Dimensional and Genetic Characterization of the Last Oriental Plane Trees ( Platanus Orientalis L.) of Historical Sites in Lazio (Central Italy)
In: UFUG-D-21-01017
7 Ergebnisse
In: UFUG-D-21-01017
The historical background of Debrecen linked to viticulture and wine-making stands mainly on the lack of drinkable water, the necessity of drinkable liquid during wartime and epidemics. The special character of the city evolved together with the changing lives of citizens and the increasing trade importance of the city. Period of Turkish occupation gave impetus to the formation of the 11 vine gardens of the settlement. After the devastation of rootmite and peronospora 'Kadarica' and 'Nagy burgundy' ('Blaufrankish'), in smaller proportion - on lower sites – 'Cabernet' were planted. As white varieties 'Ezerjó', 'Olasz Rizling', 'Kövidinka', 'white Mustos', in smaller proportion 'Szlankamenka', 'Erdei', 'Szilvaner', 'Mézesfehér', 'Bakar', 'Veltelini' (red), 'Fehér burgundi' (? white burdunder), 'Rajnai rizling', 'Red Tramini', 'Furmint', 'Muscat Lunel', 'Járdovány' and 'Juh-fark' were planted. After the Trianon treaty in 1920, 2/3rd of Hungary was cut away. Érmellék wine region was also cut in two, thus Debrecen broke away from its wine region. Legal regulations after the World War II. (1959) referred back to variety application advised in 1924 for "place suitable for good wine production, not included in any wine region", like Debrecen listing 'Ezerjó', 'Mézesfehér', 'Olaszrizling', 'Bánáti rizling', 'Furmint', 'Hárslevelű', 'Kövidinka', Kecskemét virága', 'Piros szlankamenka','Pozsonyi fehér'; 'Kadarka', 'Oportó' and 'Kékfrankos' (Blaufrankish). The political changes of 1990 and Hungary's admission to the Eurepoean Union almost annihilated the wine production of Debrecen. However little gardens conserved historic varieties which could date back even to many centuries. Through a local magazine a collecting work was announced pointing to gather ancient local (Vitis vinifera conv. pontica) varieties forming a genebank, established on the experimental station of the University of Debrecen. In 2014, about 112 items were collected (accessions). As a 2nd round of the work, with a more detailed and precise work, further 81 items were put into the reservatum. The latter represent single stuck collection, whereas the first ones are to be studied az mixed items. Most notable accession names (ACENAME) of the work are: 'Fehér gohér', 'Veres gohér', 'Fekete gohér', 'Kék gohér', 'Erdei', 'Ezerjó', 'Kűbeli', 'Rizling', 'Mézes fehér', 'Dinka', 'Madling', 'Bakator' and 'Kadarka'. Simulteneously with the strenghening and morphological description of conserved stucks genetic identification of the items is being elaborated. Database comprising FAO/IPGRI multi-crop passport descriptors and OIV Primary descriptor priority list are to be published on-line in between the development of the platform.
Recuperation and genetic diversity preservation of local cultivars have acquired a huge interest in viticulture areas worldwide. In the Balearic Islands, most of the old cultivars are only preserved in grapevine germplasm banks, and so far, the sanitary status of these local cultivars has remained unexplored. The aim of this study was to survey and detect the virus incidence of all conserved cultivars in the government Grapevine Germplasm Bank of the Balearic Islands and to promote the sanitary recovery of two important minor cultivars, Argamussa and Gorgollassa. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) screenings were performed on 315 vines of 33 local cultivars. It was shown that the local cultivars were highly infected with simple (39.7%) and mixed infections (52.1%) and only 8.25% of them were free from the viruses tested. Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3) infection was the most common (82%). Moreover, Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) and Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) were also present with considerable incidence (25.4% and 43.5%, respectively). In addition, two sanitation protocols were used: shoot tip culture (ST) and thermotherapy in combination with shoot tip culture (CT). Virus elimination using only ST was effective to obtain "healthy" vines of cvs. Argamussa and Gorgollassa. It is important to emphasize that the methods described in the current study were rapid and effective in eliminating both GLRaV-3 and GFLV, also in combination.
12 Pags.- 4 Figs.- 2 Tabls. ; [EN] In recent years, spelt (Triticum aestivum (L.) ssp. Spelta) has become an added-value alternative crop to modern wheat. Spanish spelt constitutes a unique separate gene pool from central European germplasm. The availability of spelt Doubled Haploid (DH) production protocol is a great advantage to speed up breeding programs. This is the first study evaluating the ability of DH plant production, by anther culture, of five Spanish spelt landraces and three F5 lines derived from Spanish spelt x bread wheat crosses. Two central European commercial varieties were also included in the analysis. DH plants were obtained from all material with the exception of one F5 line. The Spanish spelt landraces produced more embryos/100 anthers (73-166.3) than the two European varieties (8.6-22.2). The main bottleneck in the Spanish germplasm was the high number of albino plants regenerated, with percentage of green plants lower than 13% in three of the landraces. Nevertheless, up to 15.6 and 1.8 green plants/100 anthers were obtained from the Spanish and the central European germplasm, respectively. A great variation in the percentage of spontaneous chromosome doubling was obtained, with 4 lines producing around 80% and 2 lines less than 15%. The ovary genotype used for anther co-culture is a critical factor to increase the efficiency of the system. Bread wheat 'Caramba' ovaries increased almost 6 times the number of green plants as compared to spelt landrace 'BG-1987' ovaries. This study shows that DH plants can be produced efficiently from Spanish spelt to be used in breeding programs. ; [AR] (Triticum aestivum (L.) ssp. با اً م علوی )spelt( در سال اّی اخیر، گ ذٌم پ ضَاى برای گ ذٌم هذرى گسی ای با ارزش افس دٍ ضذ است. گ ذٌم پ ضَاى اسپا یًایی دارای خسا Spelta) شیً ه حٌصر ب فرد هجسا از شرم پلاسن اّی ار پٍای هرکسی است. برای سرعت دادى ب بر اًه اّی بسیار هفیذ است. (DH) اصلاح صًاد، دردسترض ب دَى دست رَالعول ت لَیذ اّپل ئَیذ هضاعف گ ذٌم پ ضَاى با ر شٍ کاضت بساک از 5 رقن ب هَی DH ایي خًستیي پص طٍّی است ک ت اَ اًیی ت لَیذ گیا گ ذٌم اًى را ارزیابی هیک ذٌ. ایي x هطتق از تلاقی گ ذٌم پ ضَاى اسپا یًایی F 3 ه رَد لایي 5 )landrace( تحلیل د رقن تجاری ار پٍای هرکسی را یًس ضاهل ب دَ. از وّ ه اَد )گیا یّ( هطالع ضذ ،ُ ب استث اٌء یک ب دست آهذ. ب ازای 100 بساک، در رقن اّی ب هَی گ ذٌم پ ضَاى اسپا یًایی DH گیا اّى ، F لایي 5 8( بیطتر ب دَ. گل گَا /6-22/ 73 ( در هقایس با د رقن ار پٍای هرکسی ) 2 - تعذاد ج یٌي ت لَیذی ) 166.3 باززایی ضذ ب دَ در حالیک ک )albino( اصلی در شرم پلاسن اسپا یًایی زیاد ب دَى تعذاد گیا اّى زال درصذ گیا اّى سبس در س رقن ب هَی کوتر از 13 % ب دَ. با ایي جٍ دَ، از شرم پلاسن اّی اسپا یًایی 1 گیا سبس ب ازای 100 بساک ب دست آهذ. درصذ د /8 15/ ار پٍای هرکسی، ب ترتیب تا حذ 6 تغییرات )spontaneous chromosome doubling ( برابر ضذى خ دَ ب خ دَی کر هٍ زَ مٍ اّ co-( 2 لایي کوتر از 15 % داضت ذٌ. در ر شٍ وّرا -ُکطتی % زیادی طًاى داد، ب ط رَی ک 4 لایي 80 بساک، ش تًَیپ ج یٌي ه رَد استفاد عاهل ه وْی در افسایص ساها است. ج یٌي گ ذٌم اًى )culture افسایص داد. "BG- تعذاد گیا اّى سبس را تا 6 برابر ج یٌي رقن ب هَی گ ذٌم پ ضَاى " 1987 "Caramba" را از گ ذٌم DH ایي پص صٍّ طًاى هی د ذّ ک برای استفاد در بر اًه اّی اصلاح صًاد، هی ت اَى گیا اّى پ ضَاى اسپا یًایی با کارآیی بالا ت لَیذ کرد. ; This work was supported by Projects AGL2013-46698-R and AGL2016-77211-R from the National Plan for Agrofood Resources and Technology of Spain (Plan Nacional de Recursos y Tecnologías Agroalimentarias) of Spain and the Regional Government of Aragon (Diputación General de Aragón) (Grupo A06). ; Peer reviewed
Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) is an important forage grass for cultivating livestock worldwide. Here, we report an similar to 1.84-Gb chromosome-scale diploid genome assembly of orchardgrass, with a contig N50 of 0.93 Mb, a scaffold N50 of 6.08 Mb and a super-scaffold N50 of 252.52 Mb, which is the first chromosome-scale assembled genome of a cool-season forage grass. The genome includes 40 088 protein-coding genes, and 69% of the assembled sequences are transposable elements, with long terminal repeats (LTRs) being the most abundant. The LTRretrotransposons may have been activated and expanded in the grass genome in response to environmental changes during the Pleistocene between 0 and 1 million years ago. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that orchardgrass diverged after rice but before three Triticeae species, and evolutionarily conserved chromosomes were detected by analysing ancient chromosome rearrangements in these grass species. We also resequenced the whole genome of 76 orchardgrass accessions and found that germplasm from Northern Europe and East Asia clustered together, likely due to the exchange of plants along the 'Silk Road' or other ancient trade routes connecting the East and West. Last, a combined transcriptome, quantitative genetic and bulk segregant analysis provided insights into the genetic network regulating flowering time in orchardgrass and revealed four main candidate genes controlling this trait. This chromosome-scale genome and the online database of orchardgrass developed here will facilitate the discovery of genes controlling agronomically important traits, stimulate genetic improvement of and functional genetic research on orchardgrass and provide comparative genetic resources for other forage grasses. ; National Basic Research Program (973 Program) in ChinaNational Basic Research Program of China [2014CB138705]; National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [NSFC 31872997]; Earmarked Fund for Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System [CARS-34]; National Project on Sci-Tec Foundation Resources Survey [2017FY100602] ; This research work was funded by the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) in China (No. 2014CB138705), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 31872997), the Earmarked Fund for Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System (No. CARS-34) and the National Project on Sci-Tec Foundation Resources Survey (2017FY100602). ; Public domain authored by a U.S. government employee
Known as manna ashes, some local varieties of Fraxinus ornus L. and F. angustifolia Vahl (Oleaceae) are cultivated for extracting the manna, a product rich in mannose which is useful under both pharmaceutical and nutraceutical aspects. As wild plants in Sicily these ashes participate in diversifying evergreen and deciduous oak woods as well as other forest communities at the watercourse borders, together with several species of Salix, Populus and Ulmus, particularly in the hills. Cultivation of manna dates back to ancient times in Sicily and elsewhere and ash groves were increasingly spread up to the half of last century. Then, the culture had a progressive decline due to the abandonment of land and its gradual replacement by other crops. Most of the surface formerly occupied by ashes is now uncultivated and therefore also exposed to recurrent fires. As a consequence even the rich varietal heritage, documented by detailed monographs, went partially lost, although recently have not missed a revival of the local scientific community.In the face of the many thousands hectares occupied by these crops in the past, now residual plantations are confined in just a few hundred hectares in the territories of Castelbuono and Pollina (province of Palermo), in the northern side of the Madonie mountains. In this area the plant landscape had been strongly characterized by the ash groves, that besides acted an efficacious hydrogeological protection. At present, despite the progressive loss, the cultivation of manna ashes could still play an important role in the local economy. Therefore, in order to preserve all social, cultural and even biological values as well the landscape, it was proposed to establish a natural reserve of the manna ashes some decades ago; but that suggestion was later abandoned after the Madonie natural Park was estasblished. Nevertheless the Park has not, over the years, affected concretely the further abandonment of ash groves and the protection and conservation of the related landscape. Recently, the Sicilian Regional government has adopted some measures aimed at supporting farmers for replanting ash groves: these are active conservation initiatives for the produc- tion of manna. Here we find it useful to propose even passive measures such as reforestation like those implemented elsewhere in the province of Palermo with good results for the envi- ronment and landscape. Other initiatives, that could not be postponed, concern vocational training as well as research and conservation of ash varieties germplasm to be grown in specific arboretums such as those already implanted in the fields of the agricultural schools at Castelbuono (Palermo) and Mussomeli (Caltanissetta) and in the experimental plantations at Sparacia (Caltanissetta), SAF Department of the Palermo University.
In: http://hdl.handle.net/11093/716
La producción de aceite en Galicia como actividad generalizada es históricamente constatable hasta el siglo XVIII. A partir de ese momento comienza su declive hasta casi su desaparición. Fue a partir de bien entrada la década de los noventa cuando se produjo un tímido auge de la actividad olivarera en esta comunidad, con la recuperación de olivos centenarios y/o la plantación de nuevas variedades. En la actualidad, perduran y conviven estas dos políticas en cuanto al cultivo del olivo. Por un lado, se está fomentando la plantación de variedades principales, Arbequina y/o Picual, con la finalidad de alcanzar una producción oleícola intensiva a corto plazo. Por otro lado, se están recuperando olivos centenarios de las variedades conocidas por los olivicultores de la zona como Brava y Mansa para elaborar aceites de oliva gallegos con un valor añadido. Para proteger y garantizar el valor añadido de los aceites elaborados con ejemplares de olivo centenarios ha sido necesario, en primer lugar, identificar correctamente este material vegetal mediante técnicas moleculares para demostrar que no se trata de variedades registradas en el Banco de Germoplasma Mundial del Olivo (BGMO) de la Universidad de Córdoba. Mayoritariamente el perfil molecular de las muestras coincidió con el de la variedad Brava, actualmente en fase de registro. Únicamente el perfil de dos muestras no pudo asociarse a ninguna de las variedades incluidas en dicho BGMO. Este hecho puede deberse a que sean variedades autóctonas, o bien a variedades conocidas pero sin introducir todavía en el BGMO. El aceite de oliva virgen se caracteriza, entre otros atributos, por su aroma asociado a la presencia minoritaria de compuestos volátiles que se transfieren al aceite, en gran medida, desde la molienda del fruto. Comprobar si el perfil aromático de las aceitunas se puede extrapolar a su correspondiente aceite, permitiría evaluar el potencial aromático de cada variedad previo a la elaboración del aceite. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se ha demostrado que el perfil aromático de las aceitunas no es extrapolable al de sus aceites puesto que la actividad de las enzimas endógenas a lo largo del proceso de elaboración es el principal factor que determina la síntesis de los compuestos volátiles más relevantes del aroma. La actividad de estas enzimas se puede modular variando distintos parámetros durante el proceso de elaboración, siendo los más importantes la temperatura y el tiempo de la etapa de batido. Los valores de estos parámetros pueden afectar a la composición minoritaria de los aceites, incluyendo también a los compuestos fenólicos. La elección de la combinación temperatura/tiempo de batido dependerá de si se prioriza su funcionalidad o su aroma, además de estar supeditada al rendimiento de la extracción. En general, la formación de compuestos volátiles C6 se ha visto favorecida por tiempos de batido largos (90 minutos) y temperaturas bajas (20oC), mientras que la formación de compuestos C5 no siguió una tendencia tan evidente. En cuanto a los compuestos fenólicos, éstos se han generado en mayor cantidad a temperaturas más elevadas (30oC) y tiempos más bajos (30 minutos) para las variedades estudiadas. Se ha observado, por tanto, una correlación inversamente proporcional en la formación de estos dos grupos de compuestos minoritarios. La calidad sensorial de los aceites elaborados con variedades principales está ampliamente evaluada y reconocida. Sin embargo, los aceites de oliva virgen obtenidos a partir de variedades no clasificadas hasta el momento podrían presentar características diferentes, e incluso superiores a éstos. Si ello se demuestra, no solo se podría facilitar la elaboración de aceites monovarietales de estas variedades minoritarias sino que además se podrían diseñar nuevos aceites resultantes de procesos de molienda con variedades principales y/o coupage de sus aceites. En el desarrollo de estos nuevos aceites, la co-molienda de aceitunas Brava/Mansa con Arbequina o Picual así como el coupage de aceites aumentaron significativamente las series odorantes principales que conforman el perfil sensorial de los aceites y, al mismo tiempo, su funcionalidad debido al incremento de los compuestos fenólicos. En relación a la funcionalidad de los aceites, la Comisión Europea aprobó recientemente la alegación de propiedad saludable, "los polifenoles del aceite de oliva contribuyen a la protección de los lípidos de la sangre frente al daño oxidativo", para aquellos aceites que contengan al menos 5 mg de hidroxitirosol y sus derivados/por 20 gramos de aceite de oliva virgen. La funcionalidad de estos aceites se podría potenciar si se demuestra que se alcanzan estos valores y si, al mismo tiempo, se desarrolla una herramienta simple y rápida para su cuantificación que pueda ofrecerse al sector oleícola. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de un protocolo analítico sencillo y validado demostraron que los aceites elaborados a partir de las aceitunas Brava/Mansa satisfacen los requisitos exigidos por el marco de la Unión Europea para poder indicar en su etiquetado la declaración de propiedad saludable, superando incluso el umbral establecido en la legislación. ; Olive oil production in Galicia as a widespread activity is historically visible until the eighteenth century. From that moment it begins its descent to near extinction. It was not until well into the nineties when there was a boom in olive oil production in this community, with the recovery of ancient olive trees and/or the planting of new varieties. Currently, they endure and live with the following policies regarding olive cultivation. On the one hand, the planting of leading varieties, such as Arbequina and/or Picual, is encouraged in order to achieve an intensive olive oil production in a short amount of time. On the other hand, olive trees of the varieties known to olive growers in the area as Brava and Mansa are being recovered to develop Galician olive oils with an added value. To protect and guarantee the added value of olive oils made with specimens of ancient olive trees, it was first necessary to properly identify this plant material using molecular techniques to show that it is not registered in the World Olive Germplasm Bank of Cordoba (BGMO) of the University of Cordoba. The molecular profile of the samples mainly matched that of the Brava variety, which is currently undergoing registration. Only two sample profiles could not be associated with any of the varieties listed in that BGMO. This may be because they are indigenous varieties, or possibly well-known varieties, which still haven't been added to the BGMO. Virgin olive oil is characterized, among other attributes, by its aroma, which is associated with the minority presence of volatile compounds that are transferred when the fruit is crushed. Checking if the aromatic profile of the olives can be matched to its corresponding oil would allow the aromatic potential of each variety to be assessed before the oil production process begins. Based on the results, it has been shown that the flavor profile of olives cannot be matched to their oils since the activity of endogenous enzymes throughout the process is the main factor determining the synthesis of the most important volatile compounds in the aroma. The activity of these enzymes can be modified by varying different parameters during the process, the most important being the temperature and time of the malaxation step. The values of these parameters can affect the minority oil composition including the phenolic compounds. The combination of temperature/time malaxation will depend on whether its functionality or aroma is prioritized, in addition to being subject to extraction yield. In general, the formation of C6 volatile compounds has been favored by long malaxation times (90 minutes) and low temperature (20°C), while the formation of C5 compounds didn't follow such an obvious trend. Regarding 4 the phenolic compounds, the studied varieties are generated in greater quantities at higher temperatures (30°C) and with lower malaxation times (30 minutes). Therefore, an inverse correlation in the formation of these two groups of minor compounds has been observed. The sensory quality of oils made with main varieties is widely evaluated and recognized. However, virgin olive oils obtained from varieties not classified until now may have different characteristics, and even exceed them. If this is proved, it could not only facilitate the development of monovarietal (one) oils of these minority varieties but it could also result in new oil by co-crushing leading varieties and/ or their blend of oils. In developing these new oils, co-crushing the olives Brava/Mansa, Arbequina or Picual and the oil blend significantly increased the main odorant series comprising the sensory profile of the oil and, at the same time, their functionality because of the increase of phenolic compounds. Regarding the functionality of the oil, the European Commission recently approved the health claim submission, "olive oil polyphenols contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress" to those olive oils which contain at least 5 mg of hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives per 20 grams of olive oil. The functionality of these oils could be enhanced if it is demonstrated that these values are achieved and if, at the same time, a simple and fast tool for quantification that can be offered to the olive sector is developed. The results obtained from a simple and validated analytical protocol showed that oils made from Brava/Mansa olives meet the requirements of the framework of the European Union to indicate on the label, surpassing even the threshold set in the legislation.