Biased Binaries
In: Postdigital science and education, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 544-546
ISSN: 2524-4868
1366 Ergebnisse
In: Postdigital science and education, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 544-546
ISSN: 2524-4868
In: The Performance of PoliticsObama's Victory and the Democratic Struggle for Power, S. 89-110
In: NATO review, Band 32, Heft 5, S. 20-25
ISSN: 0255-3813
World Affairs Online
In: Routledge Research in Education
In: Routledge Research in Education Ser.
Beyond Binaries in Education Research explores the ethical, methodological, and social justice issues relating to conceptualizations of binary opposites in education research, particularly where one side of the dualism is perceived to be positive and the other negative. In education research these may include ability-disability, academic-vocational, adult-child, formal-informal learning, male-female, research-practice, researcher-participant, sedentary-mobile, and West-East. Chapters in this book explore the resilience of binary constructions and present conceptual models for moving beyond the
In: International feminist journal of politics, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 1-19
ISSN: 1461-6742
In: South Asian survey: a journal of the Indian Council for South Asian Cooperation, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 20-36
ISSN: 0973-0788
In the mainstream narratives on the Afghan conflict, primacy is assigned to a binary of 'Mujahedeen' and People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) regime. The struggle of organisations, beyond this binary, such as the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) against and during the communist rule, belies these narratives. Consequently, this article argues that women's liberation is not possible when a state/society is run by an autocratic regime denying democratic freedoms in general. This is equally true about present-day Afghanistan despite the staging of a mainstream intellectual/political spectacle to show that Afghan women were rescued by the USA. In the case of PDPA, we argue that through the harsh measures to subdue the opposition, the 'communist' regime introduced policies with huge consequences for women. Regarding the post-9/11 regime, we flag up its ideologically anti-women character. Therefore, we conclude that women's liberation cannot be achieved under foreign occupations.
In: Cultura: international journal of philosophy of culture and axiology, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 208-217
ISSN: 2065-5002
In: McGill Law Journal, Band 69, Heft 4
In: Beiträge zur Komparativen Theologie volume 37
In: Sociological research online, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 90-104
ISSN: 1360-7804
This paper provides a cross-cultural account of gender diversity which explores the territory that is opened up when sex, gender, and sexual orientation, binaries are disrupted or displaced. Whilst many people who identify as trans or intersex see themselves as male or female, others identify in ways which destabilize sex/gender and sexual orientation binaries. The paper provides a typology of ways in which sex/gender diversity can be conceptualized, and draws out the implications for theorizing gender. It discusses the contributions made by the new wave of authors working in the field of transgender studies; authors who draw on and inform the sociology of sex and gender, feminisms, and poststructuralist theory. It based on empirical material from research carried out in India and the UK.
In: Cardozo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 600