This book shows how simple mindfulness techniques can help caregivers to manage the stress, anxiety, depression and burnout that too often accompanies the care of people with physical, psychological or emotional needs. The enjoyable mindfulness exercises will help caregivers to regain control and maintain a positive outlook
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Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Table of Contents -- Downloadable Resources -- About the Author -- Preface to the Second Edition -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- For the Reader -- Dedication -- Chapter 1 Why People Who Need Care Do What They Do -- Chapter 2 Encouraging Positive Behaviors -- Chapter 3 Finding Solutions to Challenging Behaviors -- Chapter 4 Stress and the Roles of Thinking and Feeling -- Chapter 5 Addressing Mental Health Needs with Advance Directives and the Practice of Forgiveness -- Chapter 6 Obstacles to Using Effective Techniques -- Chapter 7 Treatment Planning -- Afterword -- Bibliography -- Appendix: Blank Forms -- Top 10 Pleasant Events List -- Pleasant Events Tracking Form -- New Top 10 Pleasant Events List -- ABCs of Behavior Observation Form -- ABCs of Thinking and Feeling Form -- Basic Psychological Skills Evaluation Form -- Advance Directive: Mental Health/Behavioral Health/Stress Management -- Index
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Alison Wray notes that ""Alzheimer's Disease affects language in many different ways. Directly, language processing is undermined by damage to the language areas of the brain. Indirectly, language is compromised by short term memory loss, distortions in perception, and disturbed semantic representation . . . All of this makes AD an obvious focus of interest for linguists and in particular, those interested in the field of pragmatics - yet a striking amount of what is published about AD languag
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The Unexpected Journey of Caring is a practical guide to finding personal meaning in the 21st century care experience. Readers are invited to actively reclaim and remake how they think of themselves, their care situation, and their capacities to provide care for their loved one and themselves.
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kurz und knapp: Das erste Anti-Helfersyndrom-Buch für Pflegende Mit vielen praktischen Tipps für den Berufsalltag Sensibel, unterhaltsam und hilfreich Wer in der Pflege arbeitet, will anderen Menschen helfen. Das ist eine gute Einstellung. Doch manchmal macht sich das Helfen sozusagen selbstständig: Die Pflegekraft gibt ständig mehr, beachtet weder ihre eigenen Grenzen noch die der anderen. Aus dem Willen zu helfen wird das Helfersyndrom. Das aber ist ein machtvolles Spiel, das für Helfer und Pflegebedürftigen leidvoll wird. In diesem Buch werden Ursachen, typische Verhaltensweisen und vor allem geeignete Strategien zur tiefgreifenden Verbesserung und Veränderung im Umgang mit dem Helfersyndrom vorgestellt. Helfen ist okay, wenn es verantwortungsbewusst geschieht. Und das lässt sich lernen. Biographische Informationen Barbara Messer ist Bachelor of Business Administration, NLP-Trainer und Altenpflegerin. Sie arbeitet als Trainerin und Coach in der Gesundheitsbranche, veröffentlichte zahlreiche Fachbücher und -artikel.
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A practical overview of clinical issues related to end-of-life care, including grief and bereavement The needs of individuals with life-limiting or terminal illness and those caring for them are well documented. However, meeting these needs can be challenging, particularly in the absence of a well-established evidence base about how best to help. In this informative guide, editors Sara Qualls and Julia Kasl-Godley have brought together a notable team of international contributors to produce a clear structure offering mental health professionals a framework for developing the competencies neede
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Objective: Identify the social representations of caregivers of cancer for patients with no chance of cure and analyze their implications for care. Method: This is a qualitative research based on the Theory of Representations. Results: In thematic content analysis fell into two categories: The discovery of the other necessary care and generating two subunits: Limitations and Dependencies of the patient and participation in care; The relationship care, caregiver and patient that generated two subunits: The suffering of caregivers and support, the comfort and hope the caregiver. Conclusion: Is necessary that the nurse promotes strategies that facilitate the involvement of caregivers and the family in caring.