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5 Ergebnisse
Working paper
In: Risk analysis: an international journal, Band 1, Heft 4, S. 241-250
ISSN: 1539-6924
An early attempt to measure risk was the 1738 paper of Bernoulli in which he describes the well‐known Saint Petersburg paradox. Subsequent writers have considered this game to draw conclusions about the nature of risk or to test newly devised risk models. We analyze the paradox, evaluate various theories which have been advanced to resolve it, and briefly examine the implications of these theories on the wider area of risk analysis.
In: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 141
The scientific work of Oskar Morgenstern -- I: Game Theory -- Vers une théorie générale des jeux positionnels -- Erweitertes Sattelpunktkriterium und ?-Rand-Spiel -- Differential games with active and passive variables -- Stochastic linearisation of indeterminateness -- The existence problem for solutions -- Values of games with a priori unions -- Core, Lindahl equilibria and revelation of preferences -- Remark on the transfer operator and the value-equilibrium equivalence hypothesis -- ?-Gleichgewichtspunkte in n-Personenspielen -- A simple game model of kidnapping -- An n-person bargaining game in the extensive form -- An extreme application of core theory -- Optimality and dynamics in coalitional games -- II: Utility Theory and Related Topics -- Expected utility theories: a review note -- The Bernoulli principle and the Dirichlet problem -- Bemerkungen zur Widerspruchsfreiheit der Axiome in der Theorie der revealed preference -- Dynamic utility functions -- On representations of social preferences — an algebraic approach -- Eine Axiomatisierung des erwarteten Nutzens -- III: Economic Models -- Externalities and interdependence in a von Neumann growth model -- International trade and game theory in a context of economic growth -- Economic equilibrium under technological changes -- Infinite-dimensional von Neumann models -- Some variations on the Mardo? model -- IV: Economic Theory -- On the consumer demand theory under uncertainty -- Anwendung eines verallgemeinerten Periodizitätsbegriffes in makroökonomischen Modellen -- A paradox in consumption theory -- An application of the theorem of Whitney in joint production theory -- Spieltheoretische Behandlung der Preisbildung vor und nach Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen -- A new approach to modelling some economic problems -- Economically efficient and politically sustainable economic contraction -- Dynamic indirect production functions -- Dynamic limit pricing in a mature market -- Coalitions and clubs — aspects of their formation and economic efficiency -- V: Econometrics and Statistics -- An econometric study of copper market dynamics -- Bemerkung zur Abschätzung des Wertes bei Stop-Problemen -- On the identifiability of continuous time economic models -- Eine Bemerkung zur Anwendung der MINIQUE-Methode -- The use of preliminary data in economic time-series prediction -- Minimaxschätzungen bei Vorbewertung -- Statistical aspects of economic aggregation -- On the transition from pattern cognition to model building -- VI: Different Topics -- Determination of risk preferences to faciliate customer-portfolio manager interactions -- When is it advantageous to cast a negative vote? -- A bond-share portfolio maximizing von Neumann-Morgenstern utility of present real worth under inflation -- Utility and morality -- A plea for preordinators -- The cost assignment of the cooperative water resource development — A game theoretical approach — -- Addendum -- The Genesis of Dynamic Systems Governed by Metzler Matrices -- Extremal Properties of Equilibria in von Neumann Models -- Banks, Insurance and Futures Markets of a Trading Economy with Money, Exogenous Uncertainty and an Optimal Bankruptcy Rule -- A New Route to the Turnpike -- A Bibliography of the Work of Oskar Morgenstern.
In: Statistica Neerlandica, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 87-97
ISSN: 1467-9574
SummaryThe gambler's ruin.When a single trial has two possible outcomes A and B, with probabilities p and q(p+q= 1), a succession of these trials forms a so‐called Bernoulli chain. The well‐known result for the probability of n times A and m times B isIn this article we consider the ruin problem, in which the initial capitals of the gamblers are a and b, respectively. In stead of a Bernoulli chain we then have a Markoff chain, with coefficients that are less simple than the ordinary binomial coefficients.A more general expression (formula 1) is obtained for the probability distribution of the gambler's profit after a certain number of games, provided none of them became ruined beforehand. The probability for ruin after a certain number of games is a special case, similar to the results of Lagrange, Laplace and others, but appears in a form, more suitable for numerical calculations.Some other results, obtained through the same method as developed in this paper are indicated.