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35766 Ergebnisse
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/wu.89083905109
"Represents an endeavor.to bring up to date the substance of the authors.Law of chemical patents." ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: The State of HealthIllness in Nazi Germany, S. 142-171
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uiug.30112106667428
G.P.O. sales statement incorrect in publication. ; Originally published: Washington, D.C. : Office of the Chief of Military History, U.S. Army, 1966. ; "Third and final volume of the Chemical Warfare Service subseries of the Technical Services in the series United States Army in World War II"--P. vii. ; Shipping list no.: 2003-0034-S. ; Includes bibliographical references and index. ; Mode of access: Internet.
The public needs to be literate in chemistry both to understand thesurrounding world and to be able to be actively involved in democratic processes. Thispaper concerns the public understanding of chemicals and chemical risk information.Preschool teachers and teacher students, representing the general public, have beenasked about e.g. what they mean with "chemicals", how they think chemicals areabsorbed into the body and their view of the difference between natural and syntheticsubstances. Furthermore, their knowledge about some chemical substances – e.g.antioxidants and dioxins – have been investigated, and also their understanding ofsome different kinds of chemical risk information. For most of the informants"chemical" is synonymous to something synthetic, artificial, unnatural, toxic,dangerous and harmful. There seems to be a contradiction between the natural on theone hand and the toxic and chemical on the other hand. The common statement "thenatural is always best" is problematized in the paper.
In: SAIS review, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 248-248
ISSN: 1088-3142
World Affairs Online
In: Disarmament: a periodic review by the United Nations, Band 10, S. 57-62
ISSN: 0251-9518
Review of proposals, including various draft treaties, to ban chemical weapons, 1969 to the present.
Official publication of the Chemical Warfare Service, Feb. 1944-Aug. 1945. ; Description based on: Vol. 20, no. 4 (Oct. 1934). ; Mode of access: Internet.