Colonial History
In: The women's review of books, Band 12, Heft 10/11, S. 7
25252 Ergebnisse
In: The women's review of books, Band 12, Heft 10/11, S. 7
"Thomas Kidd, a widely respected scholar of colonial history, deftly offers both depth and breadth in this accessible, introductory text on the American Colonial era. Interweaving primary documents and new scholarship with a vivid narrative reconstructing the lives of European colonists, Africans, and Native Americans and their encounters in colonial North America, Kidd offers fresh perspectives on these events and the period as a whole. This compelling volume is organized around themes of religion and conflict, and distinguished by its incorporation of an expanded geographic frame." -- Publisher's description
In: Social scientist: monthly journal of the Indian School of Social Sciences, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 70
In: Asian Studies Association of Australia. Review, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 19-23
In: Latin American research review: LARR ; the journal of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Band 23, Heft 3, S. 199-212
ISSN: 0023-8791
Less than a generation ago, historians interested in colonial Peruvian social and economic history entered a vast terra incognita. Apart from pioneering work on ethnohistory, mining, and comparative economic studies, little historical literature on Peru had been published. In the past few years, however, Andeanists have produced several important works that have substantially contributed to research in this field
World Affairs Online
In: Latin American research review, Band 23, Heft 3, S. 199-212
ISSN: 1542-4278
In: The economic history review, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 202
ISSN: 1468-0289
In: Journal of colonialism & colonial history, Band 15, Heft 3
ISSN: 1532-5768
In: Journal of Southeast Asian History, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 70-82
Charles Kingsley, a popular novelist, — he had written Westward Ho among other books and was yet to write The Water Babies, — was appointed to the Regius Chair of Modern History in Cambridge in May 1860. His lectures, it was said, were those of 'a poet and a moralist, a politician and a theologian, and, above all, a friend and counsellor of young men'. They were, his critics agreed, certainly not those of an historian and a scholar. Such attacks upon him as an historical novelist rather than an historian, combined with the strain of coming up to Cambridge from his rectory twice a year to deliver his lectures, caused him to resign his chair in 1869, to be succeeded by John Robert Seeley. Seeley was a classicist, who had also published a religious work, Ecce Homo, the centre of one of those ferocious Victorian doctrinal controversies. He had published nothing historical but historical speculation had always interested him, and thus qualified, he became Regius professor, holding the Chair until 1895. After his Inaugural Lecture, W. H. Thompson, the witty and acid Master of Trinity, observed, 'Well, well. I did not think we should so soon have occasion to regret poor Kingsley.' Such were the beginnings of the serious study of imperial and colonial History in English universities.
In: 3 Journal of Legal Analysis 379-409 (2011)
In: Journal for early modern cultural studies: JEMCS ; official publication of the Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 130-140
ISSN: 1553-3786
In: Itinerario: international journal on the history of European expansion and global interaction, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 137-142
ISSN: 2041-2827
If anything is clear to the student of the history of the early modern French colonial enterprise, it is the need for a general overview to equal Boxer's and Parry's fine volumes on the Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish seaborne empires, or George Winius' volume in the Minnesota series. Not that such volumes on the French colonies do not exist, in French. Indeed, there has not been a decade since the 1920s without some such publication. None of them, however, appears to me to be wholly satisfactory. The glorification of the French 'mission' characterizing the earlier works nowjars; the more recent works are more balanced, but still, on the whole, too descriptive. This is particularly the case for the Histoire de la France coloniale, des origines à 1914. While the authors responsible for the period which interests us, Jean Meyer and Jean Tarrade, have produced distinguished works on the French overseas empire, their survey remains somewhat uncritical and, at least for the seventeenth century, very thin. As to the treatment of New France, it draws on a rather unreliable series of monographies.