Baby boom or baby bust?
In: Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 3-34
6227 Ergebnisse
In: Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 3-34
In: Wirtschaftsdienst: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Band 104, Heft 7, S. 438-438
ISSN: 1613-978X
In: American economic review, Band 95, Heft 1, S. 183-207
ISSN: 1944-7981
What caused the baby boom? And can it be explained within the context of the secular decline in fertility that has occurred over the last 200 years? The hypothesis is that: (a) The secular decline in fertility is due to the relentless rise in real wages that increased the opportunity cost of having children; (b) The baby boom is explained by an atypical burst of technological progress in the household sector that occurred in the middle of the last century. This lowered the cost of having children. A model is developed in an attempt to account, quantitatively, for both the baby boom and bust.
In: Working with older people: community care policy & practice, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 42-42
ISSN: 2042-8790
In: Kazoku shakaigaku kenkyū, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 5-6
ISSN: 1883-9290
Blog: The Lowe Down
Article by Sambhav Maheshwari The COVID-19 pandemic, by changing experiences across transportation, well-being, caregiving, health care, and jobs, has caused society-wide shifts in behavior with potentially far reaching consequences. One of these is the impact on birth rates with potentially long-lived demographic consequences. In 2020, many academics predicted that the incidence of a pandemic (COVID) […]
The post COVID-19: Baby Bump or Baby Dump? appeared first on The Lowe Down.
In: The women's review of books, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 21
In: Enfances, familles, générations: EFG, Heft 24
ISSN: 1708-6310
Dans le schéma classique des années 1960, la vie en dehors de la famille était exclusivement réservée aux hommes, alors que les femmes étaient considérées comme les « reines du logis ». Élevées selon ce modèle, les générations nées après-guerre vont pourtant s'en affranchir et initier des comportements plus autonomes en élaborant de nouvelles formes de vie au sein du couple et de la famille, mais aussi en dehors de cette sphère privée. Ainsi, à partir du moment où les femmes ont reçu une éducation, ont eu la possibilité de maîtriser leur fécondité en choisissant le moment de l'arrivée et la taille de leur descendance finale, leurs trajectoires se sont diversifiées, notamment par le biais de leur activité professionnelle, comme en témoigne leur insertion massive et durable dans le marché de l'emploi à partir de 1960. Il s'agit alors d'une véritable rupture sociologique, d'une transformation radicale du rapport à l'emploi, avec le passage d'un modèle féminin d'inactivité à celui d'une activité discontinue, lequel va permettre l'émergence du modèle que nous connaissons aujourd'hui, celui de la continuité et du cumul (Maruani, 2000). Or, si les générations du baby-boom sont souvent considérées comme les initiatrices de ce dernier modèle, il en coexiste plusieurs à cette période.
L'objet de cet article est de décrire, dans le temps long, ces différents modèles d'activité à partir de 32 récits de vie réalisés à Paris et en région parisienne auprès de femmes issues de la première génération du baby-boom, c'est-à-dire nées entre 1945 et 1954. Cela permettra de s'interroger sur ces profils d'activité qui se construisent depuis l'enfance notamment selon l'empreinte maternelle (Battagliola, 1987), jusqu'à la fin de vie active, en passant par les modes d'entrée dans la vie adulte, source de différenciation sociale des trajectoires féminines (Blöss et al., 1996), et d'en établir une typologie (tout en sachant que ces modèles sont loin d'être statiques et s'avèrent poreux, les femmes pouvant passer d'un modèle à un autre, notamment lorsqu'elles se séparent). Car ces évolutions ne se réalisent pas pour toutes, ni au même moment du cycle de vie, ce qui induit une hétérogénéité des parcours, mais aussi différentes visions de ce que doit être la place des femmes au sein de la famille et de la société, ces différents modèles structurant fortement l'organisation familiale ainsi que les représentations de la famille, et influençant leurs trajectoires– notamment conjugales.
World Affairs Online
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 8727
Working paper
From the National Book Award-winning author of Stamped from the Beginning and How to Be an Antiracist comes a fresh new board book that empowers parents and children to uproot racism in our society and in ourselves.Take your first steps with Antiracist Baby! Or rather, follow Antiracist Baby's nine easy steps for building a more equitable world. With bold art and thoughtful yet playful text, Antiracist Baby introduces the youngest readers and the grown-ups in their lives to the concept and power of antiracism. Providing the language necessary to begin critical conversations at the earliest age, Antiracist Baby is the perfect gift for readers of all ages dedicated to forming a just society
Baby Boomers may be read as a private and public story at the same time, as is fre-quently the case in female autobiographic tales; private experiences are intertwined with the rules of the patriarchal society. Rosy, Annamaria and Roberta are three well known feminist intellectuals; their tale starts from their feelings of loneliness and solitude when in the over crowded sixties they started to be in touch with politics. In those years they discovered their belonging to a History which was silent inside the institutions, a world to which they felt they did not belong. Their path towards themselves owed a lot to the consciousness-raising groups where the private acquires a political meaning and dimension. Their feeling of being part of something which was common to all women gave to each of them the instruments to become something different from what they had been taught a woman had to be. Their book is a fascinating picture of a generation of women in progress towards a new idea of themselves and able in the process to set in motion a revolution in social habits and attitudes towards women. ; Baby Boomers racconta una storia che è privata e pubblica insieme, come spesso accade ai racconti autobiografici femminili, in cui il mondo privato di un'esistenza si intreccia con l'altro mondo rappresentato dalle leggi non scritte della società dei padri. Rosi Braidotti, Annamaria Tagliavini, Roberta Mozzanti, tutte e tre ben note espressio-ne e protagoniste dell'intellighenzia femminile, raccontano come nei collettivi di auto-coscienza, nel piccolo gruppo dove "il privato è politico", abbiano scoperto una dimensione diversa di se stesse, che ha permesso a ciascuna di trovare la propria intima verità. Il libro restituisce il senso di una stagione e di una generazione di donne che nei collettivi imparava un modo diverso di essere donne, realizzando una trasformazione nei costumi e nei saperi.
"Austerity Baby might best be described as an 'oblique memoir'. Janet Wolff's fascinating volume is a family history – but one that is digressive and consistently surprising. The central underlying and repeated themes of the book are exile and displacement; lives (and deaths) during the Third Reich; mother-daughter and sibling relationships; the generational transmission of trauma and experience; transatlantic reflections; and the struggle for creative expression. Stories mobilised, and people encountered, in the course of the narrative include: the internment of aliens in Britain during the Second World War; cultural life in Rochester, New York, in the 1920s; the social and personal meanings of colour(s); the industrialist and philanthropist, Henry Simon of Manchester, including his relationship with the Norwegian explorer, Fridtjof Nansen; the liberal British campaigner and MP of the 1940s, Eleanor Rathbone; reflections on the lives and images of spinsters. The text is supplemented and interrupted throughout by images (photographs, paintings, facsimile documents), some of which serve to illustrate the story, others engaging indirectly with the written word."