Blow up the TCPA, proper blow up, kablooie
Blog: Blog - Adam Smith Institute
We're glad to see that we're not the only people who hold this view: As John Myers has noted, these estimates imply that the introduction of the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act has done more damage to the British economy than any single event since the Black Death.Since we don't like being poor, much prefer to be rich, then we should stop damaging ourselves. Get rid of the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 and successors. Proper get rid of, proper blow up - Kablooie.As to the background, we all know that planned economies don't work. Well, the sentient among us do at least. Anyone who looked East from the Brandenberg Gate in 1989 was able to work this out very quickly indeed. The TCPA nationalised land more than it did anything else. Who can do what on a piece of land is now determined by the government. This is indeed planning and is doing to the British economy what GOSPLAN did to the Soviet.So, let us stop doing this to ourselves. Blow up the TCPA. Proper blow up, no messing around, get rid of - Kablooie. Why, we might even be able to start housing Britons in houses Britons wish to live in where Britons wish to live. Wouldn't that be a fun idea?