Sustainable construction techniques – current situation
In: Sustainable construction techniques
5709 Ergebnisse
In: Sustainable construction techniques
Spanish Islamic military architecture shows an attempt at the systematization of works, techniques, and defensive elements, commencing in the era of the Umayyad Emirate and Caliphate up to the North African Empires (Almoravids and Almohads). This article presents an analysis of the constructive techniques and systems employed in the fortified architecture in al-Ṭagr al-Awsaṯ ; that is, the Medium Frontier Territory of al-Andalus, called Marca Media, between the 8th and 13th centuries. The fortification of the borders was an objective of the Umayyad Emirate and Caliphate, as well as of the new kingdoms of Taifas and the Almoravid and Almohad Empires. The buildings were designed not only to defend a territory but also as a way of demonstrating the political power, and thus they were used as &ldquo ; state propaganda&rdquo ; . The triumph of the Islamic State over different groups, the advance of the Christian conquest, the decline of the Caliphate, and the invasion of the Almoravids and Almohads were situations that modified the definition of borders, the strategies of defense, and the organization of cities and territories. Therefore, the construction of fortifications acted as a mirror reflecting the social, political, and economic circumstances, whose changes depended on the real possibilities, knowledge, celerity, or technological evolution of the time. As such, these constructions permit an analysis of not only the building techniques, but also the people who carried them out, showing in their remains the social implications and organization of work from the master builders down to the quarry workers. This article presents the organization and technical knowledge of construction through a selection of cases studies, including watchtowers, castles, city walls, and fortresses.
In: The International journal of construction education and research: a tri-annual publication of the Associated Schools of Construction, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 177-188
ISSN: 1550-3984, 1522-8150
In: Journal for studies in economics and econometrics: SEE, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 41-62
ISSN: 0379-6205
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 37, S. 163-169
Prepared for Office, Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C. under Project No. 4A762719AT40, Task A2, Work Unit 015, and Task A3, Work Unit 005. ; Includes bibliographical references (page 23). ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Statistical papers, Band 62, Heft 6, S. 2923-2967
ISSN: 1613-9798
In the early nineteenth century, Portugal suffered one of the largest military offensives ever held in its territory. The Portuguese people, with his British Allies, prepared to resist the invasion. Between 1809 and 1811, a complex defensive system was built around Lisbon, called "The Defensive Lines of Torres", which objective was to protect the Portuguese capital during the Third French Invasion. The architecture and the military strategy of this defensive system have turned into a reference of the European history, because it determines the beginning of the defeat of the Napoleonic troops. This defensive system is composed by 152 fortifications and 85 km of length, organized by two Defensive Lines, at the North of Lisbon, connecting Tagus River to Atlantic Ocean. A vast area of military structures was implemented, including fortifications of massive dimensions, as well as small strongholds, redoubts and batteries. These military structures had to be built very quickly, using natural resources. The material withdrawn from the ditches excavated around them – earth and stones – was often employed in the forts' construction. However, rigorous plans and selected techniques were used, in order to achieve the strong, durable structures that could be preserved for two hundred years, until nowadays. Normally, inside the military square there was a powder magazine to store ammunitions, transverses made out of earth from the ditches to protect soldiers from the enemy fire and gun platforms where they manoeuvred the artillery pieces. The Forts' walls were lifted using military rammed earth, together with stone and possibly agglomerated with lime. The powder magazines and, in some cases, the gun platforms were built in masonry, of stone and lime-earth mortars. In the scope of a Project to restore the Forts and to enhance the Historical sets, the study of the construction techniques and materials is to be carried out. Mortars' samples were extracted from four forts of the two Defensive Lines of Torres, three from powder magazines and one from a gun platform. Samples of rammed earth were also collected from several forts. In the present paper the study of the mortars is presented. The stratigraphy of the applied mortars, their composition and physical characteristics are described and discussed. Conclusions are withdrawn concerning the military construction techniques in those difficult war conditions. ; DED/NRI ; 2011 ; 11-15 de Setembro
In: International journal of critical infrastructures: IJCIS, Band 21, Heft 5
ISSN: 1741-8038
In: Groenhuijzen , M R & Verhagen , J W H P 2017 , ' Comparing network construction techniques in the context of local transport networks in the Dutch part of the Roman limes ' , Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports , vol. 15 , pp. 235 .
This paper aims to compare network construction techniques and evaluate which one achieves the best representation of a local provisioning system that connects rural settlements with military castella in the Dutch part of the Roman limes. Using an existing site dataset and a dataset of least-cost path reconstructions between all sites, a number of network construction techniques are described and applied, including maximum distance networks, proximal point networks, a Delaunay triangulation, a Gabriel graph and efficiency networks. They are evaluated using the network metric of average path length and 'local' average path length to reach the castella, along with other indicators. Ultimately the Gabriel graph and proximal point networks with a high number of neighbours proved to be the best representation through a good performance on the evaluated indicators as well as the presence of a number of downsides in the other networks, with the Gabriel graph being slightly better due to a smaller number of links needed. This study thus shows that the choice for a network construction technique in archaeological case studies is important and presents a possible strategy to approach such a problem.
With respect to the past the schools today must satisfy the new needs mainly related to the society changes and the development of innovative teaching and pedagogical methods and at the same time, in the context of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 climate and energy framework, be designed as neutral carbon buildings with low primary energy needs. In Italy the last law deals with the environmental system of school buildings dates to 1975. The only integration proposed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), dated 2013 outlines only a series of uniquely qualitative guidelines, without any reference to any building's typological features. Furthermore, this national law of 1975th did not refer to any energy requirements because the first regulation about the buildings' energy performance was approved in Italy in 1976. Moreover, the design support manuals appear outdated, especially because they are based on the current school regulation of 1975th. In addition, in Italy, the European legislation on energy saving has been implemented with the Ministerial Decree of 26th June 2015 and it points out that starting from the 1st January of 2019 all the public buildings must be nZEB. Therefore, for the design of a new school building specific and interdisciplinary references are currently absent that considers both the innovations introduced by new didactic and pedagogical methods and the principles of sustainability for environmentally friendly buildings, with almost low energy needs and zero emissions. Now the designer cannot refer to a guide, to updated typological models and to specific indications that can direct him towards proper and coherent design choices both in relation to the internal layout organisation and functional distribution of the school building and to energy and environmental strategies. The main aim of the research work is to define qualitative and quantitative guidelines that can help the designer during the preliminary phase of the design process to build carbon-neutral kindergartens and elementary schools in Italy. ; In Vergleich zur Vergangenheit müssen Schulen heute neuen Bedürfnisse befriedigen, die hauptsächlich mit den gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen und der Entwicklung innovativer Lehr- und pädagogischer Methoden zusammenhängen. Im Rahmen des Pariser Abkommens und des Klima- und Energierahmens 2030 müssen Schulen als Carbon-neutralen und mit geringem Primärenergiebedarf konzipiert werden. In Italien stammt das letzte Gesetz über das Umweltsystem von Schulgebäuden aus dem Jahr 1975. Die einzige vom Ministerium für Bildung, Universität und Forschung (MIUR) vorgeschlagene Integration vom Jahr 2013 enthält nur eine Reihe einzigartiger qualitativer Richtlinien, ohne Bezug auf jene typologische Merkmale der Gebäuden. Darüber hinaus bezog sich dieses nationale Gesetz von 1975 nicht auf den Energiebedarf, da in Italien die erste Regelung zur Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden erst in 1976 verabschiedet wurde. Außerdem erscheinen die Handbücher zur Entwurfsunterstützung veraltet, insbesondere weil sie auf Schulverordnung von 1075 basieren. In Italien wurde die europäische Gesetzgebung zur Energieeinsparung mit dem Ministerialdekret vom 26. Juni 2015 umgesetzt, und es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass erst ab dem 1. Januar 2019 alle öffentlichen Gebäude nZEB sein müssen. Daher fehlen für die Gestaltung eines neuen Schulgebäudes derzeit spezifische und interdisziplinäre Referenzen, diese sollten die durch neue didaktische und pädagogische Methoden eingeführten Innovationen als auch die Prinzipien der Nachhaltigkeit für umweltfreundliche Gebäude mit nahezu geringem Energiebedarf und null Emissionen berücksichtigen. Designer können sich gerade nicht mehr auf einen Leitfaden, auf aktualisierte typologische Modelle und auf spezifische Hinweise beziehen, die ihnen zu richtigen und kohärenten Entwurfsentscheidungen führen können, dieses gilt auch für die interne Layoutorganisation und die funktionale Verteilung des Schulgebäudes als auch für Energie- und Umweltstrategien. Das Hauptziel der Forschungsarbeit ist die Definition qualitativer und quantitativer Richtlinien, die dem Designer in der Vorphase des Entwurfsprozesses helfen können, klimaneutrale Kindergärten und Grundschulen in Italien zu bauen.
According to the importance of the occupants" satisfaction with indoor quality, providing thermal comfort is one of the main headlines of the architecture"s duties. While we have faced with technology improvement, it is conceived that the residents" relative satisfaction of thermal comfort in the past had been dramatically more than nowadays. In other hand, nowadays one of the main global issues is energy crisis which forces all industries to fallow some politics in order to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency. Thus providing thermal through air conditioning system seems unacceptable and unjustifiable. In this study, selected traditional and contemporary construction systems compared in terms of thermal comfort and energy efficiency. Traditional construction techniques selected from Ottoman and British periods and contemporary construction techniques were evaluated in the conditions during the indoor environment not air conditioned and continuously air conditioned cases. Keywords: Thermal comfort, Energy efficiency, Building modeling, TAS, PMV, thermal load, thermal behavior. ; ÖZ : Bina iç mekanında, kullanıcı memnuniyetini etkileyen başlıca faktörlerden biri olan ısıl konfor koşullarının oluşturulması, mimarların sağlaması gereken en önemli görevlerden biridir. Bina yapım teknolojilerinde yaşanan gelişmelere karşın, kullanıcılar geçmişte geleneksel yapım teknikleri ile inşa edilmiş bimalarda ısıl konfor yönden kendilerini daha fazla konforda hissettiklerini düşünmektedir. Günümüzde, özellikle fosil kaynaklı enerji kaynaklarının giderek azalması, enerjinin daha etkin kullanılması ve dolayısıyla enerji tüketimini azaltması hedeflenmektedir. Bu nedenle, ısıl konforun iklimlendirme sistemleriyle gerçekleştirilmesi, enerji tüketimini artıracağından kulanımının azaltılması hedeflenmektedir. Bu araştırmada, çeşitli geleneksel ve güncel bina yapım sistemleri ile inşaa edilmiş konutların ısıl konfor ve enerji korunumu yönünden karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Kuzey Kıbrıs"ta yer alan, Osmanlı ve İngiliz döneminde kullanılan yapım teknikleri ve güncel olarak kullanılan yapım sistemlerinden seçilen örnekler iç mekanın iklimlendirilmediği ve sürekli iklimlendirildiği koşullarde karşılaştırılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Isıl konfor, Enerji etkinliği, TAS, PMV, Isıl yük, Isıl davranış ; Master of Science in Architecture. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Architecture, Dept. of Architecture, 2014. Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Polat Hancer.
In: Edition Detail green books
In: Global Engineering and Construction, S. 121-135