Anthropogenic Activities and Biodiversity Threats
In: International Journal of Biological Innovations, IJBI 4(1): 94-103 (2022)
1892 Ergebnisse
In: International Journal of Biological Innovations, IJBI 4(1): 94-103 (2022)
This report constitutes the main deliverable of WorkPackage 2 of GoverNat, "Assessing multilevel activities in water and biodiversity governance", dealing with an assessment of state-ofthe- art European water and biodiversity governance, based on the analysis of a series of casestudies developed by GoverNat fellows. The cases, all dealing with participation in multi-level governance of water and biodiversity in Europe, were analysed with the support of the framework for analysis and evaluation of multi-level participatory processes developed in GoverNat. A free narrative, describing the main aspects of each case was also prepared. A total of 24 cases were analysed. Information for this analysis was gathered either directly by the fellows (e.g. through interviews) or relying on previously published materials. The cases should enable the test of the scientific hypothesis and the fundamental premises of the GoverNat project: that participatory processes are positive elements in new modes of environmental multi-level governance. The cases described showed a high degree of variability in several aspects such as geographical location, territorial scale, characteristics of the resource at stake, typology of problem described, and characteristics of the decision-making process and corresponding outcome. The different backgrounds of GoverNat fellows, which lead them to use different "lenses" when looking at the cases, introduced yet another level of variability in the analysis of the cases. [.]
In: Environmental policy and law: the journal for decision-makers, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 151-156
ISSN: 0378-777X
In this paper we examine the content of farm animal biodiversity conservation measurescurrently under implementation in the European Union (EU), as a result of the application of EC Regulations 1257/99 and 1750/99. We surveyed 69 Rural Development Plans (RDPs) set up in EU Member States. Our analysis focuses on six livestock mammalian species: asses, cattle, goats, horses, pigs, and sheep The starting point for our investigation is the Domestic Animals Diversity-Information System (DAD-IS) FAO database which monitors the status of breeds in the world. We compare breeds included in the DAD-IS FAO database with breeds covered by the various RDPs. The analysis highlights that many breeds at risk of extinction according to FAO are not included in the RDPs. The analysis also indicates that the main efforts of the RDPs are devoted to preserving local cattle and sheep breeds. As concerns the financial aspects of livestock biodiversity measures, we note that the payments offered to farmers do not take into account the different probabilities of extinction associated with each breed in each country. Furthermore, we observe that payments do not meet all of the relevant criteria stated in the EEC Regulations. In many cases, we observe that, in spite of the Union's support to farmers, it still remains unprofitable to rear local breeds. These anomalies suggest the need for a revision of the current EU supporting measures related to the conservation of livestock biodiversity. Finally, by using FAO indicators on the current population size of each breed, we estimate the level of expected public expenditure necessary to ensure the upgrading of breeds from their
In: Build it yourself
In: Environmental science
Biodiversity: Explore the Diversity of Life on Earth with Science Activities for Kids introduces middle schoolers to the evolution of life on Earth, beginning with the first single-celled organisms that emerged 3.8 billion years ago to the complex, multi-celled organisms that exist today and make up the tree of life. Biodiversity is found everywhere on the planet--on land, in the water, and even in extreme environments such as ice and volcanoes. Biodiversity can also be discovered by looking through a microscope at tiny worlds of organisms that can't be seen with the human eye. There are whole microbiomes beneath our feet, in puddles, and even in our belly buttons! All of this biodiversity on Earth helps keep the planet in balance. Biodiversity is also important to humans because it provides food, shelter, clothing, medicines, and more. However, the rates of biodiversity loss are increasing because of human activities. Climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, over-exploitation--these are all critical threats to biodiversity. There are, however, ways to slow or stop this loss through conservation and sustainable development. Biodiversity includes hands-on STEM activities and critical thinking exercises to encourage readers to consider the threat to biodiversity and figure out ways to be part of the solution. Activities and projects include making biogas, a microscope, a tabletop biosphere as well as planting a bee garden, studying a soil sample and water sample. Fun facts, links to online primary sources and other supplemental material, and essential questions take readers on an exploration of the incredible biodiversity on Earth.--
The fact sheet describes the objectives and activities of Workpackage 2: Biodiversity of the SponGES project. The main aim of this Work Package is to provide a complete assessment of the biodiversity contained within sponge grounds ecosystems of the North Atlantic.
In: Springer eBook Collection
1. Integration of Conservation and Utilization in Temperate Hardwood Species -- 2. The Conservation of Genetic and Chemical Diversity in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants -- 3. Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Wild Relatives of Crop Species -- 4. Perspectives on Human Genome Diversity within Pakistan using Y Chromosomal and Autosomal Microsatellite Markers -- 5. Lessons from Nature Show the Way to Safe and Environmentally Pacific Pest Control -- 6. Biodiversity of Soil Fauna in Different Ecosystems in Egypt with Particular References to Insect Predators -- 7. Optimization of Natural Procedures Leads: Discovery of MylotargTM, CCI-779 and GAR-936 -- 8. Bioactive Compounds from Some Endangered Plants of Africa -- 9. New Bioactive Substances Reported from the African Flora -- 10. Bioactive Components of a Peruvian Herbal Medicine, Chucuhuasi (Maytenus amazonica) -- 11. Discovery of Natural Products from Indonesian Tropical Rainforest Plants: Chemodiversity of Artocarpus (Moraceae) -- 12. Seminal Findings on a Novel Enzyme: Mechanism of Biochemical Action of 4-Methylcoumarins, Constituents of Medicinal and Edible Plants -- 13. Medicinal Plants—A Source of Potential Chemicals of Diverse Structures and Biological Activity -- 14. Biodiversity in Turkish Folk Medicine -- 15. Biodiversity of Phenylethanoids Glycosides -- 16. The Chemo- and Biodiversity of Endophytes -- 17. Molecular Diversity and Specificity of Arthropod Toxins -- 18. Chemical Diversity of Coral Reef Organisms -- 19. Chemical Signals from Sponges and their Allelopathic Effects on Other Marine Animals -- 20. Anti-Cancer Metabolites from Marine Sponges -- 21. Altitudinal and Latitudinal Diversity on the Flora on Eastern and Western Sides of the Red Sea -- 22. Biodiversity and Free Market Mechanism -- 23. Domestication and Determination of Yield and Quality Aspects of Wild Mentha Species Growing in Southern Turkey -- 24. Some Ornamental Geophytes from the East Anatolia -- 25. Bioactive Molecules from Cynodon dactylon of Indian Biodiversity -- 26. Phenylethanoid Glycosides with Free Radical Scavenging Properties from Verbascum wiedemannianum -- 27. Antioxidant Activity of Capsicum annuum L. Fruit Extracts on Acetaminophen Toxicity -- 28. In Vitro Antileishmanial Activity of Proanthocyanidins and Related Compounds -- 29. Evaluation of the Antileishmanial Activity of Two New Diterpenoids and Extracts from Salvia cilicica -- 30. Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Sedum sartorianum subsp. sartorianum -- 31. Blood Pressure Lowering Activity of Active Principle from Ocimum basilicum -- 32. Chemical Variability in Azadirachta indica Growing in Tamil Nadu State of India -- 33. Pesticidal Activity of Eucalyptus Leaf Extracts againstHelicoverpa armigeraLarvae -- 34. Two New Lignans from Taxus baccata L. -- 35. Lignans from Taxus baccata L. -- 36. Heraclenol and Isopimpinellin: Two Rare Furocoumarins from Ruta montana -- 37. A Chemotaxonomic Study on the Genus Ferulago Sect. Humiles (Umbelliferae) -- 38. Aromatic Biodiversity among Three Endemic Thymus Species of Iran -- 39. Volatile Constituents of the Leaves of Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Willd. from Iran -- 40. Fatty Acid Composition of the Aerial Parts of Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle) L. (Urticaceae) -- 41. Fatty Acid Composition of Aconitum orientale Miller and A. nasutum Fisch. ex Reichb Seeds, A Chemotaxonomic Approach -- 42. New Peptide from a Bacterium Associated with Marine Sponge Ircinia muscarum -- 43. Sheep Brain Glutathione Reductase: Purification and Some Properties -- 44. Some Morphological and Phenological Characters of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Grown in Hatay Province of Turkey -- 45. Genetic Diversity of Two Native Forest Tree Species in Turkey: Pinus brutia Ten. and Cupressus sempervirens L. -- 46. The Vegetation Studies in the Pure Stands of Kürtün (Gümü?hane) Forests in Turkey -- 47. 7th Year IPM Implementation: The Biodiversity of Pests and their Beneficial Species in the Protected Vegetable in the Aegean Region of Turkey -- 48. Phytopreparations from the Species of Limonium Mill -- 49. The Biological Activities of New Heterocyclic Compounds Containing Nitrogen and Sulphur -- 50. Synthetic Modification of Iridoids to Non-natural Indole Alkaloids -- 51. The Complexation of New 1,3-Dithiocalix[4]arene Containing Oxime Derivative -- 52. Convenient Route to Quinoline-Tetrahydroquinolines from Quinoline-Carboxaldehydes -- 53. Quantum Chemical Research of Quercetin, Myricetin, their Bromo- and Sulpho Derivatives -- 54. Destruction and Conservation of Turkish Orchids -- Annex -- Author Index.
In: Earthscan from Routledge
Klappentext: "Biodiversity' at its simplest, refers to the variety of species inhabiting Planet Earth. It is essential to the well-being of the planet. There is now a scientific consensus around the current ongoing crisis in biodiversity arising from both climate change and human activities. Experts believe we are in the middle of a mass extinction of biodiversity with devastating consequences for our planet. Accounting for Biodiversity explores the need for companies to actively protect, conserve and improve biodiversity within their sphere of operation. The 14 chapters written by a selected team of experts investigate the ways in which companies are embracing their responsibility through a variety of biodiversity initiatives and innovative models designed to improve the recording, reporting and valuing of biodiversity. Global case studies look at biodiversity accounting in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and South America. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive set of reflections on accounting for biodiversity and recommendations for the future. This book is essential reading for all those interested in the contribution that accounting can make to the preservation of accounting. As we see increasing awareness of the importance of sustainability and ecological responsibility in business activity it is relevant and should prove informative to students, managers, accountants and those in business more generally. It is also important for all those interested in conserving biodiversity. "--
In: UFZ-Diskussionspapiere 7/2010
In: Environmental policy and law, Band 40, Heft 6, S. 262-297
ISSN: 1878-5395
FAO - Preventing, Deterring and Eliminating IUU Fishing "Port State Measures" (Blaise Kuemlangan and Michael Press) 262 UN/GA / MDG Summit - Environmental Dimension of the MDGs "Progress Made?" (Elisa Morgera) 269 - Sustainable Development and Biodiversity (Constanza Martinez) 273 High-level Event on Biodiversity - Selected Statements by Representatives of the Member States 279 CBD / COP-10 - Post-2010 Implementation (Elisa Morgera) 281 - Access and Benefit Sharing "The Nagoya Protocol" (Elsa Tsioumani) 288 - Liability and Redress "Supplement to the Cartagena Protocol" 293
In 2010, there was a bold commitment to take action in halting global biodiversity loss by 2020. Now, half way through the Convention on Biological Diversity strategic plan 2011–2020, the success of the mission is under discussion. With the Twelfth Conference of the Parties attesting a lack of action, attention is now focused on the science–policy interface. This article offers a critical examination of the current debate on the science–policy interface and its implications for biodiversity research. The aim is to demonstrate the need for a social–ecological perspective. First, we argue that there is not only a lack of action but also a lack of knowledge. Second, we present social–ecological systems as a common framework for biodiversity research. Third, we explain the potential of transdisciplinarity in biodiversity research. We finish by calling for a decisive turning point to consider the hybrid notions of biodiversity in science, politics and conservation activities.
Ecosystems continue to be impacted by human activities, there is a need to address the benefits of biodiversity and take steps to prevent from harming the biodiversity permanently. The increasing rapid growth of human population has led to the exploitation of Earths biological diversity in an unsustainable manner. This has made a lot of changes come through, like a shift in the climate, acidification of the ocean and various anthropogenic activities (environmental impacts). We must hold this as a point, that effective conservation of biodiversity is critical for human survival and continuity of ecosystems processes. However, some conservational advances and growth in public as well as government interest in sustainability of biodiversity is still on the low side. Conservation approaches need to be implemented along with broader institutional and societal transformations enabled more effective implementation of the policy. Moreover, conservation should clearly be proactive and ongoing, to as far an extent that is possible. Climate change is bound to become one of the outcomes of the recent human activities and poses a deep threat to Biodiversity. This paper entails the study of protected areas in terms of geopolitical and habitat coverage, considers the numbers as a global indicator of conservation standards. Protected areas, their role in preservation of biodiversity and quality control in these areas are discussed. Ex-situ and in-situ conservation methodologies are taken into consideration.
Wildlife conservation is a collective effort by the people and Governments with conscious to protect earth?s biological diversity. Wildlife conservation activities relate to the protection of plants and animal species, and their habitats. Conservation efforts are made by the Governments by enacting laws with a goal to preserve the nature, and the endangered species for the future generations. This article discusses about the wild life protection provisions enshrined under various legislations, the constitutional mandates to the citizens and, judicial role in wild life conservation and biodiversity.
In: Sustainable development and biodiversity, volume 29
This edited work brings out a comprehensive collection of information on Potentials, Threats and Conservation of Biodiversity in Africa. The main focus of this book is to address the sustainability of Biodiversity of Africa. Biodiversity are organisms that typically have life and possess the characteristics of living things. The biodiversity is being affected by human activities as well as natural effects. This in turn is affecting the uses of biodiversity which are mainly food and medicine. Therefore it will be useful to point possible means of conserving biodiversity of African so as to enhance the sustainability of their uses especially in Africa. This book is of interest and useful to biodiversity experts, policy makers, conservationists and industries interested in biodiversity conservation of native flora and fauna in the area. It will also be useful to environmental and agricultural scientists, foresters, horticulturists, ecologists, and valuable source of reference to the relevant researchers and students (undergraduate and Post graduate) in the region.