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17567 Ergebnisse
Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO discussed the availability of blood to meet the nation's requirements as well as recent and proposed policy changes regarding blood donation that may affect the future supply."
Blood Donors and the Supply of Blood and Blood Products -- Copyright -- PRESENTERS -- FOREWORD -- PREFACE -- Contents -- I CURRENT STATE OF THE BLOOD SUPPLY -- Longitudinal Studies of Blood Availability -- QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS -- Blood Supply Fluctuations -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- When Should Physicians Transfuse? -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- International Perspectives on Blood Availability -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- II ENHANCING COLLECTIONS -- The Delaware Plan -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Markets and the Blood Supply -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Blood Donor Attitudes and Behavior -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- III ENHANCING DISTRIBUTION -- American Red Cross Blood Distribution System -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Blood Resource Sharing Programs -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Exporting Blood from a Regional Blood Center -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Supply and Demand in Transfusion Services -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Logistic Problems and Perishables: The Kroger Company and Supermarket Seafood -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- IV EXPANDING THE ALTERNATIVES -- Frozen Red Cell Technology -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Logistical Concerns in Prepositioning Frozen Blood -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Extended Liquid Storage of Red Blood Cells -- QUESTIONS/COMMENTS -- Overview of Blood Substitutes -- V CLOSING REMARKS -- Henrik H. Bendixen Chair, Forum on Blood Safety and Blood Availability -- Harvey Klein Workshop Moderator -- APPENDIXES -- A Acronyms -- B Workshop Participants.
In: International migration review: IMR, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 396
ISSN: 1747-7379, 0197-9183
In: Forum qualitative Sozialforschung: FQS = Forum: qualitative social research, Band 9, Heft 2
ISSN: 1438-5627
"Sprachwechsel" ist ein linguistischer Begriff, der identifiziert, in welcher Weise Individuen kommunizieren und wie sie Unterschiedlichkeit in sozialen Beziehungen aushandeln. In diesem Beitrag versuche ich zu zeigen, dass kunstbasierte Forschung, die sich beispielsweise die Elemente Choreografie und Performance zunutze macht, einen angemessenen und wirksamen Kontext eröffnet, innerhalb dessen verbale und nonverbale Sprachwechsel untersucht werden können. Hierzu wird Blood and Books, eine Fallstudie über eine Tanz-Choreografie post-kolonialistischer Maori-Performances in Aotearoa (Neuseeland), beschrieben und hinsichtlich der Sprachwechsel analysiert. Der Beitrag wird gerahmt durch eine Diskussion der Frage, wie kunstbasierte Forschung in der Hochschulausbildung vermittelt werden kann. Hinweise hierzu gibt der im Beitrag selbst vollzogene reflexive Gebrauch umgangssprachlicher und formal(wissenschaftlich)er Terminologie und Konzepte.
Working paper
Blood and Blood Products: Safety and Risk -- Copyright -- Foreword -- Preface -- Contents -- I Current Risks of Disease Transmission -- Blood and Blood Components: How Safe Are They Today? -- Viral Inactivation of Blood Products: A General Overview -- TRANSFUSION PLASMA -- BLOOD CELL CONCENTRATES -- RED BLOOD CELL CONCENTRATES -- PLATELET CONCENTRATES -- II Guarding the Blood Supply -- The Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study: Rationale and Methods -- Demographic and Serologic Characteristics of Volunteer Blood Donors -- CDC Surveillance of Donors -- DISCUSSION -- Surveillance of Recipients -- DISCUSSION -- CDC Surveillance of High-Risk Recipients -- DISCUSSION -- CDC Surveillance for Unknown Pathogens -- DISCUSSION -- III New Ideas for Safety and Monitoring -- Information Technology and Blood Safety -- Strategies for Dealing with Potentially Infected Recipients -- IV Risk Tolerance -- Beneficial Aspects of Surgical Transfusion -- Trade-off of the Risk of Hepatitis and the Benefit of Clotting Factor Concentrates in the 1970s and 1980s -- DISCUSSION -- Examples of Risks That We Tolerate -- DISCUSSION -- V Risk Communication -- A Mental Model Approach to Risk Communication -- DISCUSSION -- Risk Communication: Building Credibility -- ROLE OF INFORMATION -- THE ROLE OF RISK NUMBERS -- THE ROLE OF RISK COMPARISONS -- SOURCES OF CONFLICT -- DISCUSSION -- Attitudes Toward Risk: The Right to Know and the Right to Give Informed Consent -- DISCUSSION -- Patients, Informed Consent, and the Health Care Team -- DISCUSSION -- Communication of Risk and Uncertainty to Patients -- DISCUSSION -- VI No-Fault Insurance -- Administrative and "No-Fault" Systems for Compensating Medically Related Injuries -- The Colorado and Utah Models of Compensating Patient Injury -- DISCUSSION -- VII Concluding Remarks -- Henrik H. Bendixen -- Appendixes.
In: ISER Discussion Paper No. 1029
Working paper
In: The Yale review, Band 107, Heft 4, S. 123-126
ISSN: 1467-9736