The use of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is an effective way to deal with qualitative decision areas of operations management. Four published applications of AHP are briefly reviewed in forecasting, supplier selection, facility location, and choice of technology. Furthermore, four more potential applications are suggested in other areas of operations management, including product design, plant layout, maintenance frequency selection, and choice of logistic carrier. In addition, suggestions for other areas of research are discussed.
FIST is an emerging and unproven rapid acquisition model that stands for Fast, Inexpensive, Simple, and Tiny. The purpose of this research is to develop an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model based on the FIST concepts, to be applied as a comparative tool against the FIST model. The results indicate that the FIST model is reproducible with the AHP theory and that there are certain program characteristics that denote if a program would benefit from being developed by FIST. However, there are distinct weaknesses to the model that signify not all programs would succeed if FIST was employed during development. Eleven additional FIST activities are recommended for inclusion in the model with key activities comprising of an ambidextrous structured organization, better requirements gathering techniques, and utilizing incremental development.
Pemerintah sampai saat ini belum memiliki daftar komoditi bahan pangan pokok (Bapok) yang konsisten. Terdapat perbedaan pandangan tentang komoditi Bapok antar lembaga pemerintah, misalnya Surat Keputusan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian No. Kep28/M.EKON/05/2010 dan Renstra Kementerian Perdagangan 2010-2014 memasukkan komoditi Bapok yang berbeda. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mencari kriteria penentuan suatu komoditi untuk dikategorikan sebagai Bapok dan mengusulkan komoditi-komoditi potensial untuk Bapok dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process. Hasil temuan menyimpulkan enam kriteria penentu komoditas sebagai Bapok yaitu pangsa pengeluaran komoditi dalam pengeluaran pangan rumah tangga; kontribusi kandungan komoditi terhadap karbohidrat; konsumsi terhadap protein; frekuensi konsumsi; kontribusi konsumsi komoditi terhadap vitamin dan mineral; serta pangsa produksi domestik terhadap konsumsi. Berdasarkan kriteria tersebut, calon Bapok yang diusulkan adalah beras, telur ayam ras, kedelai (tahu dan tempe), daging ayam ras, ikan kembung segar, ikan bandeng segar, gula pasir, susu, minyak goreng, dan terigu. The government still does not have consistent list of commodities that classified as staple food. There is a difference view on the staple foods among government institutions. The Economic Coordinating Ministry's decision letter No. Kep-28/M.EKON/05/2010 and The Ministry of Trade Strategic Plan 2010-2014 for example, listed diiferent kind of staple foods. The aim of this paper is to identify the criteria of commodity which can be classified as staple food and to identify potential commodities that can be included as staple food by using Analytical Hierarchy Process. Six criteria of staple food are expenditure share of food in household spending; contribution to carbohydrate; consumption of the protein; frequency of consumption; contribution to vitamins and minerals; as well as the share of domestic production to consumption. Based on these criterias, the candidates of proposed staple foods are rice, eggs, tofu and tempe, chicken meat, fresh mackerel, fresh milk, fish, sugar, milk, cooking oil, and wheat flour.
Abstract - Education is the most important for all children, with the increasing age of education is needed. But there are still many who can not afford to get an education because snagged by costs. There is one government program to help education by providing Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) or cash scholarships to students who excel and underprivileged. The problems that occurred in SD Negeri 01 Pagi Jakarta still use manual way so that the admission process Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) are subjective. So this research in developing decision support systems aimed to determine students are eligible to receive Kartu Jakarta Pintar objectively. In this study used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the recipient of Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) with some criteria that condition Household Member, Social-Economic Conditions, Household Assets. AHP has the alternative criteria for determining the decision in this application using Expert Choice application. Thus, the decision support system is expected to help the school to determine the best alternative recipient Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) according to the conditions expected. Keywords : Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Expert Choice, Determination Receiver Jakarta Smart Card (KJP)
Abstract The research aims to measure the effectiveness of the strategies of modern retailers which implementing reverse logistics activities, and to be believe that it could increase not only business competition, but also consumer satisfaction. The object of research is 20 modern retailers ranging from convenience stores to hypermarket stores. The methodology implemented in the form of setting parameters and assessment criteria which are arranged in the form of priority scale and analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process or AHP method. The respondents are the decision makers in terms of product delivery, logistics, distribution and warehouse including making purchases both directly and indirectly. Sub parameters and sub criteria that are arranged then reevaluated using the ExpertChoice instrument to see the resulting scale consistency. Broadly speaking, the highest priority scale was 0.441 for the criteria for agility, 0.428 for the efficiency criteria, 0.318 for the stakeholder criteria, 0.271 for the process criteria and 0.146 for the environment criteria. The result of simulation cost is less than 8 percent of the profit margin per product returned.
Wheat flour consumption in Indonesia continues to increase, so the government must import wheat on a large scale. One of the ways to reduce wheat consumption is by using substitutes. Mocaf (modified cassava flour) is a kind of flour that derived from cassava plants (Manihot esculenta). This flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour due to its similar characteristics. Even though it has high economic potential, mocaf has only been marketed locally. One of the reason is the lack of quality packaging. The purpose of this study is to identify consumer preferences for mocaf packaging so that they can market the product not only locally but also nationally. In this study, AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method with four alternatives (plastic stand up pouch combination, Aluminium foil stand up pouch combination, screen printing plastic pouch, and paper pouch combination) and three criteria (price, model, and durability) is used to determine consumer preferences for mocaf packaging. This research obtained the conclusion that the highest weight for criterion and alternative are price and the screen printing plastic pouch.