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1420 Ergebnisse
Centralized and automatic Controls in ships
In: The Commonwealth and international Library of science, technology, engineering and liberal studies
The problem of « Lur'e » in automatic control
In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, Band 51, Heft 1, S. 76-93
Le Problème de Lur'e est étudié dans le cas général où le noyau de rétroaction n'est pas la fonction de Green d'un opérateur différentiel. Une fonction de Liapounov est construite explicitement en résolvant une équation intégrale non linéaire du type utilisé en théorie du transfert radiatif par S. Chandrasekhar. Le critère de stabilité de Popov est obtenu comme corollaire.
Automatic control of food and biological processes
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 336-337
The Development of Automatic Control Systems in The Ussr
In: Soviet Law and Government, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 3-16
The development of automatic control systems in the USSR
In: Soviet law and government: translations from original Soviet sources, Band 15, S. 3-16
ISSN: 0038-5530
Translated from Politicheskoe Samoobrazovanie, no. 5, 1975.
The computerized greenhouse: Automatic control applications in plant production
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 335-336
Automatic control system for optimizing diesel engine performance
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 31-46
Applications of automatic control concepts to traffic flow modeling and control
In: Lecture notes in control and information sciences 50
The Economic Model - the Basis of An Automatic Control System
In: Problems of economics, Band 13, Heft 5, S. 44-57
Microprocessor system of automatic control of ship's freezing complex
In: Journal of marine engineering & technology, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 23-44
ISSN: 2056-8487
Sharing Control With Haptics: Seamless Driver Support From Manual to Automatic Control
In: Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors Society, Band 54, Heft 5, S. 786-798
ISSN: 1547-8181
Objective: Haptic shared control was investigated as a human–machine interface that can intuitively share control between drivers and an automatic controller for curve negotiation. Background: As long as automation systems are not fully reliable, a role remains for the driver to be vigilant to the system and the environment to catch any automation errors. The conventional binary switches between supervisory and manual control has many known issues, and haptic shared control is a promising alternative. Method: A total of 42 respondents of varying age and driving experience participated in a driving experiment in a fixed-base simulator, in which curve negotiation behavior during shared control was compared to during manual control, as well as to three haptic tunings of an automatic controller without driver intervention. Results: Under the experimental conditions studied, the main beneficial effect of haptic shared control compared to manual control was that less control activity (16% in steering wheel reversal rate, 15% in standard deviation of steering wheel angle) was needed for realizing an improved safety performance (e.g., 11% in peak lateral error). Full automation removed the need for any human control activity and improved safety performance (e.g., 35% in peak lateral error) but put the human in a supervisory position. Conclusion: Haptic shared control kept the driver in the loop, with enhanced performance at reduced control activity, mitigating the known issues that plague full automation. Application: Haptic support for vehicular control ultimately seeks to intuitively combine human intelligence and creativity with the benefits of automation systems.
A Simple Electronic Relay for Counting, Timing, or Automatic Control
In: The journal of psychology: interdisciplinary and applied, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 537-540
ISSN: 1940-1019
The System of Automatic Control of Complexity Work Evaluation in Assembly
In: Sborník vědeckých prací Vysoké Školy Báňské - Techniké Univerzity Ostrava: Transactions of the VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava. Řada strojní = Mechanical series, Band 57, Heft 1, S. 75-80
ISSN: 1804-0993