This new edition of William Binchy's definitive work on Private International Law is substantially revised, expanded and updated to include all the developments of the past seventeen years, including the relevant international conventions and instruments. The book is divided into 36 chapters covering the entire area of Private International Law as governed by custom, convention and legislation.
Powerful emotion and pursuit of self-interest have many times led people to break the law with the belief that they are doing so with sound moral reasons. This study, a comprehensive philosophical and legal analysis of the gray area in which the foundations of law and morality clash, views these oblique circumstances from two perspectives: that of the person who faces a possible conflict between the claims of morality and law and must choose whether or not to obey the penal code; and that of the people who make and uphold laws and must decide whether to treat someone with a moral claim to disobey differently from ordinary lawbreakers. In examining the extent of the obligations owed by citizens to their government, Greenawalt concentrates on the possible existence of a single source of obligation that reaches all citizens and all laws. He also discusses techniques of amelioration of punishment for conscientious lawbreakers, asking how far legal systems should go to accommodate individuals who break the law for reason of conscience. Drawing from numerous examples of conflicts between law and morality, Greeawalt illustrates in detail the positions and predicaments of potential lawbreakers and lawmakers alike. ;
The purpose of this paper is the analysis of the impact that the environmental law principles, proclaimed in the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union and integrated in the secondary EU law, have on the conflict of law provisions in the Rome II Regulation. This entails examination of the provisions on parties' choice of applicable law, special provision for environmental damages, and certain provisions which specifically address the public interest concerns, such as the one on taking account of rules of safety and conduct and the one on applying the forum overriding mandatory rules. The scrutiny focuses on the issue of the extent to which the conflict of law provisions presently in force serve as a mechanism additional to the substantive and procedural rules in implementing the EU environmental policy.
"New insights offered by neuroscience have provoked discussions of the nature of human agency and responsibility. Alces draws on neuroscience to explore the internal contradictions of legal doctrines, and consider what would be involved in constructing novel legal regimes based on emerging understandings of human capacities and characteristics not only in criminal law but in contract and tort law."--Provided by publisher
Bu tezin amacı; ilk olarak Roma II Tüzüğü'nün uzun yolunu tarihsel arka planına,kabulüne ve yürürlüğüne uzanarak ilk adımlarından itibaren aydınlatmaktır. Roma IIYönetmeliği Avrupa Birliği hukukunu nasıl etkilediği, bu hukukta hangi değişikliklereyol açtığı, sözleşmedışı borçların kapsamı, Roma II Tüzüğü uyarınca uygulanacakhukuku seçme özgürlüğü.Haksız fiil kavramı medeni hukuka ait bir kavram olmaktan öteye gitmiş, haksız fiilerhakkında uygulanan hukuk kuralları ile genel kuralların yanı sıra haksız fiilin bir unsurolarak yer bulduğu farklı davaların keşfiyle haksız fiil Avrupa Birliği hukukundakii birkavram şeklinde sonuç vermiş ve Roma II Tüzüğü'ndeki ilgili maddelerle birlikte dahada gelişmiştir.Yıllarca süren bir diktatörlük süreci yaşamış bir devlet olan Arnavutluk'un sahip olduğubu tarihsel arka plandan dolayı halen gelişim sürecinde olan Arnavutluk'taki kanunlarihtilafı kuralları ile karşılaştırmak amacıyla Avrupa Birliği kavramlarını daha daderinlemesine değiştirmem, bunu oldukça karmaşık ve zorlayıcı bir hâle getirdi.Tez; bilgi toplanarak ve tarihe geri dönülerek yürütülen analize ve karşılaştırmayadayanan bir araştırmanın ürünüdür. Bu tezin konusu, Avrupa Birliği hukukuna görehaksız fiilin bulunması durumunda hangi hukuku uygulayacağımızı bilmek ve bunuArnavutluk kanunlar ihtilafı kuralları ile karşılaştırmaktır.Bu tezin amacı, Avrupa Birliği hukuku ile bunun dışındaki hukuk arasındaki farklarıgörmektir. --- The purpose of this thesis is to bring to light first the long road of the Rome IIRegulation from its first steps going back to its historical background, adoption andenter into force. How Rome II Regulation affected European Union law, what changesbrought to it, the scope of non-contractual obligations, freedom to choose the applicablelaw under Rome II Regulation.To go further with the concept of tort first as a concept under civil law, the lawapplicable to tort and the general rules as well as discovering different cases which havetort as their element and to end it up with tort as a concept under European Union lawand more developed inside Rome II Regulation with its responsible articles.Deeper there are studied the European Union law concepts in order to make acomparision between Albanian conflicts of law which still is in its road of improvingbecause of the historical background of Albania as a state which went through dictaturefor many years it makes it quite complex and challenging.The thesis consists in a research work, collecting informations, going back inhistory, analyzing and comparing.The subject of this thesis is to know which law we apply in case of torts underEuropean Union law and to compare it with Albanian conflict of law rules.The aim of this thesis is to see the differences between European Union lawand non-European Union law.