Degradationsprozesse und Desertifikation im semiariden randtropischen Gebiet der Butana / Rep. Sudan
In: Göttinger Beiträge zur Land- und Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen und Subtropen, H. 105
11 Ergebnisse
In: Göttinger Beiträge zur Land- und Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen und Subtropen, H. 105
World Affairs Online
In: Sozialökonomische Schriften zur ruralen Entwicklung, 111
World Affairs Online
In: Diskussionspapiere, No. 12
Gemeinschaftliche Eigentumsrechte an natürlichen Ressourcen (Weide-, Wadiland, Brunnen) bestimmen immer weniger die Tierhaltungssysteme in der Butana/Ostsudan. Der Erhalt der Herden und damit der Lebensgrundlage vieler Tierhalter der Region wird zunehmend durch den komplementären Zugriff auf Futter aus Nebenprodukten der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft (New-Halfa-Projekt) und technische Neuerungen (Wasser-, Tiertransporte) ermöglicht. Die Mehrheit mußte hohe Tierverluste hinnehmen. Es bestehen Probleme der Futterbeschaffung aus finanziellen Gründen, alternative Beschäftigungen außerhalb der Tierhaltung gibt es nur als Gelegenheitsarbeit zur Erntezeit in den Bewässerungsgebieten. (DÜI-Hff)
World Affairs Online
In: Sozialökonomische Schriften zur ruralen Entwicklung 111
The improvement of milk production of indigenous Sudanese cattle such as Bos indicus Butana and its cross with Holstein is a major goal of the Sudanese government to ensure sufficient healthy nutrition in the country. In this study, we investigated the K232A polymorphism of diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT1), a well-known modulator of milk production in other breeds. We determined allele frequencies and the allele effects on milk production. Therefore, 93 purebred Butana and 203 Butana × Holstein crossbred cattle were genotyped using competitive allele-specific PCR assays. Association analysis was performed using a linear mixed model in R. In purebred Butana cattle, the lysine DGAT1 protein variant K232, which is found to be associated with higher fat and protein contents, as well as higher fat yield was highly frequent at 0.929, while its frequency in Butana × Holstein crossbred cattle was 0.394. Significant effects were found on milk yield (P = 7.6 × 10(−20)), fat yield (P = 2.2 × 10(−17)), protein yield (P = 2.0 × 10(−19)) and lactose yield (P = 4.0 × 10(−18)) in crossbred cattle. As expected, the protein variant K232 was disadvantageous since it was decreasing milk, protein, and lactose yields by 1.741 kg, 0.063 kg and 0.084 kg, respectively. No significant effects were found for milk fat, protein, and lactose contents. The high frequency of the lysine DGAT1 protein variant K232 in Butana cattle could contribute to their high milk fat content in combination with low milk yield. In Butana × Holstein crossbred cattle, the DGAT1 marker can be used for effective selection and thus genetic improvement of milk production. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11250-022-03141-7.
Factors affecting milk production in the Butana are investigated. Production records of 353 Butana cows with 1,311 calvings during the years 1943-57 from a governmental dairy farm herd on the north of Atbara, Sudan were analysed. Heifers averaged 44 months old at first calving. The average interval between consecutive calving was 416 days. The average milk yield in 253 days was 3,129 lb, with a standard deviation of 1,709 lb. There were highly significant differences between all production traits at different years. No real differences were evident in milk yield records due to month of calving or age of cows in lactation. Repeatability estimates of single record milk yield, calving intervals, lactation periods, and dry periods were: 0.415± 0.037, 0.111±0.039, 0.415 ± 0.043, and 0.221±0.037, respectively. Heritability of a single record milk yield was estimated as 0.278± 0.232 and two records as 0.302±0.286. The total generation length was 25.87 years, and it was estimated that the annual genetic improvement in milk yield amounted to about 0.7% of the herd average. Most of the improvement had been brought about by the selection of the sires used.
In: Current anthropology, Band 58, Heft 5, S. 673-683
ISSN: 1537-5382
In: Diskussionspapiere, No. 11
Der Bericht stellt die Auswirkungen der veränderten natürlichen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen auf die traditionelle Tierhaltung in der Butana, Sudan dar. Die wichtigsten Veränderungen sind: (1) die Ausdehnung des Bewässerungs- und Regenfeldbaus, (2) die Abschaffung des traditionellen Bodenrechtssystems, (3) Dürren und Degradationen der natürlichen Weiden und (4) veränderte Ziele und Bedürfnisse der Tierhalter. (DÜI-Hff)
World Affairs Online
In Africa, the only avenue to conserve a breed endangered is in the living form since techniques for storage of embryos have not yet been adequately developed. Furthermore, most countries might not be able to meet the financial involvement of such a programme. This is why it is highly recommended that multiplication and breeding centers should be established for the endangered breeds of Africa. In cases where governments are unable to finance such centres, international organizations and donor agencies could be approached for aid in funding these centres. A case in point is the African Development Bank which is financing the conservation effort on the Lagune breed in the Republic of Benin. It is also recommended that pure bred herds of the endangered breeds of high potential e.g. the Butana, Kenana, Kuri, and Mpwapwa should be established with the aim of exporting males. The foreign exchanges generated will help in maintaining the centres. In countries where there are no breeding programmes and policies, efforts must be made to develop one in order for conservation measures to have a lasting effect. It is also not out of place to suggest the formation of breeding and breed societies at national level to coordinate livestock production efforts in the country.
In: Environmental science, engineering and technology
In: Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology/ Water Resource Planning, Development and Management
In: Water resource planning, development and management
Intro -- WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS, DISTRIBUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS -- WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS, DISTRIBUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- WATER RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SUDAN -- ABSTRACT -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. WATER RESOURCES -- 2.1. The Nile System -- 2.2. Ground Water -- 3. USES OF WATER -- 4. WATER QUALITY AND SANITATION MANAGEMENT -- 4.1. Groundwater and Environment -- 5. WATER MANAGEMENT, POLICIES AND LEGISLATION RELATED TO WATER USE -- 5.1. Institutions -- 5.2. Water Management -- 5.3. Legislation -- 5.4. Finances -- 5.5. The Policy Regime in Water Quality Management -- 5.6. Sustainable Development -- 6. SMALL WATER ENTERPRISES (SWES) -- 6.1. Problems -- 7. SAFE WATER FOR NEW MILLENNIUM -- 8. ECONOMY, AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY -- 8.1. Water Management -- 8.2. Evolution of Irrigation Development -- 8.3. Perspectives for Agricultural Water Management -- 9. POLLUTION FROM RIVER NILE -- 9.1. Environment and Health -- 9.2. Status and Evolution of Drainage Systems -- 10. THE CHALLENGE OF OVERCOMING THE COUNTRY'S DIVERSITY -- 10.1. Water Scarcity Impacts and Potential Conflicts -- 11. PROSPECTS FOR WATER RESOURCE PLANNING IN NILE BASIN -- 11.1. Common Language and Culture -- 11.2. Factors Promoting Data and Information Exchange -- 11.3. Sufficient Levels of Economic Development -- 11.4. Increasing Water Resources Stress -- 12. DISCUSSIONS -- 12.1. Water Stress in Sudan -- 12.2. The Role of Agriculture in Water Stress -- 12.3. Water Supply Problems in the Butana Region - Central Sudan with Special Emphasis on Jebel Qeili Area -- 12.4. Southern Sudan -- 12.5. Beja People's Problems -- 12.6. Western Sudan -- CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES -- APPENDIX 1. MAJOR RIVERS, AND HYDROELECTRICITY SITES -- ADAPTING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS IN A CHANGING CLIMATE -- ABSTRACT -- 1. CLIMATE CHANGE AS EMERGING PRESSURE ON WATER SUPPLY.
In: Wuqûf: Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Staat u. Gesellschaft in Nordafrika, Heft 7-8, S. 447-459
ISSN: 0930-9306
World Affairs Online