New presidents-- Parts and powers -- Making laws -- Executive orders -- The power to choose -- Cabinet and appointees -- You're out! -- Declaring war -- Balance of power -- The separation of powers -- SilverTips for Success -- Glossary -- Read more -- Learn more online -- Index -- About the author.
Essential to the Madisonian conception of checks and balances is the division of policy-making authority among multiple actors such that each can veto proposed changes in policy. We use a mechanism design approach to analyze checks and balances institutions. We show that checks and balances institutions in which the most preferred policy of the more moderate player is the unique equilibrium outcome are the only checks and balances institutions that are strategy-proof, efficient, and responsive. Our analysis facilitates a comprehensive evaluation of checks and balances institutions, and our results can serve as a normative benchmark to assess any such institution, regardless of its specific design. We illustrate the applicability of our normative benchmark within the context of constitutional review, a crucial pillar of established democracies, and, increasingly, of developing democracies. Adapted from the source document.
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In the Anglo-American constitutional tradition, judicial checks and balances are often seen as crucial guarantees of freedom. Hayek distinguishes two ways in which the judiciary provides such checks and balances: judicial independence and constitutional review. We create a new database of constitutional rules in 71 countries that reflect these provisions. We find strong support for the proposition that both judicial independence and constitutional review are associated with greater freedom. Consistent with theory, judicial independence accounts for some of the positive effect of common-law legal origin on measures of economic freedom. The results point to significant benefits of the Anglo-American system of government for freedom
In: Schweizerische Ärztezeitung: SÄZ ; offizielles Organ der FMH und der FMH Services = Bulletin des médecins suisses : BMS = Bollettino dei medici svizzeri, Band 92, Heft 51, S. 2032-2032