Opere Del Conte Algarotti / 5 : Opere Militari
In: http://mdz-nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10602645-6
[Hrsg.: Francesco Aglietti] ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- Opp. 172 b-5
21 Ergebnisse
In: http://mdz-nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10602645-6
[Hrsg.: Francesco Aglietti] ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- Opp. 172 b-5
The Venetian man of letters Francesco Algarotti (1712-1764) had anacademic and cosmopolitan education, refined in Paris and in London,as well as at the courts of Friedrich II of Prussia and August III ofPoland. What emerges from Algarotti's works is a suggestive culturalgeography: the Andin America, which according to him indirectly reflectedEuropean politics; China, which he admired yet never mythicizes;Africa, yet to be exploited for its geographic position and resources; and the Southern countries. And then Europe: England, the "true emporium and core of the world"; Italy, the "country of antiques" which he hoped would thrive in a deep cultural renovation; France, a "great united nation" in comparison to which Italians were "servants and divided"; Prussia, split between militarism and reformation; the economically flourishing Holland; Sweden, devoted to manufacturing and sea trade thanks to its constitutional government; Poland, incapable of self-governing and therefore land of invasions; all the way to Russia and its indisputable role in Europe. In fact, Algarotti visited the court of St. Petersburg in 1739 after a diplomatic mission to England, gathering his impressions in the volume Giornale del Viaggio da Londra a Petersbourg, a journal revised twenty years later in Viaggi di Russia, his most appreciated work.Le lettré vénitien Francesco Algarotti (1712-64) eut une formationacadémique et cosmopolite affinée à Paris et à Londres et au servicedes cours de Frédéric II de Prusse et d'Auguste III de Pologne. Desoeuvres d'Algarotti ressort une géographie culturelle évocatrice: L'Amériqueandine où il voit indirectement des aspects de la politique européenne,la Chine admirée mais sans mythifications, l'Afrique à exploiterpour sa position géographique et ses ressources, les Terres Australes.Et puis l'Europe: l'Angleterre, "véritable marché et centre du monde",l'Italie "pays des antiquités" pour laquelle il souhaitait un profond renouvellement culturel, la France "nation grande et unie" face a laquelleles Italiens sont "soumis et divisés", la Prusse partagée entre militarismeet réformes, la prospérité économique de la Hollande, la Suède vouéeaux manufactures et au commerce maritime grâce à son gouvernementconstitutionnel, la Pologne incapable de se gouverner d'elle même etdonc terre de conquête, pour terminer avec la Russie et son controversénouveau rôle en Europe. Algarotti put en effet visiter la cours deSaint-Pétersbourg en 1739, à la suite d'une mission de représentants anglais: le vénitien recueillit ses impressions dans le Giornale del Viaggioda Londra a Petersbourg, un journal de voyage remanié vingts ansaprès dans les Viaggi di Russia, son livre le plus apprécié.
In: Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 50-56
ISSN: 2542-1913
The article discussesthe project aboutthemedals ofFrancesco Algarotti. In his «Essay on RussianHistory inMedals», Algarotti proposed to perpetuate important events in the history of Russia in medals, thus noting the periods of the reign of Peter I, Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth Petrovna, Catherine II. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that Algarotti's essay contributed to the creation of an objective image of Russia in the eyes of the enlightened part of Europeans and strengthened the prestige of Russia as a power.
In: Interkulturelle Begegnungen 10
In: Aufklärung und Moderne Bd. 16
In: Epistolario veneto 5
In: Aufklärung und Moderne Band 37
In: Oggetti e soggetti 39
In: Serie settecentesca
This essay investigates the main sources of Algarotti's "Saggio sopra l'imperio degl'Incas" with the pourpose of illuminating the specific references to such writers as Machiavelli, Montesquieu and Lafitau, who all share a converging idea of politics.
The article publishes 15 letters, of which only one was well known in the 18th century. The rest have remained unknown to the wider public until now. This collection is preserved in the Library Queriniana of Brescia. Most of the letters (written between January 6, 1748 to 4 March 1753) were sent from Prussia. The recipient of the letters was Cardinal Angelo Maria Querini (1680-1755), Archbishop of Brescia since 1727, a patron and scholar, and a man with political aspirations. Venetian Francesco Algarotti (1712 - 1764), in the course of his life, was not only a writer and the conesseur of art. He also served two foreign sovereigns: Frederick II of Prussia and Augustus III, the King of Poland and Elector of Saxony. In this case the main theme of his correspondence was the construction of a Catholic church in Berlin and its financing. Behind the decision to build the Berlin Church of St. Hedwig were political events. The first letter of the collection dates back to 1747, two years after the Treaty of Dresden. This church, until today, was part of a large complex called Forum Federicianum. King Frederick II created the first sketches of projects. The main source of inspiration for the architectural form was the Roman Pantheon. The building plans were drawn up by the court architect Georg von Knobelsdorff Venzlaus (1699-1753) in collaboration with the architect and engraver Jean Laurent Legeay (1710-1786).
In: History of European ideas, Band 29, Heft 4, S. 489-493
ISSN: 0191-6599
In: History of European ideas, Band 29, Heft 4, S. 489-492
ISSN: 0191-6599
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uiuo.ark:/13960/t32242s7z
University of Illinois Library bookplate "From the library of Conte Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana Lazelada di Bereguardo, purchased 1921" on the inside front cover. ; Vol. 1: xvj, 301, [5] p., [2] leaves of plates; v. 2: 390, [2] p., [1] leaf of plates; v. 3: 463, [3] p., [1] leaf of plates; v. 4: [2], 336, [2] p., [1] leaf of plates; v. 5: 343, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates; v. 6: 290 p., [1] leaf of plates; v. 7: 366 p., [1] leaf of plates; v. 8: 200, 79, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates. ; Includes bibliographical references and index. ; v. 1. Dialoghi sopra l'ottica neutoniana. Caritea -- v. 2. Saggi sopra le belle arti. Iphigenie en Aulide : opera -- v. 3. Saggi sopra differenti soggetti -- v. 4. Opere militari -- v. 5. Viaggi di Russia. Lettere di Polianzio ad Ermogene intorno alla traduzione dell' Eneide del Caro. Lettere varie inedite -- v. 6. Raccolta di lettere sopra la pittura, e architettura -- v. 7. Raccolta inedita di pensieri diversi sopra materie filosofiche, e filologiche. Lettere varie -- v. 8. Vita di Stefano Benedetto Pallavicini. Sinopsi di una introduzione alla nereidologia. Epistole in versi. Il congresso di Citera. ; Mode of access: Internet. ; Imperfect: lacks t.-p.