In the Canary Islands (Spain)
In: Journal of black studies, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 83-90
ISSN: 1552-4566
964 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of black studies, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 83-90
ISSN: 1552-4566
In: Marine policy: the international journal of ocean affairs, Band 20, S. 463-474
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: International law reports, Band 93, S. 578-582
ISSN: 2633-707X
578Treaties — Effect in municipal law — EEC Treaty, 1957 — Legislation enacted by EEC institutions — Status under municipal law — Regulations — Direct applicability — Conditions — EEC Council Regulation No 570/86 on Trade between the Community and the Canary IslandsTreaties — Effect in municipal law — Treaty concerning the Accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities, 1985 and Protocol No 2 — Territorial scope of Community for customs purposes — Direct applicability of acts of Community institutions — Community regulation enacted shortly after accession of new Member States in execution of Protocol No 2Relationship of international law and municipal law — Treaties — Incorporation of provisions into municipal legal order — Spanish Constitution, Article 93 — EEC Treaty, 1957 — Nature of legal order established by TreatyTreaties — Conclusion and operation — Constitutional limitations — Acts of institutions established by EEC Treaty — Method of implementation under municipal law — Executive order — Legality — Reference to Community regulation as basis for exercise of executive regulatory powersInternational organizations — EEC — Legal status — Powers — Legislation — Regulations enacted by Council — Whether directly applicable in municipal legal order of Member States — EEC Treaty, 1957 — Article 189 — Institutions — Court of Justice of the European Communities — Powers — Article 177 — Effect of decisions in municipal legal order of Member StatesEconomics, trade and finance — Taxation — EEC Treaty, 1957 — Customs union — Definition of the concept of "originating products" — EEC Council Regulation No 570/86 — The law of Spain
In: Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial and technical series, Band 57, Heft 11
ISSN: 1467-6346
In: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, Band 37, Heft 1, S. 41-46
ISSN: 1545-6943
In: Marine policy, Band 20, Heft 6, S. 463-474
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Marine policy: the international journal of ocean affairs, Band 20, Heft 6, S. 463-474
ISSN: 0308-597X
Intro -- Copyright -- Introduction: The GIDEON e-book series -- Table of Contents -- Acanthocephalan infections -- Agent -- Reservoir -- Vector -- Vehicle -- Incubation Period -- Diagnostic Tests -- Typical Adult Therapy -- Typical Pediatric Therapy -- Clinical Hints -- Synonyms -- References -- Actinomycosis -- Agent -- Reservoir -- Vector -- Vehicle -- Incubation Period -- Diagnostic Tests -- Typical Adult Therapy -- Typical Pediatric Therapy -- Clinical Hints -- Synonyms -- References -- Adenovirus infection -- Agent -- Reservoir -- Vector -- Vehicle -- Incubation Period -- Diagnostic Tests -- Typical Adult Therapy -- Typical Pediatric Therapy -- Vaccine -- Clinical Hints -- Synonyms -- Adenovirus infection in the Canary Islands -- References -- Aeromonas and marine Vibrio infx. -- Agent -- Reservoir -- Vector -- Vehicle -- Incubation Period -- Diagnostic Tests -- Typical Adult Therapy -- Typical Pediatric Therapy -- Clinical Hints -- Synonyms -- Aeromonas and marine Vibrio infx. in the Canary Islands -- References -- Amoeba - free living -- Agent -- Reservoir -- Vector -- Vehicle -- Incubation Period -- Diagnostic Tests -- Typical Adult Therapy -- Typical Pediatric Therapy -- Clinical Hints -- Synonyms -- Amoeba - free living in the Canary Islands -- References -- Amoebiasis -- Agent -- Reservoir -- Vector -- Vehicle -- Incubation Period -- Diagnostic Tests -- Typical Adult Therapy -- Typical Pediatric Therapy -- Clinical Hints -- Synonyms -- References -- Amoebic abscess -- Agent -- Reservoir -- Vector -- Vehicle -- Incubation Period -- Diagnostic Tests -- Typical Adult Therapy -- Typical Pediatric Therapy -- Clinical Hints -- Synonyms -- References -- Anaplasmosis -- Agent -- Reservoir -- Vector -- Vehicle -- Incubation Period -- Diagnostic Tests -- Typical Adult Therapy -- Typical Pediatric Therapy -- Clinical Hints -- Synonyms.
In: Monographiae Biologicae 30
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 451-493
ISSN: 1548-1433
In: Curtis's botanical magazine, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 67-77
ISSN: 1467-8748
The history, taxonomy, biology and cultivation of the Canary Islands endemics Androcymbium hierrense A. Santos and Androcymbium psammophilum Svent. (Colchicaceae) are discussed, together with hypotheses about their mainland origin; full botanical descriptions and illustrations are provided.
A giant lizard, supposedly extinct and belonging to the genus Gallotia (Lacertidae) was discovered in June 1999 on La Gomera Island in the Canarian Archipielago (Plate 1). This genus is endemic to the Canary Islands and is a remarkable example of adaptive radiation (Arnold, 1989, González et al., 1996; Rando et al., 1997). ; We thank Juan J. Ramos Manuel Siverio, Efraín Hernández, Juan C. Illera, Juan M. Martínez, José Dámaso, Jacinto Leralta and Rubén Martínez for assistance in the fieldwork. We thank the Canarian government (Viceconsejería de Medio Ambient) for financing this project. The Unidad de Medio Ambiente del Cabildo Insular de La Gomera gave all kindsof logistic support and together with the Unidad de Helicópteros nº 11 de la Guardia Civil en S/C de Tenerife (151ª Comandancia) provided us with their helicopter to reach otherwisw inaccesible places. We are also grateful to many apeople from La Gomera who advised us on safe acces to dangerous sites, particularly Manuel Gutiérrez and Juan Plasencia. This fascinating discovery is dedicated to the people of La Gomera. ; Peer reviewed
Este artículo se centra en un fenómeno relativamente reciente: el uso de la narrativa de San Borondón como un instrumento utópico para la construcción nacional canaria (desde finales del diecinueve, continuando de forma fragmentaria y heterogénea hasta nuestros días). Ya que San Borondón es uno de los motivos más populares del imaginario canario no es sorprendente que se haya utilizado para articular una conciencia nacional canaria. Resulta interesante el modo en el que la narrativa irlandesa permea y distorsiona diversas formulaciones de utopías nacionales o nacionalistas canarias. Por un lado los constructores de la nación canaria se apropian de esta historia para formular un horizonte político, pero por otro, la historia infecta este nuevo discurso, haciendo que el horizonte se vuelva inestable y utópico. En este artículo se analizan diversos ejemplos de utopía insular, procedentes de una variedad de fuentes que abarcan desde el final del siglo diecinueve hasta los años ochenta del pasado siglo. ; This paper focuses on a relatively recent phenomenon: the appropriation of Saint Brendan's narrative as a tool for utopian Canary Islands nation-building. Being one of the favourite lenses of the Canary Islands imagination it is not surprising that the construction of Canary Islands national consciousness (a highly heterogeneous and, till recently, somewhat marginal, process that stretches from the end of the 19th century up to our days) mines the Irish narrative for its own purposes. Nonetheless what is most interesting is the way in which the Irish narrative haunts representations of (national-ist) Canary Islands utopias. Thus, it is not only that Canary Islands nation-builders appropriate the story of Saint Brendan in order to forge their political horizon, but also that the story infects, in turn, their discourse, rendering their horizon utopian. In this paper I look at how such dynamics are instantiated in a number of sources, stretching from the late 19th Century up to the 1980s.
In: International journal of the sociology of language: IJSL, Band 2008, Heft 193/194
ISSN: 1613-3668