A characterization of ccr-curves in Rm
In: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Band 57, Heft 4, S. 217
ISSN: 1736-7530
267 Ergebnisse
In: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Band 57, Heft 4, S. 217
ISSN: 1736-7530
This edition of the covers Evening Gaza Airstrike, China's Economy, CCR, and More
Working paper
In: Wiadomości statystyczne / Glówny Urza̜d Statystyczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Statystyczne: czasopismo Głównego Urze̜du Statystycznego i Polskiego Towarzystwa = The Polish statistician, Band 2009, Heft 11, S. 17-34
ISSN: 2543-8476
Changes of efficiency object indices were discussed in the CCR-DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model by various function sizes. It was proved that the increase of the outlay/result quantity causes increase or stability of efficiency indices and an increase of the object quantity results in decrease or stability of efficiency indices. The characteristics are important in projecting analysis depth by DEA methods. Decrease or increase of the efficiency index can be caused by formal factors and cannot result from economic efficiency of objects only. Similar problems can be met in other approaches to quantity analysis, e.g. in statistical (econometric) regression models.
In: Wilmott Magazine, January 2019, 42-61
International audience ; In this research, we want to evaluate the efficiency of input / output in agricultural informatization (AI) and the redundancy of AI by using DEA method. An index system evaluating the input and output in agricultural informatization was built with the support of CCR Model and Super-efficiency DEA Model, which contains 9 indices. We processed the data of agricultural informatization in Huaihua and Xiangxi, two areas in Hunan province, with DEMP and EMS software and analyzed the efficiency of agricultural informatization in different 5 years and figure out the tendency of developing status in AI from 2009 to 2013. The results show that the CRSTE, VRSTE, SCALE efficiency of AI in two areas is efficient and the inputs and outputs about AI in 2009 and 2011 have spaces of improving. In general, the developing tendency of AI efficiency in two areas is stable in these years even though they are not developed areas in agricultural informatization. The index system of AI evaluation in this research could be better and reliable in future if we get more data and add more indices in it, but it is hard for us now to get more data because of the limitation of incomplete statistical data released by local governments.
In: Estudios interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe: EIAL, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 61-88
ISSN: 2226-4620
Far from the focus of public and scholarly attention, the Catholic CharismaticRenewal (CCR) has developed into the largest lay movement of theCatholic Church in Guatemala, Latin America, and globally. This means that asignificant number of Catholics are experiencing a Pentecostal revival withinthe Catholic Church, as they form part of an internal Catholic Charismaticmovement, which in the year 2000 encompassed at least 74 million Catholicsin the Americas and a minimum of 120 million globally. In Guatemala, representativesof the CCR claim that the movement is particularly successfulamong women and rural Mayas. If the aforementioned claim is substantiatedby data, how do we account for the success of a movement with origins inthe United States and apparently no cultural affinities to Mayan culture? Whyare women specifically attracted to a movement that has been frequentlydescribed as patriarchal and conservative? This article examines the historyof the movement, its demographics (female and indigenous membership),and four domains (discourse, religious practice, community, and institution)in order to shed light on the impact of Pentecostalized Catholicism on churchlife, gender, ethnicity, and social relationships.Keywords: Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR); Guatemala; women;ethnicity; social transformation
In: Ruch prawniczy, ekonomiczny i socjologiczny: organ Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza i Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, Band 74, Heft 4, S. 181-201
ISSN: 2543-9170
Wraz ze zmieniającymi się warunkami, w jakich działają dzisiejsze przedsiębiorstwa, zmieniają się umiejętności kadry pracowniczej poszukiwane przez potencjalnych pracodawców. Wraz ze zmianą zapotrzebowania na rynku pracy zmienia się również rola szkół wyższych postrzeganych jako instytucje przygotowujące specjalistów do pracy zawodowej. Szkoły wyższe doskonale wywiązują się z zadania zapewnienia równego dostępu do edukacji na wszystkich możliwych kierunkach studiów, które nierzadko nie są zgodne z kierunkami pożądanymi na rynku pracy. Powoduje to, że osoby posiadające dyplom ukończenia szkoły wyższej nie są w stanie odnaleźć się na rynku pracy i stają przed wyzwaniem zmagania się z problemem bezrobocia. Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest porównanie województw pod względem efektywności szkolnictwa wyższego w zakresie tak zwanej masowości i odpowiedniości kształcenia oraz zbadanie, czy powszechnie obserwowane na rynku edukacji wyższej stawianie na "masowość" kształcenia przyczynia się do poprawy sytuacji na rynku pracy. Badania zostały przeprowadzone na podstawie danych statystycznych pochodzących z bazy danych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego i obejmowały lata 2006-2007. Analizę przeprowadzono za pomocą metody CCR-DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis).
The closed circuit rebreather (CCR) is not a new diving technology. From the late 1990s CCR units were commercially available in Europe, and increasingly more divers, and among them scientific divers, have been trained to use them. Even if many benefits exist for using CCR for all diving depth ranges, it is in the deep diving zone ranging from 50 m to 100 m of sea water where the main advantages to using this equipment exist. Using rebreathers does carry additional risks, and these must be mitigated to ensure safe usage. A standard for CCR scientific diving has existed for many years in the USA, and the levels of expertise within the European scientific diving community are now sufficient for a European standard to be established. National legislation for occupational scientific diving in many cases excludes CCR diving, which can limit its use for scientific purposes. This paper suggests that, where possible, legislations should be allowed to evolve in order to include this type of equipment where and when its use has direct advantages for both the safety and the efficiency of scientific diving. This paper provides a brief description of the fundamentals of closed circuit rebreather diving and outlines the benefits that its use offers diving scientists. Special attention is given to safety issues with the assertion that the CCR concept is, if strictly applied, the safest available technique today for autonomous deep scientific diving purposes.
Las organizaciones lamentan la falta de rigor con que se ha estado conduciendo el proceso de elección de magistrados de la Corte de Cuentas de la República de El Salvador. Asimismo, reiteran el ofrecimiento del baremo que el Observatorio Ciudadano a la Corte de Cuentas de la República (OCCCR) remitió, el cual contempla aspectos tales como la pertinencia de la formación académica, experiencia previa propia para el cargo, presentación de solvencias y planes de acción. Es fundamental que la Asamblea Legislativa elija a magistrados de la CCR idóneos, que reúnan las características de independencia, capacidad y probidad, cuyo único cometido sea el control eficaz de los fondos públicos.
In: Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 517-536
ISSN: 2667-8683
Bu çalışmada temel iki amaç gözetilmektedir. Bunlardan birincisi Türkiye ekonomisinde açık enflasyon hedeflemesi rejiminin benimsendiği dönemde döviz kuru yansıma etkisinin ARDL sınır testi yaklaşımıyla kısa ve uzun dönem değerlerini tespit etmektir. İkincisi FMOLS, DOLS ve CCR tahmin yöntemleri ile uzun dönem yansıma etkisinin tespit edilerek sonuçların güvenirliliğinin ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda Türkiye ekonomisine ait 2006:Ç1-2022:Ç3 dönemi çeyreklik enflasyon ve nominal döviz kuru verileri ile döviz kuru yansıma etkisi incelenmektedir. Ampirik bulgular kısa dönemde döviz kuru yansıma etkisinin %7 seviyelerinde, uzun dönemde ise yaklaşık %22 seviyelerinde gerçekleştiğini göstermektedir. Uzun dönem tahmininde hem ARDL hem de FMOLS, DOLS ve CCR yöntemlerinin benzer sonuçlar ortaya koyduğu elde edilmektedir. Bu sonuç, elde edilen etkinin güvenirliliğini artırmaktadır. Türkiye ekonomisi için elde edilen bulgular, döviz kuru yansıma etkisinin uzun dönemde kısa döneme kıyasla daha yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. Ara malı ve yatırım malında yüksek ithal girdi oranlarına sahip olan Türkiye'nin sürdürülebilir makroekonomik denge için döviz kuru oynaklığını giderici politikalar uygulaması ve yansıma etkisinin olumsuz etkilerini en aza indirmesi gerekmektedir.
In: Pôle sud: revue de science politique, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 117-137
ISSN: 1960-6656
Résumé Pour mieux mesurer l'affirmation des gouvernements urbains dans l'Union européenne (institutions et fabrique de politiques publiques), mais aussi démontrer les recompositions des pouvoirs urbains et régions, cet article s'attarde sur le rôle des réseaux de collectivités locales en Europe. En dévoilant le monde bruxellois des réseaux de villes et collectivités locales, il montre que ces politiques dédiées aux villes ne se sont pas imposées d'elles-mêmes et ont fait l'objet d'un travail politique. Il s'agit-là de revenir sur les métiers urbains de l'Europe. A partir d'une étude des formes de sociabilité des agents représentant les villes à Bruxelles, l'article s'interroge sur la formation d'un milieu autonomisé. Il analyse comment ce milieu est capable d'œuvrer à la fabrication de politiques publiques européennes dédiées aux villes dès les années 1990 et à leur évolution dans les années 2000. Désormais, c'est une démarche intégrée qui s'invente avec la prise en compte de l'urbain dans toute une série de politiques publiques, au travers de groupes transversaux. Ceux-ci travaillent en association avec des réseaux de villes reconnus devenus incontournables.
In: Pôle sud: revue de science politique, Band 2, Heft 37
ISSN: 1262-1676
This article focuses on the role of local authorities' networks in Europe in order to better understand the strengthening of urban governments in the European Union (institutions and public policy making). This focus on networks also enables us to stress the reorganization of power in urban areas and regions. By unveiling the connected world of cities and local authority networks in Brussels, it shows that policies dedicated to cities are not self-enforcing. They are due to a political work. This political works is accomplished by various European urban occupations. On the basis of a study looking into a range of forms of city policy officers' sociability in Brussels, the article examines the emergence of an autonomous and empowered milieu. This milieu contributes to the urban policy making and change at European level. Now it is an integrated approach that is invented, through transversal groups with the consideration of the urban issues in numerous public policies. The major city networks take part in those transversal groups. Therefore they are really becoming fundamentals in this policy making process. Adapted from the source document.
In: https://morethesis.unimore.it/theses/available/etd-10152015-150012/
La tesi si occupa di indagare come la partecipazione dei bambini e degli adolescenti sia presente all'interno delle politiche socio-educative e in che modo sia declinata nelle diverse fasce di età a Reggio Emilia; in particolare, all'interno di due progetti: il Consiglio Comunale dei Ragazzi e delle Ragazze e la Palestra di Educazione Civile. La tesi è costituita da due parti: la prima presenta gli aspetti teorici che sono alla base della ricerca, e la seconda descrive la ricerca più nel dettaglio; le due parti sono poi suddivise in diversi paragrafi. Il primo paragrafo focalizza l'attenzione sul ruolo dei bambini e in particolar modo descrive il passaggio dalla concezione più tradizionale dell'infanzia alla nuova concezione diffusa nella sociologia dell'infanzia che riconosce il bambino come un soggetto attivo e competente; il secondo, pone l'attenzione sui giovani, in particolare ripropone la difficoltà che si è sviluppata nel corso del tempo di individuare le caratteristiche tipiche che la distinguono dal mondo degli adulti; il terzo, pone l'attenzione sulle politiche socio-educative che si sono occupate del tema della partecipazione dei bambini e degli adolescenti e il quarto paragrafo presenta le politiche giovanili e in particolare evidenzia, a livello nazionale, la grande difformità di interventi rivolti alla partecipazione dei giovani dovuta alla mancanza di un servizio di coordinamento. La seconda parte, invece, rappresenta il cuore della ricerca empirica sulla partecipazione dei bambini e degli adolescenti: il primo paragrafo mostra le politiche socioeducative sul tema della partecipazione e della cittadinanza presenti a Reggio Emilia e descrive i due progetti all'interno dei quali ho effettuato la ricerca; il secondo esplicita gli obiettivi della ricerca e la metodologia utilizzata; il terzo paragrafo descrive i risultati emersi dal progetto del CCR e il quarto quelli emersi dal progetto della Palestra di Educazione Civile. In conclusione, ho cercato di evidenziare le potenzialità e i limiti dei due progetti analizzati con la ricerca.
In: International journal of academic research in business and social sciences: IJ-ARBSS, Band 8, Heft 6
ISSN: 2222-6990