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7797 Ergebnisse
In: Women's studies quarterly: WSQ, Band 47, Heft 1-2, S. 242-243
ISSN: 1934-1520
Her whole life, Georgia' s father has told her she will be the one to write his story. It' s a story in which living is just a game of chance: why did Grant Tree survive when others didn't? Why did he find love and happiness, and a grown daughter to spill his story to so that she can record the whole beautiful, unlikely mess of it? Told in parallel to Grant' s story is the life of his friend and dealer Brian Geoffrey Chambers, known in the book as Charlie, who was ultimately executed in Malaysia for drug smuggling.
Intro -- Title page -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Epigraph -- Part One: The Murder -- One -- Two -- Three -- Four -- Part Two: The Family -- Five -- Six -- Seven -- Eight -- Nine -- Ten -- Eleven -- Twelve -- Part Tree: The Trial -- Thirteen -- Fourteen -- Fifteen -- Sixteen -- Seventeen -- Eighteen -- Nineteen -- Twenty -- Twenty-One -- Epilogue -- Image Gallery -- Interviews in Gibtown -- Afterword -- Acknowledgments -- A Word About Sources.
In: New American studies journal: a forum, Band 75
ISSN: 2750-7327
a poem by Cyrus Cassells
In: Race & class: a journal for black and third world liberation, Band 59, Heft 3, S. 67-74
ISSN: 1741-3125
Excerpts are provided here from a forthcoming book to mark the centenary of the poet Isaac Rosenberg, who died in France on the Western Front in 1918. The author, who was able to interview Rosenberg's contemporary Joseph Leftwich, explains Rosenberg's experiences of anti-Semitism, including in the army, and his roots in London's working-class, Jewish East End.
In: Small axe: a journal of criticism, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 135-153
ISSN: 1534-6714
In: The Yale review, Band 87, Heft 3, S. 76-84
ISSN: 1467-9736
In: The Massachusetts review: MR ; a quarterly of literature, the arts and public affairs, Band 44, Heft 4, S. 649-659
ISSN: 0025-4878
In: Humanity & Society, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 276-277
ISSN: 2372-9708