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1350818 Ergebnisse
No matter where we work or what we do, there is no stopping the fact that, at some point in our lives, we will encounter a crisis. How an individual responsible for dealing with these types of situations reacts is ultimately the deciding factor as to whether or not they come out safely on the other side.Crisis Management: The Art of Success and Failure focuses on different types of crises, symptoms, and models that recurrently threaten business and political environments. Pulling from no better teacher than history itself, Crisis Management is broken into 30 case studies that provide analysis
In: American political science review, Band 53, S. 1-34
ISSN: 0003-0554
In: Business and politics: B&P, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 3-5
ISSN: 1469-3569
Recent years have seen a recognition of the importance of government action to business and a rapidly developing path of research on business and politics, but this research has focused overwhelmingly on the legislative and executive branches and too often ignored the judiciary.1 A failure to consider a role for the courts is a substantial lacuna in the research. The judicial branch plays a substantial role in politics and governance. In most cases, the passage of a statute or even the promulgation of a regulation has legal effect only through the courts. A business's success (or failure) in lobbying the legislative or executive branches for a particular policy program may be entirely counteracted in the courts. At the extreme, such an action might be declared unconstitutional, making it legally null and ineffective, and perhaps eliminating the possibility of any future attempt to revive the action.