Brasilien und Russland, Indien und China gelten als die Wirtschaftsmächte der kommenden Dekaden. Über die hiesigen Arbeitsstrukturen ist aber bislang wenig bekannt. Die Fallstudien zur Funktionsweise von Personal- und Produktionssystemen internationaler Automobilhersteller zeigen deutlich, dass die BRIC-Länder bereits über den Status von reinen Niedriglohnstandorten hinausgewachsen sind. Diese Veränderung stellt die Unternehmen vor die Herausforderung, ihre betrieblichen Standards, die Erwartungen der Beschäftigten sowie lokale Ausbildungs-und Entgeltsysteme in Einklang zu bringen.
Die Berufsausbildung in den BRIC-Staaten muss reformiert werden. Transparente Verfahren und kompetitive Auswahlverfahren ersetzen frühere Klientelbeziehungen. In den BRIC-Unternehmen fehlt die gewerkschaftliche Gegenposition zu den Managementkonzepten.
Will the ascent of new actors in the international scene bring increased multilateral coordination? Using BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as an example, the paper explores possible answers in two levels of analysis -actors and system- and in two issue areas: global economy and international politics. The paper begins by describing changes in the international economy (system) and the coming of age of BRICs (actors) in the context of the rise of emerging economies. Secondly the patterns of distribution of power throughout the international system are explained. In this context, the capabilities and intentions of BRIC as an international actor are laid out. The third section advances the possible trajectories of interaction between actor and system according to an action-reaction dynamic. Finally, the paper answers the core question: does more distribution of power in the international system imply more coordination between units? Will multipolarism enhance multilateralism? ; ¿Cuál es el impacto del surgimiento de nuevos actores en el sistema internacional? Utilizando a los BRICs (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) como caso testigo se investigan las posibles respuestas en dos niveles de análisis: actores y sistema. Primero, se estudia la reconfiguración del sistema económico global: el ascenso de los países emergentes y el rol de los BRICs liderando el proceso. En segundo lugar, se analiza la distribución del poder en el orden internacional contemporáneo. Se estudia el surgimiento del BRIC como nuevo actor colectivo y sus capacidades e intenciones respecto de un sistema en transición. Se presenta luego una matriz de potenciales trayectorias de interacción entre actor y sistema. La conclusión responde a la pregunta de si el creciente poder de los BRICs ha resultado en un mayor cuestionamiento o en la creciente aceptación del sistema actual de relaciones internacionales.
Die vier Schwellenländer Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China, zusammengefasst unter dem Begriff "BRIC-Staaten", sind in den letzten Jahren immer öfter Thema in Medien und Politik. Der Anstieg der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit ist dabei zweifelsohne der wachsenden wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung dieser Länder zuzuschreiben. Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt ihre ökonomische Entwicklung in den letzten Jahren und vergleicht sie mit den fortgeschrittenen Volkswirtschaften USA und Deutschland. Darüber hinaus gibt er einen Überblick über die Fiskalpolitik der BRIC-Staaten während der letzten Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise.
The article analyzes the main features of BRIC's development with regard to the intensifying criticism towards the existing format of this intergovernmental institution. Special emphasis is laid upon Russia's role in BRIC, as well as upon consequences of the 2008–2009 global crisis for each BRIC country. The author draws a conclusion that BRIC as a new informal institute is a reality of international economic and political relations and is of undoubted interest for all its members. For Russia it is important to use the BRIC to advance new international initiatives, as well as for exchange of economic development experience on many key issues.
For the next decade, the future of the automotive industry lies in BRIC' countries. Together, Brazil, Russia, India, and China will account for some 30 percent of world auto sales in 2014 while also offering significant opportunities for cost-effective R&D, sourcing, and manufacturing. The authors analyze the degree of localization of leading TNC and supplies in each BRIC country, for each function, compare localization across BRIC countries, assess the future development of these markets, compare local capabilities and resources, and identify particularly promising combinations of functions and countries. Key trends in developing countries include continuing liberalization and globalization, increased foreign investment and ownership, and the increasing importance of follow-source and follow-design forces. The article concerns the trends and factors of national automotive industry formation in BRIC countries. Special emphasis is made on localization of R&D activities, final assembly operations and components production by global automotive companies in BRIC countries. It systemizes the factors of investment opportunities of different developing markets. It is concluded that active state regulation is playing the principle role in localization and catching-up process in automotive industry in developing countries. The comparison of the automotive industry in BRIC countries allows shedding light on the economic processes of emergence at large. There is a stark contrast in the capacities of development of the sector in these countries. This contrast serves as an analyzer between the modes of sector opening and the paths of technological catching-up that is the core of the phenomenon of emergence. The analysis and best practices presented in the topic, while focusing on the BRIC countries, are applicable also to other rapidly developing economies.