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1088 Ergebnisse
In: Internationales Gewerkschaftshandbuch, S. 251-252
Ausgehend von der historischen Entwicklung der erst 1981 unabhängig gewordenen ehemaligen britischen Kronkolonie stellt der Verfasser des Handbuchartikels die verschiedenen Strömungen der Gewerkschaftsbewegung in Belize dar. Nach Ansicht des Autors sind die Gewerkschaften des Landes ideologisch zersplittert, organisatorisch schwach und ohne tragende Rolle im vorwiegend agrarisch geprägten Wirtschaftsleben von Belize. Ergänzt wird die inhaltliche Darstellung durch Literaturhinweise und die Anschrift des Gewerkschaftsbundes. (KS)
Cover -- CONTENTS -- BACKGROUND -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- OUTLOOK AND RISKS -- POLICIES -- A. Enhancing Growth and Resilience -- B. Building Fiscal Buffers -- C. Further Strengthening the Financial System -- STATISTICAL ISSUES -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOX -- 1. Belize's Tourism Boom -- FIGURES -- 1. Real Sector Developments -- 2. External Sector Developments -- 3. Fiscal Sector Developments -- 4. Monetary and Financial Sector Developments -- 5. Debt Markets Developments -- TABLES -- 1. Selected Social and Economic Indicators, 2015-2022 -- 2a. Operations of the Central Government (In millions of Belize dollars) -- 2b. Operations of the Central Government (In percent of GDP -- unless otherwise indicated) -- 3a. Balance of Payments, 2015-22 (in millions of US dollars) -- 3b. Balance of Payments, 2015-22 (in percent of GDP) -- 4. Operations of the Banking System, 2015-22 -- 5. Baseline Medium-Term Outlook, 2015-22 -- ANNEXES -- I. Implementation of 2017 Article IV Consultation Recommendations -- II. External Stability Assessment -- III. Risk Assessment Matrix -- IV. Inter-Sectoral Balance Sheet Analysis -- V. Debt Sustainability Analysis -- VI. Growth Analysis and Data Sources -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- COLLABORATIONS WITH OTHER INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS -- STATISTICAL ISSUES.
In: IMF Staff Country Reports v.Country Report No. 14/280
KEY ISSUESOutlook and risks. The economy will remain vulnerable over the medium term, withsluggish real GDP growth, rising public debt and widening external current accountdeficits. International reserves could decline to uncomfortably low levels. The financialsystem would continue to be hampered by high NPLs and low capital buffers, especiallyat a systemic bank. Main fiscal risks include a court decision that could lead to a largerthan expected compensation to the former owners of the nationalized companies, weaknesses in a systemic bank, and the cost of the new public bank. Focus of the Consul