Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change
Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Foreword, Preface, Dedication and In Memoriam -- Foreword -- Preface -- Approach to the assessment -- Scope of the report -- Structure of the report -- The assessment process -- Acknowledgements -- Dedication -- In Memoriam -- Contents -- Summary for Policymakers -- SPM Summary for Policymakers -- SPM.1 Introduction -- SPM.2 Approaches to climate change mitigation -- SPM.3 Trends in stocks and flows of greenhouse gases and their drivers -- SPM.4 Mitigation pathways and measures in the context of sustainable development -- SPM.4.1 Long-term mitigation pathways -- SPM.4.2 Sectoral and cross-sectoral mitigation pathways and measures -- SPM.4.2.1 Cross-sectoral mitigation pathways and measures -- SPM.4.2.2 Energy supply -- SPM.4.2.3 Energy end-use sectors -- Transport -- Buildings -- Industry -- SPM.4.2.4 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) -- SPM.4.2.5 Human settlements, infrastructure and spatial planning -- SPM.5 Mitigation policies and institutions -- SPM.5.1 Sectoral and national policies -- SPM.5.2 International cooperation -- Technical Summary -- TS Technical Summary -- TS.1 Introduction and framing -- TS.2 Trends in stocks and flows of greenhouse gases and their drivers -- TS.2.1 Greenhouse gas emission trends -- TS.2.2 Greenhouse gas emission drivers -- TS.3 Mitigation pathways and measures in the context of sustainable development -- TS.3.1 Mitigation pathways -- TS.3.1.1 Understanding mitigation pathways in the context of multiple objectives -- TS.3.1.2 Short- and long-term requirements of mitigation pathways -- TS.3.1.3 Costs, investments and burden sharing -- TS.3.1.4 Implications of mitigation pathways for other objectives -- TS.3.2 Sectoral and cross-sectoral mitigation measures -- TS.3.2.1 Cross-sectoral mitigation pathways and measures -- TS.3.2.2 Energy supply -- TS.3.2.3 Transport.