Between 2009 and 2015, several rivers in the Doubs department were the scene of episodes of fish mortality. Summarising the uncertainties and concerns about the sustainability of fishing practices and potential health risks, this phenomenon has most often been explained by "river pollution". However, it seems that such a qualification casts a veil on the attempts at solutions put in place by the actors. Returning to the various surveys through which the actors concerned by this situation mobilize different resources to understand the causes of fish mortality episodes and control them, this work shows that the complexity of the phenomenon, the diversity of the issues it covers and its geographical size exceed the singular capacity of resolution specific to each group (environmental associations, structures representing the agricultural world, public authorities.) and require collective but always uncertain activity to define the problem and its solutions. It also appears that these investigations carry with them the risk of mutual denunciation and attribution of responsibilities. Also, while river advocates are engaged in denouncing agricultural activities and sanitation management leading to the opening of a conflict situation, experts mandated by government representatives conclude that the phenomenon is multifactorial and leads to a dilution of responsibilities. The situation then remains partly undetermined and the explanation by "river pollution" becomes a political solution, or even a "diplomatic tool" for a collective problem that is difficult to make sense of. ; Entre les années 2009 et 2015, plusieurs rivières du département du Doubs ont été le théâtre d'épisodes de mortalité piscicole. Résumant les incertitudes et les inquiétudes à l'égard de la pérennité des pratiques de pêche et de potentiels risques sanitaires, ce phénomène a été le plus souvent expliqué par « la pollution des rivières ». Or, il semble qu'une telle qualification jette un voile sur les tentatives de solutions ...
Between 2009 and 2015, several rivers in the Doubs department were the scene of episodes of fish mortality. Summarising the uncertainties and concerns about the sustainability of fishing practices and potential health risks, this phenomenon has most often been explained by "river pollution". However, it seems that such a qualification casts a veil on the attempts at solutions put in place by the actors. Returning to the various surveys through which the actors concerned by this situation mobilize different resources to understand the causes of fish mortality episodes and control them, this work shows that the complexity of the phenomenon, the diversity of the issues it covers and its geographical size exceed the singular capacity of resolution specific to each group (environmental associations, structures representing the agricultural world, public authorities.) and require collective but always uncertain activity to define the problem and its solutions. It also appears that these investigations carry with them the risk of mutual denunciation and attribution of responsibilities. Also, while river advocates are engaged in denouncing agricultural activities and sanitation management leading to the opening of a conflict situation, experts mandated by government representatives conclude that the phenomenon is multifactorial and leads to a dilution of responsibilities. The situation then remains partly undetermined and the explanation by "river pollution" becomes a political solution, or even a "diplomatic tool" for a collective problem that is difficult to make sense of. ; Entre les années 2009 et 2015, plusieurs rivières du département du Doubs ont été le théâtre d'épisodes de mortalité piscicole. Résumant les incertitudes et les inquiétudes à l'égard de la pérennité des pratiques de pêche et de potentiels risques sanitaires, ce phénomène a été le plus souvent expliqué par « la pollution des rivières ». Or, il semble qu'une telle qualification jette un voile sur les tentatives de solutions mises en place par les acteurs. En revenant sur les différentes enquêtes à travers lesquelles les acteurs concernés par cette situation mobilisent des ressources différentes pour comprendre les causes des épisodes de mortalité piscicole et les maîtriser, ce travail montre que la complexité du phénomène, la diversité des enjeux qu'il recouvre ainsi que sa taille géographique dépassent la capacité de résolution singulière propre à chaque groupe (associations de défense de l'environnement, structures représentatives du monde agricole, autorités publiques.) et nécessitent d'engager une activité collective mais toujours incertaine de définition du problème et de ses solutions. Il apparaît également que ces investigations portent le risque de la dénonciation réciproque et de l'imputation de responsabilités. Aussi, alors que les défenseurs des rivières s'engagent dans une dénonciation des activités agricoles et de la gestion de l'assainissement débouchant sur l'ouverture d'une situation conflictuelle, les experts mandatés par les représentants des pouvoirs publics concluent au caractère multifactoriel du phénomène et conduisent à une dilution des responsabilités. La situation reste alors en partie indéterminée et l'explication par « la pollution des rivières » devient une solution politique, voire un « outil diplomatique » pour un problème collectif qui peine à prendre sens.
Between 2009 and 2015, several rivers in the Doubs department were the scene of episodes of fish mortality. While, due to the sensitivity of fish to variations in water quality and climatic hazards, the first manifestations of this phenomenon were considered "normal" by some professionals in aquatic environments, the observations made during its repetition led many actors to recognize the disturbing nature of the situation. Summarizing the uncertainties and concerns about the sustainability of fishing practices and potential health risks in particular, this phenomenon has most often been explained by "river pollution".However, it appeared that such a qualification is insufficient because it "covers" under a single term the attempts at solutions put in place by the actors. This is why the challenge of this thesis is to discard the notion of "pollution" in order to better understand how they respond to the phenomenon of fish mortality. To this end, my work is based on a study of the grey literature produced on the situation, on the observation of the practices and interactions of heterogeneous actors with different or sometimes contradictory interests (fishermen, environmental advocates, officials of State and local authorities, farmers, experts, etc.), as well as on a series of interviews conducted with the latter. Developing an analysis of their practices and discourses, it proposes an examination of ways of understanding the phenomenon of fish mortality, as well as the measures devised and/or implemented to control it.Based on this empirical foundation, I thus intend to demonstrate that pollution is not an entity already present, waiting to be discovered, denounced for its action in order to be controlled, but a "political" solution to a problem faced in a dispersed order and in sometimes conflicting relationships by actors forced to engage in the resolution of a disorder in order to preserve their interests. In this sense, it is a means of delimiting a diplomatic contour in an attempt to contain a disorder.In ...
Between 2009 and 2015, several rivers in the Doubs department were the scene of episodes of fish mortality. While, due to the sensitivity of fish to variations in water quality and climatic hazards, the first manifestations of this phenomenon were considered "normal" by some professionals in aquatic environments, the observations made during its repetition led many actors to recognize the disturbing nature of the situation. Summarizing the uncertainties and concerns about the sustainability of fishing practices and potential health risks in particular, this phenomenon has most often been explained by "river pollution".However, it appeared that such a qualification is insufficient because it "covers" under a single term the attempts at solutions put in place by the actors. This is why the challenge of this thesis is to discard the notion of "pollution" in order to better understand how they respond to the phenomenon of fish mortality. To this end, my work is based on a study of the grey literature produced on the situation, on the observation of the practices and interactions of heterogeneous actors with different or sometimes contradictory interests (fishermen, environmental advocates, officials of State and local authorities, farmers, experts, etc.), as well as on a series of interviews conducted with the latter. Developing an analysis of their practices and discourses, it proposes an examination of ways of understanding the phenomenon of fish mortality, as well as the measures devised and/or implemented to control it.Based on this empirical foundation, I thus intend to demonstrate that pollution is not an entity already present, waiting to be discovered, denounced for its action in order to be controlled, but a "political" solution to a problem faced in a dispersed order and in sometimes conflicting relationships by actors forced to engage in the resolution of a disorder in order to preserve their interests. In this sense, it is a means of delimiting a diplomatic contour in an attempt to contain a disorder.In this perspective, I analyse the conduct of different investigations through which they mobilise different resources not only to try to understand the causes of fish mortality episodes but also and above all, to control them in order to prevent their return and restore share prices. It then appears that the complexity of this phenomenon, the diversity of the issues it covers and its geographical size exceed the unique capacity for resolution that isspecific to each group (environmental associations, representative structures of the agricultural world, local authorities, public authorities, etc.) and require a collective but always uncertain activity to define the problem and its solutions.Putting this work in a socio-anthropological perspective, I also show that, beyond the search for causes, these investigations carry with them the risk of mutual denunciation and the attribution of responsibilities relating to the degradation of the quality of watercourses. From this point of view, I observe that if river advocates engage in a logic of accusations of agricultural activities and sanitation management leading to the opening of a conflict situation, experts mandated by government representatives conclude that the phenomenon is multifactorial and leads to a dilution of responsibilities. The situation then remains partly undetermined and the explanation by "river pollution" becomes a political solution, or even a "diplomatic tool" for a collective problem that is difficult to make sense of. ; Entre les années 2009 et 2015, plusieurs rivières du département du Doubs ont été le théâtre d'épisodes de mortalité piscicole. Si, en raison de la sensibilité des poissons aux variations de la qualité de l'eau et des aléas climatiques, les premières manifestations de ce phénomène ont été considérées comme « normales » par certains professionnels des milieux aquatiques, les observations réalisées lors de sa répétition ont amené de nombreux acteurs à reconnaître le caractère troublant de la situation. Résumant les incertitudes et les inquiétudes à l'égard de la pérennité des pratiques de pêche et de potentiels risques sanitaires notamment, ce phénomène a été le plus souvent expliqué par « la pollution des rivières ».Or, il est apparu qu'une telle qualification est insuffisante parce qu'elle « recouvre » sous un terme unique les tentatives de solutions mises en place par les acteurs. C'est pourquoi, le pari de cette thèse consiste à écarter la notion de « pollution » afin de mieux comprendre comment ils répondent au phénomène de mortalité piscicole. Pour ce faire, mon travail est basé sur l'étude de la littérature grise produite sur la situation, sur l'observation des pratiques et des interactions d'acteurs hétérogènes aux intérêts différents voire parfois contradictoires (pêcheurs, défenseurs de l'environnement, agents des services de l'État et des collectivités territoriales, agriculteurs, experts, etc.), ainsi que sur une série d'entretiens réalisés auprès de ces derniers. Développant une analyse de leurs pratiques et de leurs discours, il propose un examen des manières d'appréhender le phénomène de mortalités piscicoles, ainsi que des mesures imaginées et/ou mises en œuvre pour le maîtriser.À partir de cet ancrage empirique, j'entends ainsi démontrer que la pollution n'est pas une entité déjà présente, en attente d'être découverte, dénoncée pour son action en vue d'être maîtrisée, mais solution « politique » à un problème affronté en ordre dispersé et dans des relations parfois conflictuelles par des acteurs obligés de s'engager dans la résolution d'un trouble afin de préserver leurs intérêts. Elle est en ce sens, un moyen de délimiter un contour diplomatique pour tenter de contenir un trouble.Dans cette perspective, j'analyse la conduite de différentes enquêtes à travers lesquelles ces derniers mobilisent des ressources différentes pour non seulement essayer de comprendre les causes des épisodes de mortalité piscicole mais aussi et surtout, pour les maîtriser afin d'en empêcher le retour et rétablir des cours d'actions. Il apparaît alors que la complexité de ce phénomène, la diversité des enjeux qu'il recouvre ainsi que sa taille géographique dépassent la capacité de résolution singulière qui est propre à chaque groupe (associations de défense de l'environnement, structures représentatives du monde agricole, collectivités territoriales, autorité publiques.) et nécessitent d'engager une activité collective mais toujours incertaine de définition du problème et de ses solutions.Inscrivant ce travail dans une perspective socio-anthropologique, je montre également qu'au-delà de la recherche des causes, ces investigations portent avec elles le risque de la dénonciation réciproque et de l'imputation de responsabilités relatives à la dégradation de la qualité des cours d'eau. De ce point de vue, j'observe que si les défenseurs des rivières s'engagent dans une logique d'accusation des activités agricoles et de la gestion de l'assainissement débouchant sur l'ouverture d'une situation conflictuelle, les experts mandatés par les représentants des pouvoirs publics concluent au caractère multifactoriel du phénomène et conduisent à une dilution des responsabilités. La situation reste alors en partie indéterminée et l'explication par « la pollution des rivières » devient une solution politique, voire un « outil diplomatique » pour un problème collectif qui peine à prendre sens.
La réinterprétation de l'histoire de la banlieue peut faire une meilleure place à l'apport spécifique de la périphérie dans le processus de fabrication des espaces suburbains. Pour comprendre ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui, nous retracerons les diverses phases de développement de la Rive-Sud de Montréal (définie comme l'ensemble formé par les municipalités régionales de comté de Lajemmerais, La Vallée-du-Richelieu, Champlain et Roussillon) en mettant l'accent sur certains facteurs contextuels, notamment le processus d'industrialisation et d'urbanisation, l'évolution du découpage institutionnel et territorial et le déploiement des infrastructures de transport et des réseaux techniques urbains.
Intro -- À propos de Collection XIX -- Titre -- INTRODUCTION -- CHAPITRE PREMIER - CONSIDÉRATIONS GÉNÉRALES -- CHAPITRE II - LE CREUSOT -- CHAPITRE III - FOURCHAMBAULT ET COMMENTRY -- I -- II -- CHAPITRE IV - RIVE-DE-GIER, SAINT-CHAMOND ET ASSAILLY -- I -- II -- CHAPITRE V - ANZIN -- I - LES ORIGINES DE LA COMPAGNIE -- II - LE RÉGIME DU TRAVAIL -- CHAPITRE VI - LA CHAMPAGNE -- I -- II - LA LORRAINE -- CHAPITRE VII - LA FRANCHE-COMTÉ -- CHAPITRE VIII - LA LOIRE ET LES CÉVENNES -- I - LES COALITIONS ET LES GRÈVES D'OUVRIERS -- II - COALITIONS ET GRÈVES D'OUVRIERS L'INTERNATIONALE -- III -- IV -- I. - Relativement aux mines, houillères et chemins de fer -- -- II. - Relativement à la propriété agricole -- -- III. - Relativement aux canaux, lignes télégraphiques -- -- IV. - Relativement aux forêts -- -- APPENDICE - ENQUÊTES INDUSTRIELLES -- I - LE FAMILISTÈRE DE GUISE -- II - L'USINE D'ESSEN ET LES CANONS KRUPP -- Note au lecteur -- Page de titre de l'édition imprimée -- Copyright.
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In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, a local economy made up of settlers, loggers, and business people from Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and New England was established on the banks of the Upper St. John River in an area known as the Madawaska Territory. This newly created economy was visibly part of the Atlantic capitalist system yet different in several major ways.In Backwoods Consumers and Homespun Capitalists, Béatrice Craig examines and describes this economy from its origins in the native fur trade, the growth of exportable wheat, the selling of food to new settlers, and of ton timbre to Britain. Craig vividly portrays the role of wives who sold homespun fabric and clothing to farmers, loggers, and river drivers, helping to bolster the community. The construction of saw, grist, and carding mills, and the establishment of stores, boarding houses, and taverns are all viewed as steps in the development of what the author calls "homespun capitalists." The territory also participated in the Atlantic economy as a consumer of Canadian, British, European, west and east Indian and American goods. This case study offers a unique examination of the emergence of capitalism and of a consumer society in a small, relatively remote community in the backwoods of New Brunswick.
International audience ; We investigated a Q fever outbreak that occurred in an isolated area of the Amazon Rain Forest in French Guiana in 2014. Capybara fecal samples were positive for Coxiella burnetii DNA. Being near brush cutters in use was associated with disease development. Capybaras are a putative reservoir for C. burnetii.
International audience ; We investigated a Q fever outbreak that occurred in an isolated area of the Amazon Rain Forest in French Guiana in 2014. Capybara fecal samples were positive for Coxiella burnetii DNA. Being near brush cutters in use was associated with disease development. Capybaras are a putative reservoir for C. burnetii.
International audience ; We investigated a Q fever outbreak that occurred in an isolated area of the Amazon Rain Forest in French Guiana in 2014. Capybara fecal samples were positive for Coxiella burnetii DNA. Being near brush cutters in use was associated with disease development. Capybaras are a putative reservoir for C. burnetii.
International audience ; We investigated a Q fever outbreak that occurred in an isolated area of the Amazon Rain Forest in French Guiana in 2014. Capybara fecal samples were positive for Coxiella burnetii DNA. Being near brush cutters in use was associated with disease development. Capybaras are a putative reservoir for C. burnetii.
International audience ; We investigated a Q fever outbreak that occurred in an isolated area of the Amazon Rain Forest in French Guiana in 2014. Capybara fecal samples were positive for Coxiella burnetii DNA. Being near brush cutters in use was associated with disease development. Capybaras are a putative reservoir for C. burnetii.
International audience ; We investigated a Q fever outbreak that occurred in an isolated area of the Amazon Rain Forest in French Guiana in 2014. Capybara fecal samples were positive for Coxiella burnetii DNA. Being near brush cutters in use was associated with disease development. Capybaras are a putative reservoir for C. burnetii.