In the contemporary world, the technologies are sharply developed, but still the hygiene in our country is under hazards. The abstract of project is to provide clean and hygienic toilets or washrooms. All the public toilets should be clean and hygienic means disease free. In our country, government has introduced the scheme called "Swachh Bharat†Clean India so keeping the toilets clean is the one of the objective of Clean India Scheme. Our proposed solution can contribute to raise the clean India project. In future, it can play the major role in Clean India scheme. The existing system focus on detecting the dirt in the toilets. In our proposed system, we have focus on keeping clean toilets, observing the sweeper's working activities. It can avoid many diseases and may create the awareness among people about the Toilet management. Therefore, our solution is used to have safe and hygienic toilets. The proposed system is based on IOT and using different sensors like smell sensor, IR sensor, ultra sonic sensor, RFID reader. By using these sensors, we can create the smart toilets. Ms. Nayana B. Chide | Mr. Nilesh P. Bobade "IoT Based Smart Washroom using Automated Sensor" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020, URL: Paper Url :
This report presents design requirements for flush printed circuit boards that will function satisfactorily in timing devices for military applications. It also describes processes and materials that are satisfactory for the production of printed circuit boards that will meet these requirements. ; "TID-4500 (15th Edition) ; Equipment methods and techniques." ; "October 1960." ; Includes bibliographical references (page 18). ; This report presents design requirements for flush printed circuit boards that will function satisfactorily in timing devices for military applications. It also describes processes and materials that are satisfactory for the production of printed circuit boards that will meet these requirements. ; Mode of access: Internet. ; This bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.
Annotation, The environment around us is becoming smarter Soon there will be a camera in nearly every streetlight to do better occupancy sensing, and ultimately a camera in every light fixture And modern automatic flush toilets, faucets, and sensor operated showers are starting to use more sophisticated camera based computer vision technologies In a world of smart things like smart lights, smart toilets, smart grids, smart meters, smart roads, and the like, what happens when you have smart people (i e put sensors on people)? What do we make of the growing numbers of businesses like department stores and restaurants that prohibit cameras, yet display QR codes that require cameras to read and understand?
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We present an argument from micro-economic foundations suggesting that the federal Alternative Minimum Tax has potentially salutary – and heretofore unrecognized – effects that counteract pathologies of state budgets over the business cycle. AMT liability increases with income, and acts to eliminate federal tax subsidies for state revenue-raising. Thus, as a states' income grow and the AMT hits more state residents, state spending becomes more expensive in flush times as the federal tax subsidy for state and local taxes is reduced. Conversely, when state fiscal health deteriorates, the federal tax subsidy grows as fewer state residents fall under the AMT, boosting taxpayer support for state spending. This stabilizing mechanism has the potential to overcome problems state politicians face committing to saving during boom times and spending during bust times. We present empirical evidence suggesting that the AMT does indeed provide some degree of fiscal stabilization in accordance with micro-theory. We also provide policy suggestions regarding how the AMT could be modified to leverage this stabilization effect.
The study focuses on assessing the quality of houses and households in Sitio Lawesbra, Lapasan Cagayan de Oro City. The respondents of the study are composed of 899 households of 110 houses. The study utilized a descriptive research design. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count, percentages, and weighted mean were used to describe the houses and household in Sitio Lawesbra; The study found out that most households per house are 9. The average age is from 19-24. The majority of the dwellers are male. The majority of the household in Lawesbra are students. And there are dwellers who are employed. The majority of the household in Sitio Lawesbra have the following electrical standards. The majority of them have primary connections and are using circuit breakers in the panel board. The majority of the junction box is opened, with 3-4 splices per junction Box. The majority of the size of wires used in Sitio Lawesbra are not standard. But the majority are using the standard, convenient outlet. The majority of the households are not using octopus type of extension wire. The houses in Sitio Lawesbra have a primary water connection. The majority are using Polyvinyl chloride pipes and do not have leaks with the pipes or water system. The data further shows that the drainage system in Sitio Lawesbra is open. In terms of toilet systems, the majority have a standard size of a comfort room, made from concrete materials with ventilation. The majority of the dwellers are using pail flush type of toilet bowl, none are using automatic flush type, and however, four percent have an Antipolo type of toilet bowl. Seventy percent of the ground is concrete with its own septic tanks. The majority have substandard room and substandard kitchen ventilation. In addition, the majority have standard security windows, standard walling, and standard partition. The majority used wood for the ceiling and used Galvanized Iron for roofing. However, twenty-nine percent of the houses in Sitio Lawesbra have roof leaks. Finally, the majority in terms of risk reduction mechanism of the houses in Sitio Lawesbra have a sub-standard fire exit. In fact, nineteen percent do not have a fire exit, and only fifteen percent have a standard fire exit. In terms of door positioning, the path majority is sub-standard. However, sixty-three percent did consider that they have an evacuation area, though sub-standard. But thirty-seven percent claimed that they don't have an evacuation area. Thus, based on the results, the following recommendations were implemented and recommended. The researchers already coordinated with the following agencies, and actions were made respectively. The local government improved drainage and pathway systems. CEPALCO installed the installation of primary electrical connections and an independent transformer with the light post. Cagayan de Oro Water District also implemented reevaluation and repair of the water connection upon recommendation. Thus, it is recommended that the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines improve Sitio Lawesbra, as the closest community to the university that needs further augmentation and extension. ; El estudio se centra en la evaluación de la calidad de viviendas y hogares en sitio Lawesbra, Ciudad Lapasan Cagayán de Oro. Los encuestados del estudio están compuestos por 899 hogares de 110 casas. El estudio utilizó un diseño de investigación descriptivo. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas como recuento de frecuencia, porcentajes y media ponderada para describir las casas y el hogar en Sitio Lawesbra. El estudio encontró que la mayoría del número de hogares por casa es de 9. La edad promedio es de 19 a 24 años. La mayoría de los habitantes son hombres. La mayoría de los hogares en Lawesbra son estudiantes. Y hay habitantes que están empleados. La mayoría de los hogares en Sitio Lawesbra tienen los siguientes estándares eléctricos: La mayoría de ellos tienen conexión primaria y utilizan disyuntores en el tablero del panel. La mayoría de las cajas de conexiones están abiertas, con 3-4 empalmes por caja de conexiones. La mayoría del tamaño de los cables utilizados en Sitio Lawesbra no son estándar. Pero la mayoría está usando una salida conveniente estándar. La mayoría de los hogares no utilizan cables de extensión tipo pulpo. Las casas en Sitio Lawesbra tienen conexión primaria de agua. La mayoría usa tuberías de cloruro de polivinilo y no tienen fugas en las tuberías ni en el sistema de agua. Los datos muestran además que el sistema de drenaje en Sitio Lawesbra está abierto. En cuanto al sistema de inodoros, la mayoría tiene el tamaño estándar de una habitación cómoda, hecha de materiales de hormigón con ventilación. La mayoría de los habitantes están usando un inodoro tipo cubo con descarga, ninguno usa el tipo con descarga automática y, sin embargo, el cuatro por ciento tiene un inodoro tipo antipolo. El setenta por ciento del suelo es de hormigón con fosas sépticas propias. La mayoría tiene habitaciones deficientes y ventilación de cocina deficientes. Además, la mayoría tiene ventanas de seguridad estándar, paredes estándar y tabiques estándar. La mayoría utilizó madera para techos y hierro galvanizado para techos. Sin embargo, el veintinueve por ciento de las casas en Sitio Lawesbra tienen goteras en el techo. Finalmente, la mayoría en términos de mecanismo de reducción de riesgo de las casas en Sitio Lawesbra tienen una salida de incendios deficiente. De hecho, el diecinueve por ciento no tiene una salida de incendios y solo el quince por ciento tiene una salida de incendios estándar. En términos de posicionamiento de la puerta, la mayoría de los caminos no son estándar. Sin embargo, el sesenta y tres por ciento consideró que tienen un área de evacuación, aunque por debajo del estándar. Pero el treinta y siete por ciento afirmó que no tienen un área de evacuación. Por lo tanto, con base en los resultados, se implementaron y recomendaron las siguientes recomendaciones. Los investigadores ya se coordinaron con las siguientes agencias, y se realizaron acciones respectivamente. El gobierno local mejoró el sistema de drenaje y vías. La instalación de las conexiones eléctricas primarias y el transformador independiente con poste de luz fueron instalados por CEPALCO. La reevaluación y reparación de la conexión de agua también fueron implementadas por el Distrito de Agua de Cagayán de Oro, por recomendación. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología del Sur de Filipinas contribuya al mejoramiento de Sitio Lawesbra, como la comunidad más cercana a la Universidad que necesita mayor aumento y extensión.
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Republican Bossier Parish Sheriff Julian Whittington may have been trying to be clever in splitting the baby on half, but his recently announced tax increase isn't explained adequately enough to justify it, if it is justifiable at all.
Whittington last week kicked off what might become an orgy of tax increases in the aggregate on Bossier Parish property owners. This is the quadrennial reassessment of property values in Louisiana, where for properties held throughout the period by the same owner the Constitution sets as a default for the collective of these owners that the amount of tax paid in the aggregate be the same as it was four years earlier. That means the maximum millages that may be levied by taxing entities are changed to match, in most instances reduced to offset increased property values. To set a different level between this and the existing maximum millage, the entity must hold a public hearing prior to announcing that decision.
Thus, Whittington did – as an elected executive, he makes the call solo – where he announced that instead of allowing the automatic roll back from 14.9 mills to 12.7, he would roll it forward to 13.75, raising this year an estimated $1.5 million more. He justified this by saying existing full-time deputies could expect an across-the-board $2,500 hike in pay while new deputies would see their starting annual salary go from $42,600 to $44,100, or fifth to third among local agencies. This means, unless the value of an existing property declined more than about 7 percent, Bossier property owners will pay more in taxes to fund Whittington's office starting this year.
Whether Whittington had to reach deeper into taxpayers' pockets is questionable. The latest 2023 comprehensive annual financial report for his office showed an improving financial picture. Further, trends suggest this could accelerate in the future, meaning more excess cash generated that could have been used for handing out raises instead of taking more from citizens.
In 2023, the Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office had a healthy $35.6 million banked in cash, or about two-thirds of what it collected in revenues that year. Total revenues taken in exceeded expenses by over $4.2 million, and adding a couple miscellaneous items boosted all monies kept in various funds by over 10 percent to nearly $40 million.
In large part this happened because of both ad valorem and sales tax collections well above budgeted levels, just under $16 million for property taxes and just over that for sales taxes which together were $3.5 million more than expected. Personnel expenditures, at $36.7 million, were about $2.3 million lower than expected.
Unfortunately, BPSO has no web version available of its general fund budget adopted Jun. 21, 2023 for fiscal year 2024 and the CAFR for that period won't be available for several more months. But BPSO did post online its FY 2025 budget, which apparently didn't incorporate something similar to the actual tax increase. Originally, Whittington had conceived of an increase closer to $2 million that should have brought the amount to just over $20 million, but the numbers don't quite add up as the budget listed $18.36 million.
At the imputed $19.5 million, that represents a hefty boost of nearly 22 percent in property tax revenues in just two years. Sales taxes were down, however, by about $1.5 million, or a little below budgeted FY 2023. The final major sources of revenue, from the state for holding prisoners, was up over $1.5 million over the two years to $9.3 million.
By themselves, revenues seemed sufficient to support a raise without a tax increase. Buttressing this is two trends, both dealing with state policy. First, the state chronically has underfunded pension plans, but in recent years has made strides towards full funding. This has resulted in local agencies that use a state fund, as does the BPSO, having to make extra contributions to it. Yet that excess proportion has been declining and, for the BPSO, by 2022 almost was at the point it didn't have to pay extra. A change in accounting actuarial assumptions reversed that starting in 2023, but the trend continues favorably that should be close to zero extra contributions by 2028, freeing up money in future years.
Then there's the criminal justice changes made earlier this year that basically restore the legal environment to that of about seven years ago. This likely will increase the dollars coming in for holding state prisoners above what was budgeted in future years, as numbers of state prisoners held in local jails sagged after standards were relaxed. Of course, there are costs involved, which the reports don't specify, but clearly more state prisoners pad a sheriff's bottom line.
However, the FY 2025 budget contains a large increase in personnel costs, going from $36.7 actual in 2023 million to $40.5 million, which can't reflect the extra pension contribution as that actually will be lower than in FY 2023. That does seem to include the pay raise, contemplated prior to the decision to raise property taxes values of which weren't then officially available.
But what really stands out is a massive over $11 million increase to nearly $14 million in "capital purchases," compared to the amount of "capital outlay" in FY 2023 (the CAFR categories and the circulated budget figures use different categories and many fewer for the budget, making one-to-one comparisons difficult). That drives FY 2025 budgeted expenses to nearly $65 million, while revenues were pegged at over $51 million – actually almost $2 million lower than in 2023, to create a substantial deficit.
It's not immediately clear, according to any web information, why capital spending is anticipated several times higher in 2025 than in previous years, but the BPSO carries no debt and would have to use its ample reserves to cover this. And it's become increasingly obvious that sales tax collections continue to be down across the parish, belying somewhat the narrative that the Bossier economy is humming along.
So, in reality the tax hike is more like a response to the huge planned capital spending. Without that, a pay raise without hiking taxes likely was sustainable, given the trends about extra pension contributions and state prisoners. And taking more from the people still might not have been necessary, given the likely one-time nature of the capital expenses being absorbed by the flush reserves.
In the final analysis, just saying pay raises should be delivered isn't enough justification to assure the public that raising taxes on it was necessary – even if Whittington might try to soften the blow by not taking the maximum. Unfortunately, he likely won't be the first to foist this on Bossierites, as it would seem the Port of Caddo Bossier, Bossier Parish, and the Bossier Parish School District, among entities with a parish-wide presence, all contemplate doing this over the next month.