Chinese Traditional Governing Approach: An Analysis from the Ancient to Mao Politics
This endeavour focuses on the traditional Chinese political culture and it discusses a multitude of rhetorical practices in imperial China. Simultaneously, it investigates the societal norms which alter daily, to fit with the ever-changing global politics. This research is an analytical, descriptive study written in the historical context. While tracing back the nature of political culture, it has been found that it has deep roots in the state and society since the ancient times however is still relevant for the contemporary politics of China. On the same reason, it can be concluded that current Chinese system seems likely to persevere for many a long time to come. This study is fragmented into three portions; first portion makes imperial Chinese politics and its subject; the second portion brings governance and politics of contemporary China under the lens; and the last and third portion gives the comparison of both and the findings garnered from this study.