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8916 Ergebnisse
Russian Banking Sector
In: Russian Economic Developments. 2013, No. 2. Moscow, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy
Liberalize banking sector
Liberalize the banking sector to establish a bank branch at every village or colony having population of 2500 so that each bank shall handle approximately 2000 accounts. To give every citizen above the age of 15 years a bank savings account * To make India a fully digital nation and to usher in 100% e-governance. * To expand Banking to the ultimate level so that many State and Central Government departments can be integrated in the banking system to cut the present government size and non plan expenditure to 1/3 level. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down.
Russia's Banking Sector
In: Russian Economy in 2016. Trends and Outlooks. 2017. Moscow. IEP, issue 38, pp. 139-149
Working paper
Digitalization in Banking Sector
altered customer's preferences and demands. The main purpose of the study is to know the impact of digitations in context to e banking services. Traditionally the relationship between the bank and its customers has been on a one to one process. The government of India has been curiously taking various steps to bring to technological advancements in the banking sector in India. Introduction of debit cards, credit cards, NEFT, RTGS, Jan Dhanyojana, White label ATMs, mobile banking, internet banking and many other major initiatives to enhance banking in India have great responses from the consumer's end. These diversified digital products help the organizations service providers to improve their firm performance and to remain competitive in the market. They also assist in increasing market share to grow their profitability and improve financial position and performance. They all observe that despite rapid technological advancement in DFS during the last ten years, Digital Financial Services the factor affecting firm's performance didn't get the reasonable attention in academic literature and profitability. Evolving new technologies like app banking, mobile wallets etc. more people are accessing and using financial services provided by the banks. The paper discusses about the impact of digital technology over financial position with respect to the Indian economy and cultural. Mrs. Bhagyashree N. Deshpande "Digitalization in Banking Sector" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | International Conference on Digital Economy and its Impact on Business and Industry , October 2018, URL:
The comparison of European Union banking sector with Turkish banking sector
ÖZET Avrupa Birliği'nin kuruluşundan sonra, birlik yıllar itibariyle hem derinleşmekte hem de genişlemektedir. Bugün yirmi yedi üye ülkeden oluşan Avrupa Birliği, sınırları Maastricht Anlaşması ile belirlenmiş tek para ile ortak pazarı tamamlamakta büyük bir adım atmış ve parasal birliğe geçmiştir. Birliğin kurulduğu yıllarda, tek para birimine ihtiyaç duyulmamakta idi. O zamanlar, Bretton Woods sistemi ile bütün dünya ortak para alanı haline gelmişti. Bretton Woods sisteminin yıkılmasından sonra, Birlik parasal birliği gerçekleştirmek için tek para birimine ihtiyaç duydu. Ekonomik ve parasal birliğin, tek para birimi ile eş anlı gerçekleştirilebilmesi için finansal piyasalarda bütünleşmenin sağlanması gerekliydi. Ev sahibi ülkeyi tanımaya dayanan birinci bankacılık direktifi, bankacılık sektörünün bütünleşmesi için faydalı olamamıştır. Menşei ülkeyi tanımaya dayanan ve tek pasaportu tanıtan ikinci bankacılık direktifi, bankacılık sektörünün bütünleşmesi için en büyük adımdır. Günümüzde Avrupa Birliği bankacılık sektörü eski üyeler arasında bütünleşmiştir. Yeni üye devletlerin, Avrupa Birliği eski üyelerinin yerini yakalabilmesi için önlerinde çok uzun yol vardır. Türkiye'nin Avrupa Birliği'ne girme beklentisi, politik ve ekonomik reformlarda yapılan ilerlemelere bağlıdır. Finansal sektördeki birçok konu bankacılık sektörü ile ilgidir. Çünkü Türk finansal sisteminin aktif toplamının yüzde doksanını bankacılık sektörü oluşturmaktadır. Geçmişte, bazen Türkiye'nin ekonomik durumu bankacılık krizlerine, bazen de bankacılık krizleri Türkiye'de ekonomik krizlere neden olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, 2000-2001 ekonomik krizinden sonra, Türk bankacılık sektörü, rehabilitasyon programına tabi oldu. Sektörün yapısal problemleri çözülmeye başlandı. Türk bankacılık piyasası büyük bir büyüme potansiyeline sahiptir. AB'nin yeni üye devletleri üzerinde ve eski üyelerin arasında, teknolojik altyapısı, kalifiye iş gücü, karlılık, verimlilik ve büyüme potansiyeli açısından rekabet avantajı vardır. ABSTRACTAfter the foundation of the European Union, the Union has been both deepening and enlargening over the years. The European Union which consists of twenty seven member states today has taken a big step for the fulfillment of the common market and has passed through the monetary union with single currency whose border was drawn by the Maastricht Treaty. There was no need to have a single currency when the Union was established. With the Bretton Woods system, the whole world became a common currency area at that time. After the failure of the Bretton Woods system, the Union needed to have a single currency to realize the monetary union. The integration had to be maintained in the financial market to realize the economic and monetary union with the common currency synchronously. The first banking directive which depended on the host country recognition could not be useful for the integration of the banking sector. The second banking directive which depended on home country rule and which introduced the single passport was the biggest step for the integration of the banking sector. Today, EU banking sector has been integrated among the old member states, there is a long way in front of the new accession countries to catch the place of the old member states. Turkey's prospects of accession to the European Union are highly dependent on the progress made with political and economic reforms. Most of the issues are concentrated in the banking sector in financial sector, because banks account for more than ninety percent of the total assets of the Turkish financial system. In the past, sometimes, the economic situation of Turkey caused banking crises, sometimes; the banking crises caused economic crises in Turkey. However after the 2000-2001 economic crises, Turkish banking system has to be dependent on a rehabilitation programme. The structural problems of the sector has been started to be solved. Turkish banking market has a big potential to grow up. It has competitive advantage over the new accession countries and among the EU old member states in terms of its technological infrastructure, its qualified staffs, its profitability, its effectiveness and the growing potential.
Working paper
Russia's Banking Sector in 2012
In: Russian Economy in 2012. Trends and Outlooks. Issue 34. Moscow, 2013, Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy
Working paper
Banking Sector Reform In Ethiopia
The fragile and inefficient state-dominated banking sector that existed in Ethiopia during the military government (1974-1991) was a major hindrance to economic growth. Since it took power in 1991, the current government has implemented a number of reforms. For instance, in 1994, the government legalized domestic private investment in the banking industry. In addition, it restructured the two development banks as commercial banks, and introduced a new Banking and Monetary Proclamation that gave more autonomy and further clarified the National Bank of Ethiopias activities as the regulator and supervisor of the banking sector. Although these measures have led to marginal improvements in efficiency and competition, there is a great need for additional market oriented reforms to further enhance the sectors role in mobilizing savings and allocating funds to their optimum usage. The purpose of this paper was to analyze additional market-based policy initiatives undertaken by the government to determine if they would further enhance the efficiency of the banking sector in Ethiopia. Based on the results of the data analysis it may be concluded that the Ethiopian government needs to further strategize and take the following steps: a) reverse the decision prohibiting foreign banks from investing in the country, b) fully privatize the state-owned commercial banks, c) allow market forces to determine interest rates and the exchange rate of the Ethiopian currency, Birr (ETB), and d) upgrade the regulatory and supervisory capacity of the National Bank of Ethiopia to facilitate efficiency in the banking market.
Russian Banking Sector in 2022
In: Russian Economy in 2022. Trends and Outlooks. Issue 44. 2023. Moscow. IEP. Pp. 144-157
Russian Banking Sector in 2020
In: Russian Economy in 2020. Trends and Outlooks. Issue 42. Moscow. IEP. 2021. P. 15
Russia's Banking Sector in 2019
In: Russian Economy in 2019. Trends and Outlooks. Moscow. IEP. 2020. Issue 41, pp. 160-169