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6448 Ergebnisse
Undermining collective bargaining
In: Labour research, Band 77, Heft Dec 88
ISSN: 0023-7000
Collective bargaining in the European building industry - European collective bargaining?
In: Transfer: the European review of labour and research ; quarterly review of the European Trade Union Institute, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 321-333
ISSN: 1996-7284
One aim of the project entitled "European collective bargaining in the building industry" (a joint initiative by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the German trade union IG Bau and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers- EFBWW) is to investigate what steps are necessary to achieve better coordination of collective bargaining policy in this sector. The building workers' trade unions in Europe continue to differ concerning the extent to which they believe such coordination should lead to common positions, common claims or collective agreements in Europe. The project will examine the collective bargaining systems currently in operation in the building sector in Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. This article describes, on the basis of the project findings to date, the difficulties and obstacles which beset the coordination of collective bargaining policy in Europe.
Working paper
Collective Bargaining 3.0
In: Dissent: a quarterly of politics and culture, Band 62, Heft 4, S. 69-72
ISSN: 1946-0910
The first lesson network leaders learn in the Jobs With Justice training is never give your power away. While easier said in a workshop than in the North Carolina General Assembly, it does compel us to remember how change happens. While we need labor law reform, we should not wait for it to build a movement to expand the scale and scope of collective bargaining. Early industrial unions were bargaining long before the Wagner Act codified the practice, leveraging their ability to halt production when necessary. Only through exercising their power, and even breaking some rules, were they able to win the legal protections to back up workers' ability to bargain equally with employers.
Collective bargaining in Europe
In: Colección informes y estudios
In: Serie relaciones laborales 70
Communication in Collective Bargaining
In: Quarterly journal of political science: QJPS, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 421-448
ISSN: 1554-0634
Communication in Collective Bargaining
In: accepted by Quarterly Journal of Political Science
Working paper
Beyond Collective Bargaining
In: Challenge: the magazine of economic affairs, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 33-39
ISSN: 1558-1489
Constructive collective bargaining
In: McGraw-Hill industrial organization and management series
Collective bargaining reconsidered
In: The Stamp Memorial Lecture. Delivered before the University of London, on 15.11.1971