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761 Ergebnisse
In: Social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers, Band 53, Heft 3, S. 233-242
ISSN: 1545-6846
In: Social Sciences: open access journal, Band 8, Heft 9, S. 256
ISSN: 2076-0760
A large numbers of studies have supported the crucial role of brand love in consumer–brand relationships; however, research that examines fashion brand love and its relationship with cognitive aspects and self-concept congruency remains limited. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify important factors that are associated with fashion brand love. A questionnaire in which participants provided self-reported responses was created to measure the constructs and structural equation modeling (SEM) and independent sample t-tests were conducted to test the hypothesized relationships. Our results indicated that consumers who know more about fashion brands are more likely to have stronger emotional attachment to their favorite fashion brand and brand love, in turn, has a significant effect on performing brand-loyal behaviors. Furthermore, our results demonstrated that fashion brand love is strongly associated with actual and ideal self-congruity. These findings suggest that it is important for fashion brands to focus on developing affective relationships with consumers to gain brand loyalty and one way to achieve this goal is to enhance brand awareness or knowledge among consumers. Fashion brands also need to invest in activities that aim to deliver a brand image congruent with actual and ideal self-concepts of the target market.
Working paper
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 32, Heft 7, S. 683-690
ISSN: 1179-6391
sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love was examined to identify the structure of the psyche implied in that theory. Sternberg's theory posits three components of human functioning to explain the phenomenon of love in close relationships: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Analysis
of these three components indicates that they align with a neoclassical model of the human psyche. A neoclassical psyche consists of at least three fundamental, irreducible capacities: cognition, affect, and conation. Sternberg's commitment component relies on the capacity for cognition
(and conation), the passion component is derived from conation (and affect), and the intimacy component is derived from emotional investment or the capacity for affect (and cognition). Therefore, Sternberg's overall Triangular Theory of Love ontologically presupposes a neoclassical structure
to the psyche.
1. Explaining the police -- 2. Three eras of policing -- 3. Policing in the Wild West -- 4. Integrity testing and the decision to arrest -- 5. Post 9-11 policing : a functional analysis -- 6. Elements of police discretion -- 7. The concept of proactivity : from indirect conation to modern municipal policing -- 8. Police as contact men and women -- 9. Security and private policing -- 10. Police and society : a summary of principles.
In: European business review, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 43-63
ISSN: 1758-7107
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of the trilogy of emotion – cognition, affection, and conation – on future purchase intentions in consumers of products of high involvement.Design/methodology/approach– The author employed two studies on two different products to test the influence of emotion on future purchase intentions in study one and to replicate the results of study one in study two, using structural equation modeling. In study two, brand awareness is regarded as a mediator.Findings– The results indicate that cognition can influence future purchase intentions, and that affection meaningfully influences future purchase intentions. Additionally, the researcher found that the impact of affection on future purchase intention is stronger than that of cognition on future purchase intentions. Moreover, brand awareness meaningfully influenced cognition, affection, and conation directly, and future purchase intentions indirectly.Practical implications– Encouraging conditions in which consumers have good thoughts and feelings about a prior purchase can bolster future purchase intentions, empowering the potent in future purchase for the brand involved.Originality/value– This research validates the impact of emotion – more specifically cognition and affection – on future purchase intentions under mediating role of brand awareness, in a country with growing markets. Hence, it adds to the literature of post-purchase important findings.
В статье освещены имеющиеся сложности и противоречия реализации государственной политики в области имущественных отношений и регулирования государственной собственности, которая предполагает наличие совокупности инструментария и ресурсов, а также субъективных возможностей и волевых усилий политической элиты и общества, осознание обществом значения активного включения в политические и управленческие процессы путем создания демократизации. ; In the article present complications and contradictions of realization of public policy are lighted up in area of property relations and adjusting of public domain that supposes the presence of totality of tool and resources, and also subjective possibilities and conations of political elite and society, realization by society of value of the active plugging in political and administrative processes by creation of democratization.
In: Res publica: politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van de Lage Landen ; driemaandelijks tijdschrift, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 107-114
ISSN: 0486-4700
The concept of space is discussed. "Space as cognition" includes: (1) space as metaphor--the ability to manipulate nonspatial data in spatial terms (eg, conveying the passage of time by the movement of the hands on a clock), (2) conventional space--delimited, real space, & (3) an intermediate category, technical space--"the intellectual modelling of spatial data themselves in spatial terms." "Space as affect" concerns the emotional dimension of space, the importance of the concepts of territory & boundary & the division "mine-thine." Within this category are several major concepts: (A) the formation of the territorial state, involving expansion, exploitation, provision, & consolidation, (B) the concepts of "externality" & "internality," based on the existence of boundaries, & (C) spatial. "Space as conation or striving" involves the conflicts between territorial desires & overriding needs for a universal sovereign state. B. Annesser.
This book offers a novel account of Aquinas's theory of the human act. It argues that Aquinas takes a human act to be a composite of two power-exercises, where one relates to the other as form to matter. The formal component is an act of the will, and the material component is a power-exercise caused by the will, which Aquinas refers to as the 'commanded act.' The book also argues that Aquinas conceptualizes the act of free choice as a hylomorphic composite: it is, materially, an act of the will, but it inherits a form from reason. As the book aims to show, the core idea of Aquinas's hylomorphic action theory is that the exercise of one power can structure the exercise of another power, and this provides a helpful way to think of the presence of cognition in conation and of intention in bodily movement.
In: Marketing theory, Band 4, Heft 1-2, S. 91-112
ISSN: 1741-301X
Cognizant of the need to provide for situations ranging from high to low consumer involvement, this article proposes seven new models that recognize different purchase situations and varying attitude formation processes. Specifically, four high involvement models, two variants of a medium-to-lower involvement model, and two low involvement models are proposed. Each model provides for both first-time and repeat-purchase situations. All seven have been developed with the intention of providing advertisers with frameworks upon which to develop integrated marketing communication strategies. In addition to providing for a variety of purchase situations including differing levels of involvement, the models recognize situations where product trial is possible/not possible, as well as differences between first-time and sequential buying situations. They also distinguish between conceptual and experiential attitudes and accordingly, emphasize the importance of conation (direct experience) in the process of attitude formation.
In: International journal of contemporary hospitality management, Band 36, Heft 6, S. 1893-1913
ISSN: 1757-1049
Drawing on the cognitive–affective–conative framework, this study aims to develop a model of service robot acceptance in the hospitality sector by incorporating both cognitive evaluations and affective responses.
A mixed-method approach combining qualitative and quantitative methods was used to develop measurement and test research hypotheses.
The results show that five cognitive evaluations (i.e. cuteness, coolness, courtesy, utility and autonomy) significantly influence consumers' positive affect, leading to customer acceptance intention. Four cognitive evaluations (cuteness, interactivity, courtesy and utility) significantly influence consumers' negative affect, which in turn positively affects consumer acceptance intention.
Practical implications
This study provides significant implications for the design and implementation of service robots in the hospitality and tourism sector.
Different from traditional technology acceptance models, this study proposed a model based on the hierarchical relationships of cognition, affect and conation to enhance knowledge about human–robot interactions.
In: Body & society, Band 19, Heft 2-3, S. 186-216
ISSN: 1460-3632
Habit is an integral concept for body studies, a hybrid concept and one that has provided the bedrock across the humanities for considering the interrelationships between movement and stasis, being and becoming, and process and fixity. Habits are seen to provide relay points between what is taken to be inside and outside, disrupting any clear and distinct boundary between nature and culture, self and other, the psychological and social, and even mind and matter. Habit thus discloses a paradox. It takes up a unique position in affect modulation, which encompasses both regulation (in the form of discipline) and also extends the body's potential for engaging the new, change and creativity. In order to understand the basis of the ambivalent duality governing understandings of habit it is argued that a genealogical approach to this question is necessary. This will be located within the recent 'turn to affect' and histories of conation within the psychological sciences, particularly taking the writings of William McDougall as a focus.
In: Information, technology & people, Band 37, Heft 4, S. 1514-1539
ISSN: 1758-5813
PurposeThe discontinuous usage behavior of short video social media presents an ongoing challenge to platform development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents of intentions to short media discontinuous usage.Design/methodology/approachThis study adopts a Cognition–Affection–Conation (CAC) framework to analyze short video social media discontinuous intention on the basis of cognitive dissonance theory (CDT) and self-efficacy theory. The empirical evaluation of the research model was conducted using SmartPLS 2.0 and was based on questionnaire data obtained from participants in China.FindingsThe results show information overload and user addiction have a significant positive association with cognitive dissonance, which is, in turn, found to significantly impact discontinuous usage intention. Self-efficacy moderates the relationships between information overload, user addiction, cognitive dissonance and discontinuous usage.Originality/valueThis study contributes to the understanding of the factors that influence short video discontinuous usage intention and it achieves this by engaging from a CDT perspective and by applying Self-Efficacy Theory. Theoretical implications for future short video platform research, as well as practical suggestions for short video platform operators and users, are also discussed.