a more sustainable construction industry.
Construction projects undergo critical stages resulting to circumstances with high uncertainty and risk, which has been escalated by the pandemic. As the pandemic continues to overwhelm the world, its negative effects to construction industry are clearly manifested. Health and safety risks in previous studies and researchers are not risk factors that has great impact to construction industry. However, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly increases the risks that needs intensive risk management techniques to continue construction operations. This study seeks to identify emerging risks and explored risk management techniques applied by construction companies in the Philippines in light of covid-19 pandemic. Findings of the study were based from a questionnaire survey on pandemic risk management in construction projects. Questionnaires were administered based on purposive sampling. Respondents were civil engineers and architects who are directly involved in management and administration of construction projects. The data obtained were analyzed and presented through frequency table and charts. As concluded, health and safety risk are the main risks factors that has effects on cost, time and quality of construction projects. Furthermore, these risks must be managed with great effort and coordination with the government to minimize its effects. In addition, the study is essential to construction industry to mitigate and control new emerging risk to ensure successful project completion.
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 109, Heft 4, S. 270-274
ISSN: 1436-4980
Der Bau von Gebäuden setzt permanente Wechselwirkungen zwischen den initialen Planungsaktivitäten und den späteren Steuerungsmaßnahmen voraus. Diese Rückkopplung wird oftmals unterschätzt. Zur Steigerung der Transparenz von Informationen und aktuellen Entwicklungen auf der Baustelle wird ein mobiles, softwaregestütztes Funktionsmuster entwickelt. Dieses orientiert sich an Erfolgsfaktoren von Bauprojekten und unterstützt die Projektstakeholder orts- sowie zeitunabhängig.
The construction of buildings involves permanent interdependencies between initial planning processes and subsequent control activities. These circumstances are often underestimated. To make information and current developments on construction sites more transparent, a mobile functional model has been developed, based on critical success factors of factory construction projects. Moreover, it supports project stakeholders regardless of time and place.
تعاني المشاريع الانشائية في العراق من القيود (الاقتصادية والتقنية والسياسية والقانونية والبيئية) التي تعوق عملها لذا من الضروري تحديد هذه القيود من خلال إتباع النظريات من أجل تحديدها بدقة وتوفير معلومات مفيدة لاتخاذ قرارات حول قيود الإنتاج وتأثيرها على العمل، يعرف القيد بأنه: أي محدد يمنع المشروع من تحقيق أهدافه أو تحقيق مستوى من الأداء بالنسبة لهذا الهدف، لذا لا بد من استخدام بعض النظريات، بما في ذلك نظريات القيود التي تحدد لها وإيجاد حلول لتلك العقبات من خلال مخططات منهج التفكير. وتعرف نظرية القيود: بأنها "فلسفة إدارية شاملة تهدف إلى تحقيق مستمر لأكثر من هدف واحد في المشروع. فإذا كان المشروع يعمل على تحقيق إنجاز معين في مشروع ما ،بعد تحديد القيود وأنواعها وكل حسب مدى اهميته وتأثيره سوف يتم ايجاد الحلول لها بواسطة "منهج ألتفكير" الذي يعرف بأنه : يوفر اطار متكامل لإلية عمل المشاريع اذ يساعد على تحديد ومعالجة المعوقات التي تعاني منها المشاريع والعمل على تحديد الحلول الملائمة وذلك من خلال مجموعة من مخططات التفكير المنطقية التي تبدأ بدراسة واقع الحالي للمشروع الذي يعاني من المعوقات ومن ثم البحث عن مجموعة المعوقات التي تعانيها ويتم ترتيب المعوقات بحسب اهميتها ومدى ارتباطها ببعض وذلك من أجل تحديد المشاكل الجوهرية التي تسبب في حدوث الواقع غير المرغوب، يتم بعد ذلك تقديم مجموعة من الحلول المقترحة ويتم دراسة هذه الحلول وبيان النتائج المستقبلية لكل حل وفائدته في معالجة المشكلة المحددة ومدى الأثر المستقبلي لتطبيقه، اذ ستتمثل المنهجية المستخدمة في البحث في استخراج المؤشرات من الإطار النظري والعملي وإيجاد الحلول من خلال مخطط منهج التفكير للخروج بعدد من الاستنتاجات والتوصيات الرامية إلى تحقيق أهداف البحث. ; Construction projects in Iraq are suffering from constraints (financial, technical, political, legal and environmental) that hamper their work. It is therefore necessary to identify these constraints by following the theories in order to accurately identify and provide useful information to make decisions about production constraints and their impact on work. To achieve its objectives or achieve a level of performance for this goal, so it is necessary to use some theories, including theories of constraints that identify ...
In: IEEE transactions on engineering management: EM ; a publication of the IEEE Engineering Management Society, Band 50, Heft 2, S. 135-140
In: The current digest of the Soviet press: publ. each week by The Joint Committee on Slavic Studies, Band 29, S. 4-5
ISSN: 0011-3425