This study aims to determine the Social Relations of the Javanese and Bolang Mongondow ethnic communities. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Collecting data on research through direct interviews with informants. The results of this study show that the Javanese and Bolaang Mongondow ethnic communities have had a close relationship through various media such as trade, migration, and various phenomena in the community. The nature of harmony in this multi-ethnicity causes inter-ethnic life to have an open, democratic, tolerant nature, and a willingness to coexist in differences. The relationship between Javanese ethnicities and Bolaang Mongondow is a miniature that has social harmony in Indonesia from the reality of a heterogeneous society that is often hit by waves of social disintegration.
Poverty is a social reality characterized by underdevelopment of many things associated by social, economic, cultural, political, educational and natural factors that directly influence the inability of society, thus becoming poor. Poverty reduction efforts carried out by the community empowerment approach through areas system agrotechno based without the waste products of fish, beef, biogas, crops, fish feed, organic fertilizer and marine protected areas (MPAs) in the coastal areas of the District Boltim and Bosel, North Sulawesi . The data used are primary data obtained from field survey with the help of a list of questions. The samples were 30 respondents. The analytical method used is quantitative descriptive method by using two-sample t test value pairs (paired sample t-test). The results showed that the empowerment of communities through the application area system agrotechno based without the waste products of fish, beef, biogas, crops, fish feed, organic fertilizer and marine protected areas (MPAs) in the coastal areas, there is a significant difference increase between family"s income before and after implementation of the system agrotechno region.
This article look at how to become a Balinese in Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi. As a trans-migrant group from the eruption of Mountain Agung Karangasem 1963, they left the Island of Gods since March 11, 1964, anchored in Makassar later arrived in Bolaang Mongondow March 26, 1964 through Inobonto port and build of Pakraman Kembang Mertha Village November 1, 1965 with permission of Dumoga indigenous peoples. The Balinese expression of faith shaping of intersubjective relation. In contrast to Geertz's thesis about the absolute monism of Hinduism, the Balinese in Bolaang Mongondow instead used of religious pluralism perspective. They convert to Muslim and Christian without conflict. In 1970, the Bali farmers start to planting corn, soybean, cassava and rice based on family ties. They have a trade networks with Chinese ethnic descendants. In presidential election 2019, Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin became the winner in Kembang Mertha (84.56%) in comparison to Prabowo-Sandi (15.44%). The loyalty of Balinese to PDIP can be survived from money politics and identity politics because of the cross-blood and ideology. Thus, Balinese migrants can be classified as one of the strongest civil society in contemporary Bolaang Mongondow.
Abstract. Local tax is a compulsory contribution to an area owed by an individual or a coercive body under the Act by not obtaining direct remuneration and being used for regional purposes for the greatest possible prosperity of the people. Collection is a series of activities ranging from the collection of data objects and tax subjects, determination of the amount of tax payable until tax collection activities to the taxpayer and supervision of its payment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of local tax collection in Bolaang Mongondow regency and analyze the obstacles and efforts undertaken. This research uses qualitative method with exploratory approach. Local Government Finance Agency of Bolaang Mongondow is the object of this research. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews and documentation study. Key informants were determined purposively to obtain the accurate information. Semi structured in-depth interviews were conducted to collect data. Validity or credibility of the data was gained by triangulation. Data were analysed by using Miles and Huberman model which consists of data reduction, display data and drawing conclusion. The results show that the implementation of local tax collection is in accordance with Government Regulation No. 55 of 2016 consists of 1) types of taxes and tax setting arrangements in local regulations 2) taxpayer registration and tax period 3) determination, payment and tax reporting 4) billing and write-off of tax receivables 5) objections and appeals. While the constraints encountered in the collection process consist of human resources, budget and facilities and awareness of taxpayers. Efforts made are in the form to improve the human resources, the budget and facilitation, leadership and socializationKeywords: Local Tax Collection, Human Resources, Budget and Facilities, Awareness of Taxpayer.Abstrak. Pajak daerah adalah kontribusi wajib kepada daerah yang terutang oleh orang pribadi atau badan yang bersifat memaksa berdasarkan Undang-Undang dengan tidak mendapatkan imbalan secara langsung dan digunakan untuk keperluan daerah bagi sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat. Pemungutan adalah suatu rangkaian kegiatan mulai dari penghimpunan data objek dan subjek pajak, penentuan besarnya pajak yang terutang sampai kegiatan penagihan pajak kepada wajib pajak serta pengawasan penyetorannya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan pemungutan pajak daerah di Kabupaten BolaangMongondow, kendala yang menjadi penghambat dan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksploratori. Pemerintah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Badan Keuangan Daerah sebagai objek penelitian. Data diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Informan kunci ditentukan secara purposive untuk mendapatkan hasil informasi yang tepat dan akurat. Wawancara menggunakan In-depth interview semi terstruktur. Metode triangulasi sumber digunakan dalam pengujian validitas atau kredibilitas data. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu model Miles and Huberman yang terdiri dari data reduction, data display dan drawing conclusion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pemungutan pajak daerah sudah sesuai dengan PP No 55 Tahun 2016 yang terdiri dari 1) jenis-jenis pajak dan pengaturan penetapan pajak dalam peraturan daerah; 2) pendaftaran wajib pajak dan masa pajak; 3) penetapan, pembayaran dan pelaporan pajak; 4) penagihan dan penghapusan piutang pajak; 5) keberatan dan banding. Kendala yang ditemui dalam proses pemungutan terdiri dari sumber daya manusia, anggaran dan fasilitas serta kesadaran wajib pajak. Upaya yang dilakukan yaitu dalam bentuk perbaikan sumber daya manusia, anggaran dan fasilitis, kepemimpinan dan sosialisasi.Kata Kunci : Pemungutan Pajak Daerah, Sumber Daya Manusia, Anggaran dan Fasilitas, Kesadaran Wajib Pajak.
Abstract. This study aims to analyze the suitability of the implementation the local assets management with regulations, analyze the constraints faced in the management of local assets and efforts made for better management of regional assets. This is a qualitative study with case study approach. Data were obtained through in-depth interview technique, documentation study and observation. The result of this research shows that the local asset management in Bolaang Mongondow is implemented based on Regulation by Minister of Home Affairs No. 19 of 2016 which covers the process of planning needs and budgeting, procurement, use, utilization, security and maintenance, assessment, deletion, alienation, administration and coaching, supervision and control. But the process of destruction has not been conducted. It is because the local government has judged that there is no property belonging to the region being eligible to be destroyed. Additionally, there are obstacles encountered in asset management that are low compliance of regional apparatuses, lack of local regulations for local asset management, ineffective asset inventories, insufficient human resource competencies, lack of firm leadership commitments and resource constraints in the form of budgets and facilities in local assets management. Efforts have been conducted such as asset valuation, legal audit, asset inventory and improvement in leadership commitment. However, these efforts are required to be strongly supported by the regulation in the form of local regulations, improvement in compliance, attitude, perception, and responsibility for regional apparatus, assertiveness by the leadership, need a reward and punishment strategy for the performance of regional apparatus, involving the steward in the planning process and the use of SIMDA-BMD for the administration process in each regional work unit.Keywords: Local Asset Management, Compliance, Human Resources, Asset InventoriesAbstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian pelaksanaan pengelolaan aset daerah dengan regulasi, menganalisis kendala yang dihadapi serta upaya yang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki pengelolaan aset daerah yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara yang mendalam, studi dokumentasi dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan aset daerah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow dilaksanakan berdasarkan Permendagri No. 19 Tahun 2016 yang meliputi proses perencanaan kebutuhan dan penganggaran, pengadaan, penggunaan, pemanfaatan, pengamanan dan pemeliharaan, penilaian, penghapusan, pemindahtanganan, penatausahaan serta pembinaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian. Namun proses pemusnahan belum dilakukan karena pemerintah daerah menilai bahwa belum ada barang milik daerah yang memenuhi syarat untuk dimusnahkan. Kendala yang ditemui dalam pengelolaan aset yaitu rendahnya kepatuhan aparatur daerah, belum adanya peraturan daerah yang mengatur proses pengelolaan aset daerah, inventarisasi aset yang belum efektif, kompetensi sumber daya manusia yang belum memadai, lemahnya komitmen pimpinan serta kurangnya sumber daya dalam bentuk anggaran dan fasilitas dalam pengelolaan aset daerah. Upaya yang dilakukan yaitu mengadakan penilaian aset, legal audit, inventarisasi aset dan perbaikan dalam komitmen pimpinan. Namun upaya ini masih perlu didukung dengan adanya regulasi dalam bentuk peraturan daerah, perbaikan dalam hal kepatuhan, sikap, persepsi, dan tanggung jawab aparatur daerah, ketegasan pimpinan, adanya strategi reward dan punishment atas kinerja aparatur daerah, melibatkan pengurus barang dalam proses perencanaan serta penggunaan SIMDA-BMD untuk proses penatausahaan pada masing-masing SKPD.Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan Aset Daerah, Kepatuhan, Sumber Daya Manusia, Inventarisasi Aset.
Health condition in Bolaang Mongondow District specialy is categorized low compared to other more advanced regions. By using qualitative methods, this article clarifies poor families' access to healthcare in Bolaang Mongondow and identifying internal and external difficulties in accessing one. The informants are categorizedas providers and clients of healthcare, specially poor families holding Askeskin (health insurance program for poor people) card that have experience in accessing healthcare in puskesmas (community health center). The result indicates that 1)poor family's access to healthcare in Bolaang Mongondow is not yet optimum. When they were ill, the Askeskin holders should decide either to take care of themselves or seek for medical treatment from private hospitals. Ironically, some rich people get the Askeskin card also. The poor families sometimes were charged additional fees to cover such healthcare as childbearing and maternal and infant healthcare; 2) internal factors in accessing the healthcare (from Askeskin card holders themselves) and external factors that came from the providers of healthcare in giving services to poor families.Kondisi kesehatan di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow tergolong rendah dibandingkan dengan daerah lainnya. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, artikel ini menjelaskan akses keluarga miskin terhadap layanan kesehatan di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow dan mengidentifikasi kesulitan internal dan eksternal ketika mengaksesnya. Informan adalah penyedia layanan dan kliennya, khususnya keluarga miskin pemegang Askeskin (program asuransi kesehatan untuk orang miskin). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) akses keluarga miskin terhadap kesehatan di Bolaang Mongondow belum optimal. Ketika mereka sakit, pemegang Askeskin harus memutuskan apakah mengobati sendiri atau berobat rumah sakit swasta. Ironisnya, beberapa orang kaya mendapatkan kartu Askeskin juga. Keluarga miskin kadang-kadang dibebani biaya tambahan untuk menutup kesehatan, seperti kesehatan melahirkan anak dan ibu dan bayi. 2) Faktor internal dalam mengakses pelayanan kesehatan (dari pemegang kartu Askeskin) dan faktor eksternal yang berasal dari penyedia layanan kesehatan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat miskin keluarga
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana politik hukum bidang transmigrasi berdasarkan prinsip tujuan nasional dan bagaimana pelaksanaan politik hukum transmigrasi di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow berdasarkan prinsip tujuan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif empiris atau yuridis empiris dan dapat disimpulkan, bahwa: 1. Politik hukum nasional di bidang transmigrasi berdasarkan prinsip tujuan nasional diawali dengan di keluarknanya PP No. 56 Tahun 1958 tentang Pokok-Pokok Penyelenggaraan Transmigrasi, kemudian PP No. 13 Tahun 1956 tentang Pengubahan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 56 Tahun 1958 tentang Pokok-Pokok Penyelenggaraan Transmigrasi, Perpu No. 29 Tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Penyelenggaraan Transmigrasi, Perpres No. 5 Tahun 1965 tentang Gerakan Nasional Transmigrasi, UU No. 3 Tahun 1972 tentang Ketentuan-Ketentuan Pokok Transmigrasi, UU No. 15 Tahun 1997 Tentang Ketransmigrasian, dan yang terakhir Undang-Undang No 29 Tahun 2009 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 1997 Tentang Ketransmigrasian. 2. Tujuan penyelenggaraan transmigrasi pada masa Orde Lama pada pokoknya menitik beratkan pada memindahkan penduduk dari Pulau Jawa, Bali, Madura dan Lombok ke daerah yang kurang padat penduduknya, mengusahakan tanah yang berlum termanfaatkan, dan memperkokoh rasa persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. Kemudian tujuan penyelenggaraan transmigrasi pada masa Orde Baru pada pokoknya bertujuan untuk peningkatan taraf hidup, pembangunan daerah dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia serta memperkuat pertahanan dan keamanan. Dan tujuan penyelenggaraan transmigrasi pada masa Reformasi pada pokoknya hampir sama dengan Orde Baru yaitu pemerataan pembangunan daerah, meningkatkan kesejahteraan transmigran dan penduduk lokal. Di masa Reformasi ini peran pemerintah daerah lebih menonjol dengan adanya Otonomi Daerah. 3. Politik hukum transmigrasi di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow diawali dengan dikeluarkannya Surat Keputusan (SK) Bupati Bolaang Mongondow, Kemudian Surat Keputusan (SK) Gubernur Sulawesi Utara tentang Penyerahan Areal Tanah di Dataran Dumoga untuk Kepentingan Proyek Transmigrasi Resetlement. 4. Kebijakan pemerintah pada waktu itu untuk menempatkan transmigran dari Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Bali pada intinya adalah untuk mencapai tujuan Nasional yaitu masyarakat adil dan makmur sesuai UUD 1945 dan Pancasila. Pelaksanaan transmigrasi di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow mendapat permasalahan yaitu mengenai sengketa status tanah yang di gunakan sebagai Lokasi Pemukiman Transmigrasi namun hal ini dapat terselesaikan melalui pemberian dana kompensasi/ganti rugi oleh Pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementrian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi. Pelaksanaan Transmigrasi di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow dapat dikatakan berhasil sesuai dengan prinsip tujuan nasional dan sesuai dengan amanat UU Pokok-Pokok Penyelengaraan Transmigrasi. Meningkatnya taraf hidup, termanfaatnya sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia, meningkatnya pembangunan daerah di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow merupakan salah satu keberhasilan Pemerintah dalam menyelenggarakan program transmigrasi untuk mencapai Tujuan Nasional. Kata kunci: Politik Hukum, Transmigrasi, Bolaang Mongondow
Bolaang mongondow merupakan daerah yang sedang berkembang. Maju tidak suatu daerah dapat dilihat dari prasarana dan saran transportasi yang tersedia. Pemerintah mengambil keputusan dalam hal penentuan prioritas dan tingkat kepentingan dalam pembangunan fasilitas umum. Berdasarkan fakta diantara fasilitas umum terbesar, bandar udara memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam membentuk perwujudan ekonomi, politik, sosial dan juga wisata. Transportasi udara menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam meningkatkan integrasi nasional, aktifitas ekonomi dan keseimbangan ekonomi daerah. Serta, kebutuhan jaringan transportasi yang cepat sebagi penghubung antara daerah, antara pulau bahkan antra Negara. Bandar Udara di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow menerapkan pendekatan tematik Double Coding In Architekture. Melalui pendekatan tematik tersebut objek menghadirkan penggabungan dua unsur arsitektur yaitu tradisional dan modern yang dapat mencerminkan kehidupan maupun identitas tersendiri bagi kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow dan juga menghadirkan suatu bentuk arsitektural yang maksimal tidak hanya kualitas (fungsi) tapi juga kuantitas (estetika). Dalam perancangan ini, objek dituntut agar mampu mengoptimalkan perkembangan Daerah Bolaang Mongondow maupun kegiatan masyarakat dalam menjangkau keperluan diluar daerah Bolaang Mongondow. Kata kunci : Bolaang mongondow, Transportasi Udara, Double Cooding
This study aims to know and identify the cause of land conversion in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency. This research will be conducted for 3 months. The data in this research is secondary data. Secondary data is data obtained by related institutions such as BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics), sub-district office and village office. The method used is descriptive method. The results showed that the cause of the occurrence of agricultural land conversion in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency due to the increasing number of population and economic factors that encourage people willing to sell their plantation land to be a place of business and government policies for road construction. From the three factors of land conversion, most the prominent is the increasing of population.*jnkd*.
In this article I show that public relations has it role towards the tourism promotion in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. There are three role, as follow : 1) to promote tourism based on function and role of public relations, 2) the methods as forms of communication used to promote tourism, and 3) the media of communication used by the North Bolaang Mongondow Government.Keyword : The Role, Public Relations, Tourism Promotion
Abstract - "City of ICT" or the foreign language is often termed the "Digital City" a city that successfully manage so well that ICT contributing significant benefits towards the development of the society. Customizing the ICT networks in Government agency Kab. Boolaang Mongondow Northern autonomous region recently, ICT networks is still directly each instance was still on a small scale and not all agencies have the ICT network.The design of ICT networks to analyze data, evaluate data, doing the design of the network, determine the technologies developed, analyzed the estimated bandwidth, as well as conducting simulated network with packet tracer applications. In the simulated network using OSPF routing, the network Kab. North Bolaang Mongondow is divided into 4 areas of the network. With the design of ICT networks can give a contribution to development in the Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Northern. Keywords : City of ICT, Design of ICT networks, New autonomous regional, Packet tracer. The government of North Bolaang Monondow Abstrak"Kota TIK" atau dalam bahasa asingnya sering diistilahkan sebagai "Digital City" sebuah kota yang berhasil mengelola TIK dengan baik sehingga memberikan kontribusi manfaat yang signifikan terhadap pengembangan masyarakatnya. Kubutuhan TIK di instansi Pemerintahan Kab. Boolaang Mongondow Utara yang merupakan daerah otonomi baru, jaringan TIK masih dikelolah tiap instansi itupun masih dalam skala kecil dan juga belum semua instansi mempunyai jaringan TIK. Perancangan jaringan TIK diawali dari menganalisa data, mengevaluasi data, melakukan perancangan jaringan, menetukan teknologi yang dibangun, menganalisis perkiraan bandwith, serta melakukan simulasi jaringan dengan aplikasi packet tracer. Pada simulasi jaringan menggunakan routing OSPF, jaringan Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara terbagi ke 4 area jaringan. Dengan perancangan jaringan TIK dapat memberikan konstribusi kelancaran pembangunan di Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara.Kata kunci : Daerah otonomi baru, Instansi pemerintahan Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara, Kota TIK, Packet tracer. Perancangan jaringan TIK
Abstract - In addition to being used as a harbor and fishing area, Labuan Uki Bay also has Coastal tourism destinations such as: Labuan Uki Beach, Tikus Island, and mangrove ecotourism areas which have not been optimized. As one of the natural / coastal tourist destinations in Bolaang Mongondow Regency, Labuan Uki Bay needs government attention to be promoted. The purpose of this study is to introduce Labuan Uki Bay, Bolaang Mongondow District through a virtual tour application in the form of a 360 ° panorama to facilitate users in getting specific information about natural attractions in the region. This study uses the Luther - Sutopo development method. This method through six stages, namely concept, design, material collection, assembly, testing and distribution. The conclusions of this study are as follows: Panoramic photo taking using a Canon DLSR M3 wide angle lens with ordinary photo techniques, There are 30 (thirty) spots taken, where each spot is rotated between 7-44 photos, plus zenith photos and nadir photos , Testing using the Black Box method shows that the application.Keywords : Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, Panorama 360°, Teluk Labuan Uki, Virtual TourAbstrak - Teluk Labuan Uki selain dimanfaatkan sebagai pelabuhan dan areal penangkapan ikan, kawasan ini juga mempunyai destinasi wisata pesisir seperti : pantai Labuan Uki, pulau Tikus, dan kawasan ekowisata mangrove yang belum dioptimalkan pemanfaatanya. Sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata alam/pesisir di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, teluk Labuan Uki perlu mendapat perhatian pemerinta untuk dipromosikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperkenalkan Teluk Labuan Uki, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow melalui aplikasi virtual tour dalam bentuk panorama 360° guna mempermudah pengguna dalam mendapatkan informasi khususnya tentang objek – objek wisata alam yang ada di kawasan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan Luther – Sutopo. Metode ini melalui enam tahapan yatiu concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing dan distribution. Kesimpulan Pengambilan foto panorama menggunakan kamera DLSR Canon M3 lensa wide angle dengan teknik foto biasa, Ada 30 (tiga puluh) spot yang diambil, dimana setiap spot difoto berputar antara 7-44 foto, ditambah foto zenith dan foto nadir, Pengujian dengan menggunakan metode Black Box menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi bekerja dengan baik.Kata kunci : Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, Panorama 360°, Teluk Labuan Uki, Virtual Tour
Unlicensed Gold Mining (Penambangan Emas Tanpa Izin – PETI) is a mining business undertaken by an individual, or a group of people, or a legal entity incorporated in its operation without licenses and government agencies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. PETI activities that do not follow the correct mining rules, have resulted in environmental damage, waste of mineral resources, and mine accidents. Besides that, PETI not only causes the potential revenue to decrease, but also the state/government must spend enormous funds to repair environmental damage.This research takes place in West Dumoga, Bolaang Mongondow District, North Sulawesi Province which has several points which become the location of unlicensed gold mining (PETI). The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of environmental damage caused by gold mining. Besides, this research will trace the socio-economic impact caused that harm the surrounding community. In accordance with the objectives to be achieved, this research using descriptive qualitative research method. The data was collected by conducting direct observation at the research site by interviewing and distributing questionnaires, and tracking the related documents. The results of this study are expected to provide a comprehensive argument of the phenomenon of PETI in West Dumoga, Bolaang Mongondow District, North Sulawesi Province along with the ecological, economic and social impacts. Furthermore, the results of this study is expected to be a contribution of thought to the Government of Bolaang Mongondow District in policy making and solving problems of PETI. This research is also expected to be a source of reference for related parties and society in general.
Strengthening democracy in Indonesia provides an opportunity for women to involve informal politics. This condition is not only to show women's abilities but also to mainstream gender issues in public policy. This article explores cases of Rita Widyasari as Regent in Kutai Kartanegara and Yasti Soepredjo Mokoagow as Regent of Bolaang Mongondow to understand how they build political linkage in a local context. In this research, we use a qualitative method to gather deep information about women leaders and their linkage. The research shows that their success can not be separated from their ability to build and maintain the networks with various actors in the region, such as economic actors, civil society, and political actors. Although Rita and Yasti use a different pattern to build a local network, this research indicates that political linkage becomes one of the important points to establish women political career.
This qualitative study was analyzed using semi-detailed method is based on the assessment of data and information that is more accurate, can be quantitative. Primary data was collected through interviews with the stakeholders starting from the government officials, the academics and community leaders to get information about important issues emerging in Bolaang Mongondow. Secondary data collected from various government agencies and institutions or personnel associated with the research. The results showed that the mining activities in BolaangMongondow both for exploration and exploitation cause negative impacts by 50%. Starting from the conversion of land that have growing increasingly by time which can certainly bring problems in the future. The implication of uncontrolled agricultural land conversion can threaten food supply capacity and even in the long term can cause social harm. The mining activities, plantation and cultivation will lead to fragmentation of forest landscapes. Forest fragmentation will cause the forest to be smaller in which to live for animals and resulted in less food available for wildlife. There are 6 rivers in Bolaang Mongondow indicated that some parameters that are already above the value of standard quality. They are River Toraut located in the Sub-district of West Dumoga, Totabuan River, Tombolango River located in the Lolak Sub-district, upstream and downstream sections of Wineru River and Nonapan River located in Poigar Sub-District. In addition, natural disasters often occur in Bolaang Mongondow including floods and landslides. This natural disaster resulted in tremendous losses for the community. This study concludes that need to enactment of Regions to regulate mining activities in the area. And also there are should be intensive supervision from the institution concerned. The most important thing is also necessary accomplishment of an alternative control strategies are based on community participation.