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53451 Ergebnisse
ISSN: 1909-3489
The remainder of the six years of privatization and denationalization of Colombia Telecommunications, has been a negative factor for Colombia and its citizens. The new foreign operator, Telefónica Internacional, failed to comply with its contractual obligations, its management and service are terrible, its financial results are negative and furthermore it has been saved by the Law on Capitalization, a government initiative, approved by the president of the Republic, thereby converting the Nation of Colombia into the custodian of oligopolistic transnational interests. Its nationalization will allow it to recover and to protect public patrimony, place it at the service of economic development, social progress and the well being of Colombians. The research undertaken has integrated historical and logic methodology, making use of primary sources such as interviews, laws, decrees, reports, opinions and judgments as well as secondary sources such as theses, assays and articles in addition to documentary analyses. ; El balance de los seis años de privatización y desnacionalización de Colombia Telecomunicaciones, es negativo para Colombia y para los colombianos. El nuevo operador extranjero Telefónica Internacional incumplió las obligaciones contractuales, su gestión en la prestación del servicio es pésima, sus resultados financieros son negativos y ha sido salvado por la Ley de Capitalización de iniciativa gubernamental, sancionada por el Presidente de la República, convirtiendo a la Nación Colombiana en guardián de los intereses oligopólicos transnacionales. Su nacionalización logrará recuperar y proteger el patrimonio público, ponerlo al servicio del desarrollo económico, el progreso social y el bienestar de los colombianos. En la investigación realizada, se integraron los métodos histórico y lógico, el análisis y la síntesis; se utilizaron las fuentes primarias (entrevistas, leyes, decretos, informes, conceptos, sentencias judiciales),secundarias (tesis, ensayos, artículos) y se hizo análisis documental.
Cover -- CONTENTS -- BACKGROUND -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- OUTLOOK AND POLICIES -- ROLE OF THE FLEXIBLE CREDIT LINE ARRANGEMENT -- A. Benefits of the FCL -- B. Evolution of Risks -- C. Access Considerations under an Adverse Scenario -- D. Exit Strategy -- E. Review of Qualifications -- F. Impact on Fund Finances, Risks, and Safeguards -- G. Staff Appraisal -- BOXES -- 1. Reserve Adequacy for Commodity Exporters: the Case of Colombia -- 2. External Economic Stress Index -- 3. Illustrative Adverse Scenario -- FIGURES -- 1. Recent Economic Developments -- 2. Macroeconomic Policies -- 3. Recent Macro-Financial Developments -- 4. FCL Qualification Criteria -- 5. Reserve Coverage in an International Perspective -- 6. Colombia and Selected Countries: Comparing Adverse Scenarios -- 7. Indicators of Doing Business and Institutional Quality -- 8. Oil Price Fan Chart -- 9. Public DSA-Composition of Public Debt and Alternative Scenarios -- 10. Colombia: External Debt Sustainability: Bound Test -- TABLES -- 1. Selected Economic and Financial Indicators -- 2a. Summary of Balance of Payments -- 2b. Summary Balance of Payments -- 3. External Financing Requirements and Sources -- 4a. Operations of the Central Government -- 4b. Operations of the Central Government -- 5a. Operations of the Combined Public Sector -- 5b. Operations of the Combined Public Sector -- 6. Monetary Indicators -- 7. Medium-Term Outlook -- 8. Financial Soundness Indicators -- 9. Indicators of External Vulnerability -- 10. Public Sector Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA)-Baseline Scenario -- 11. External Debt Sustainability Framework, 2011-20 -- 12. FCL Arrangement for Colombia-Impact of GRA Finances -- 13. Indicators of Fund Credit, 2014-20 -- APPENDIX -- Letter from the Authorities Requesting FCL.
In: IMF Staff Country Reports v.Country Report No. 14/172
This paper discusses Colombiaâ??s Review Under the Flexible Credit Line (FCL) Arrangement. Growth is projected to remain robust in 2014 and beyond, although risks are tilted to the downside. Real GDP is projected to grow at around potential in 2014 and over the medium term, with inflation remaining within the target range of 2â??4 percent. However, Colombia remains vulnerable to external risks, including a sharp decline in oil prices and a surge in global financial market volatility. The IMF staff assesses that Colombia continues to meet the qualification criteria for access to FCL resources
In: Social justice: a journal of crime, conflict and world order, Band 25, Heft 2, S. 85-109
ISSN: 1043-1578, 0094-7571
Analyzes US financing of the government, in the name of its "war on drugs"; some focus on the political campaign and administration of President Samper, and US role in discrediting him; human rights violations by paramilitary forces, guerrillas, and the drug cartels.
Cover -- CONTENTS -- MONETARY AND FINANCIAL CONDITIONS IN COLOMBIA -- A. Introduction -- B. Neutral Interest Rate -- C. Monetary Conditions Index -- D. Financial Conditions Index -- E. Macro-Risk Premium -- F. Conclusion -- FIGURES -- 1. Exchange Rate Depreciation, Inflation, and Monetary Policy Rate -- 2. Monetary Conditions Index -- 3. FCI and GDP Growth, 2001Q3-2015Q3 -- 4. Contributions to FCI, 2008Q1-2015Q4 -- 5. Factor Loadings in FCI -- 6. MRP and Real GDP Growth -- 7. EMBI Spreads versus Lending Spreads -- TABLES -- 1. Estimates of the Neutral Interest Rate
Cover -- CONTENTS -- ABBREVIATIONS -- PREFACE -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- FISCAL REPORTING -- 1.1. Coverage of Fiscal Reports -- 1.2. Frequency and Timeliness -- 1.3. Quality -- 1.4. Integrity -- 1.5. Conclusions and Recommendations -- FISCAL FORECASTING AND BUDGETING -- 2.1. Comprehensiveness of Budget Documentation -- 2.2. Orderliness and Timeliness of the Budget Process -- 2.3. Policy Orientation -- 2.4. Credibility -- 2.5. Conclusions and Recommendations -- FISCAL RISKS -- 3.1. Disclosure and Analysis -- 3.2. Risk Management -- 3.3. Fiscal Coordination -- 3.4. Conclusions and Recommendations -- BOXES -- 1. The Colombian Pension System -- 2. The Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) -- 3. Possible Structure and Content of an Annual Fiscal Risk Statement -- 4. State-Owned Financial Institutions -- 5. Legal Form of Colombian SOEs -- FIGURES -- 1. Summary Assessment -- 2. Fiscal Transparency Evaluation Scores - International Comparison -- 3. OBI Score (2015 Survey) -- 4. Coverage of Public Sector Institutions in Fiscal Reports -- 5. Public Sector Balance Sheet Coverage in Fiscal Reports, 2015 -- 6. Public Sector Net Worth in Selected Countries -- 7. Public Sector Gross Liabilities in Selected Countries -- 8. Tax Expenditures, 2015 -- 9. Tax Expenditures in Selected Countries -- 10. Evaluation of Macroeconomic and Fiscal Forecasts, 2009-2016 -- 11. Unsolicited PPP Proposal in Colombia in Comparative Perspective -- 12. Distribution of Public Procurement by Modality, 2016 -- 13. GDP Volatility -- 14. Payments Under Legal Claims -- 15. Forecast Transfers from the Budget to the Pension Scheme -- 16. Government Guarantees in Selected Countries 2015 -- 17. PPP Projects by Type and Contingent Exposure, 2016-27 -- 18. Fogafin Reserve Developments -- 19. A Layered Approach to Disaster Risk Financing -- 20. SOE Portfolio
Cover -- CONTENTS -- BACKGROUND -- CONTEXT: THE COLOMBIAN ECONOMY AT A TURNING POINT -- OUTLOOK AND RISKS: A RECOVERY IN THE MAKING -- POLICY ISSUES -- A. Structural Reforms to Support Inclusive Medium-Term Growth -- B. Fine Tuning Monetary Policy Decisions -- C. Continuing Near-Term Fiscal Consolidation -- D. Preserving Financial Stability -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOXES -- 1. Macroeconomic Forecast Errors -- 2. Governance and Transparency -- 3. Recent Progress on the 4G Infrastructure Agenda -- 4. Labor Informality -- 5. Central Bank Transparency and Communication Frameworks in Colombia -- 6. Colombian Pension System: Diagnosis and Reform Options -- 7. Non-Performing Loans Forecast to Decline with Recovery -- FIGURES -- 1. Recent Economic Developments -- 2. External Sector Developments -- 3. Macroeconomic Policies -- 4. Recent Macro-Financial Developments -- 5. Corporate Developments -- 6. Structural Bottlenecks -- 7. Social Indicators -- TABLES -- 1. Selected Economic and Financial Indicators -- 2a. Summary Balance of Payments (In millions of US) -- 2b. Summary Balance of Payments (In Percent of GDP) -- 3. Operations of the Central Government -- 4. Operations of the Combined Public Sector -- 5. Monetary Indicators -- 6. Medium-Term Outlook -- 7. Financial Soundness Indicators -- 8. Indicators of External Vulnerability -- 9. Public Sector Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) - Baseline Scenario -- 10. Public DSA - Composition of Public Debt and Alternative Scenarios -- 11. External Debt Sustainability Framework, 2012-23 -- 12. External Debt Sustainability: Bound Tests -- ANNEX -- I. External Sector Assessment -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- WORLD BANK RELATIONS -- INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK RELATIONS -- STATISTICAL ISSUES.
Cover -- CONTENTS -- Glossary -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- KEY FINDINGS -- DETAILED ASSESSMENT REPORT -- ML/TF RISKS AND CONTEXT -- A. ML/TF Risks and Scoping of Higher-Risk Issues -- NATIONAL AML/CFT POLICIES AND COORDINATION -- A. Key Findings -- B. Recommended Actions -- C. Immediate Outcome 1 (Risk, Policy and Coordination) -- LEGAL SYSTEM AND OPERATIONAL ISSUES -- A. Key Findings -- B. Recommended Actions -- C. Immediate Outcome 6 (Financial Intelligence ML/TF) -- D. Immediate Outcome 7 (ML Investigation and Prosecution) -- E. Immediate Outcome 8 (Confiscation) -- TERRORIST FINANCING AND FINANCING OF PROLIFERATION -- A. Key Findings -- B. Recommended Actions -- C. Immediate Outcome 9 (TF Investigation and Prosecution) -- D. Immediate Outcome 10 (TF Preventive Measures and Financial Sanctions) -- E. Immediate Outcome 11 (PF Financial Sanctions) -- PREVENTIVE MEASURES -- A. Key Findings -- B. Recommended Actions -- C. Immediate Outcome 4 (Preventive Measures) -- SUPERVISION -- A. Key Findings -- B. Recommended Actions -- C. Immediate Outcome 3 (Supervision) -- LEGAL PERSONS AND ARRANGEMENTS -- A. Key Findings -- B. Recommended Actions -- C. Immediate Outcome 5 (Legal Persons and Arrangements) -- INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION -- A. Key Findings -- B. Recommended Actions -- C. Immediate Outcome 2 (International Cooperation) -- BOXES -- 1. Implications of FARC Peace Proces -- 2. UIAF Case -- 3. Cash Couriers and ML -- 4. Examples Where the Asset Forfeiture Mechanism was Successfully Applied in High-Value Cases -- 5. Azafatas Case -- 6. Providing Weapons to the FARC -- 7. Example Where the International Cooperation Sought by Colombia Played a Key Role -- TABLES -- 1. Types of Financial Institutions -- 2. Other Reporting Entities by Sector -- 3. AML/CFT Preventive Measures -- 4. Number of Entities Registered as of May 2017.
Observatorio de Política Internacional I. COLOMBIA (Neira Fernández, Enrique) ; RECIENTES ; Año 2008 ; Colombia. Cerca el fin del paramilitarismo ; Colombia. Cerca el fin de las Farc ; Colombia. Conflicto armado y desarrollo humano ; Colombia. Política exterior ; Colombia. Inicia el 2008 con buen pie ; Año 2007 ; Colombia. Tras las pasadas elecciones ; Colombia. El espectro de las próximas elecciones ; Colombia. La garrocha de Uribe ; Colombia. III Parapolíticos ; Colombia. II Autodefensas y paras ; Colombia. I Guerrilla y narcotráfico ; Colombia un país que recorta distancias ; Año 2006 ; Colombia. Hacia un modelo de capitalismo social y popular ; Colombia. Los desafíos de Uribe ; Colombia. Contundente triunfo de Uribe ; Colombia ; en el escenario internacional ; Venezuela-Colombia. Encuentro fronterizo ; Colombia. Nuevo ; mapa político ; Año 2005 ; ¡Colombia. Uribe ; a reelección! ; Venezuela-Colombia. ; distanciamientos a la vista ; Colombia. Política ; al rojo vivo ; Colombia. Una ; visita refrescante ; Colombia. ; Fortalezas y desafíos ; Año 2004 ; Colombia. Una guerrilla debilitada ; Colombia. Mujeres, ¡paso al frente! ; Colombia. Un Uribe fuerte ; Colombia positiva ; Año 2002 ; Colombia ; está perdiendo el miedo ; Colombia ; en positivo ; Colombia. Programa ; de gobierno de Uribe Vélez ; Colombia. Uribe ; Vélez: Colombia primero ; Colombia. Crucial ; elección presidencial ; Colombia. Sí ; a la democracia, nó a la guerrilla ; Colombia. Perfil, ; razones y sin-razones de Castaño ; Colombia. ¿Y ; las autodefensas de Castaño? ; Colombia. Crónica de un proceso de paz fracasado ; Año 2001 ; Colombia. Viraje antiterrorista ; Colombia. Hitos de su historia política ; Colombia. Un seminario de Colombia en Mérida ; Colombia. Mujeres en el conflicto armado ; Colombia. La Copa América tras el machucón de las FARC ; Colombia. ¿Paramilitares o terroristas? ; Colombia. ¿Autodefensas o paramilitares ? ; PROCESO DE PAZ ; Nos ; duele Colombia ; Siempre ; es tarde para la paz ; Votos ; vs balas ; La ; paz una excelente aventura ; Una ; paz esquiva ; La locura del ; cura Pérez ; Guerrillas ; y paramilitares ; Una ; paz huidiza ; Una ; paz secuestrada ; Una ; paz costosa ; Los ; momentos de la paz ; El ; proceso de paz en sala de emergencia ; El ; fracaso de la subversión armada ; Una ; nueva estrategia de paz ; Pastrana ; entre la espada y la pared ; Dos ; escenarios ; ¿Qué ; paz quieren las guerrillas? ; Viraje ; en el proceso de paz ; ELECCIONES ; Escenarios ; de Colombia tras las elecciones ; Nuevo ; Congreso de la República ; Los ; candidatos presidenciales ; Medios ; y publicidad electoral ; La ; carrera por la presidencia imperial ; Lecciones ; de la primera vuelta ; El ; fenómeno Noemí ; La ; Izquierda en Colombia ; GOBERNABILIDAD ; Gobernabilidad ; política ; El ; drama de Samper en tres actos ; Un ; paso adelante en gobernabilidad ; Los ; retos del nuevo Presidente ; Gobernabilidad ; en aprietos ; Pastrana ; a medio camino ; PLAN COLOMBIA ; El ; "Plan Colombia" al rescate de la gobernabilidad ; El ; coco del "Plan Colombia" ; Qué ; es y qué no es el "Plan Colombia" ; El ; "Plan Colombia" en buena hora ; COLOMBIA Y VENEZUELA ; Una ; agenda compartida hacia el siglo XXI ; La ; Comunidad Andina en remolque ; La ; Comunidad Andina pisa el acelerador ; neira@intercable.net.ve ; Nivel analítico
In: South: the Third World magazine, S. 65 : il(s), table(s), map(s)
ISSN: 0260-6976