[EN] When self-interested agents plan individually, interactions that prevent them from executing their actions as planned may arise. In these coordination problems, game-theoretic planning can be used to enhance the agents¿ strategic behavior considering the interactions as part of the agents¿ utility. In this work, we define a general-sum game in which interactions such as conflicts and congestions are reflected in the agents¿ utility. We propose a better-response planning strategy that guarantees convergence to an equilibrium joint plan by imposing a tax to agents involved in conflicts. We apply our approach to a real-world problem in which agents are Electric Autonomous Vehicles (EAVs). The EAVs intend to find a joint plan that ensures their individual goals are achievable in a transportation scenario where congestion and conflicting situations may arise. Although the task is computationally hard, as we theoretically prove, the experimental results show that our approach outperforms similar approaches in both performance and solution quality. ; This work is supported by the GLASS project TIN2014-55637-C2-2-R of the Spanish MINECO and the Prometeo project II/2013/019 funded by the Valencian Government. ; Jordán, J.; Torreño Lerma, A.; De Weerdt, M.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E. (2018). A Better-response Strategy for Self-interested Planning Agents. Applied Intelligence. 48(4):1020-1040. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-017-1046-5 ; S ; 1020 ; 1040 ; 48 ; 4 ; Aghighi M, Bäckström C (2016) A multi-parameter complexity analysis of cost-optimal and net-benefit planning. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. AAAI Press, London, pp 2–10 ; Bercher P, Mattmüller R (2008) A planning graph heuristic for forward-chaining adversarial planning. In: ECAI, vol 8, pp 921–922 ; Brafman RI, Domshlak C, Engel Y, Tennenholtz M (2009) Planning games. In: IJCAI 2009, Proceedings of the 21st international joint conference on artificial ...
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This book introduces readers to jobs with the Border Patrol, highlighting this federal force's history, importance, and locations. Readers will learn about Border Patrol agents working along U.S. borders from the hot desert of Texas to the cold winters of New York to the tropical coast of Florida. This book pairs fascinating factual text with eye-catching visuals to ensure a dynamic reading experience. Supplemental features include sidebars for further reading and a graphic organizer to help readers visualize information. This high-interest read is a great resource for students who are interested in a career protecting our country
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This challenging book extends standard economic theory to take into account the presence of heterogeneity among economic agents. It argues for an approach to economic analysis which regards the economy as an interactive system with heterogeneous agents and not simply a system which treats aggregates as some 'representative' individual. The authors consider that no sector of the economy can be treated as behaving like a single individual and each sector should be modelled as a complex interactive system. They apply this approach to many macro- and micro- analyses including monetary policy and firms, technological innovation and the insider-outsider model. In conclusion the authors find that this approach proves much more fruitful in explaining empirical phenomena than much of the existing theory. The result of this approach to economic theory which encompasses many realistic features, provides a vision of the economy which is not at odds with common sense, but which does not abandon rigorous analysis. This important book will be welcomed by those interested in both macro and micro economic theory
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This article aims to define the Principal-Agent theory broadly, trace its historical applications from the US to the EU, & finally give a constructive critique of it. The author states that, even though delegation has been studied through the Principal-Agent relation, there are other ways of conceiving of delegation -- Principal-Independent Contractor. Furthermore, the Principal-Agent relationship cannot always be explained through the rational self-interested actor model, because relationships tend to grow & expand over time. Finally, he points out that all actors cannot be seen as completely independent since they inhabit a space & time in relation to everyone else. In conclusion, he states that the overall critique of the Principal-Agent theory is that it is not sufficiently complex. 74 References. S. Schiezler
This book offers a practical guide to Agent Based economic modeling, adopting a "learning by doing" approach to help the reader master the fundamental tools needed to create and analyze Agent Based models. After providing them with a basic "toolkit" for Agent Based modeling, it present and discusses didactic models of real financial and economic systems in detail. While stressing the main features and advantages of the bottom-up perspective inherent to this approach, the book also highlights the logic and practical steps that characterize the model building procedure. A detailed description of the underlying codes, developed using R and C, is also provided. In addition, each didactic model is accompanied by exercises and applications designed to promote active learning on the part of the reader. Following the same approach, the book also presents several complementary tools required for the analysis and validation of the models, such as sensitivity experiments, calibration exercises, economic network and statistical distributions analysis. By the end of the book, the reader will have gained a deeper understanding of the Agent Based methodology and be prepared to use the fundamental techniques required to start developing their own economic models. Accordingly, "Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents" will be of particular interest to graduate and postgraduate students, as well as to academic institutions and lecturers interested in including an overview of the AB approach to economic modeling in their courses
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
This book offers a practical guide to Agent Based economic modeling, adopting a "learning by doing" approach to help the reader master the fundamental tools needed to create and analyze Agent Based models. After providing them with a basic "toolkit" for Agent Based modeling, it present and discusses didactic models of real financial and economic systems in detail. While stressing the main features and advantages of the bottom-up perspective inherent to this approach, the book also highlights the logic and practical steps that characterize the model building procedure. A detailed description of the underlying codes, developed using R and C, is also provided. In addition, each didactic model is accompanied by exercises and applications designed to promote active learning on the part of the reader. Following the same approach, the book also presents several complementary tools required for the analysis and validation of the models, such as sensitivity experiments, calibration exercises, economic network and statistical distributions analysis. By the end of the book, the reader will have gained a deeper understanding of the Agent Based methodology and be prepared to use the fundamental techniques required to start developing their own economic models. Accordingly, "Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents" will be of particular interest to graduate and postgraduate students, as well as to academic institutions and lecturers interested in including an overview of the AB approach to economic modeling in their courses.--
AbstractThis paper studies how incentives are affected by intention-based reciprocity preferences when the principal hires many agents. Our results describe the set of agents' sensitivities to reciprocity required to sustain a given strategy profile. We also show that hiring reciprocal agents to implement a first- or a second-best contract will always benefit the principal if the strategy profile is symmetric. Instead, when the profile (first or second best) is asymmetric the principal's interest might be better served by self-interested agents. We conclude the paper by clarifying when symmetric profiles are most likely to arise.
In security policy, nerve agents are a relevant threat in chemical warfare, but also for attacks on individuals. The aim of this introduction is to provide basic historical, legal, medical and chemical knowledge of this complex matter for everyone who is interested in security policy and chemical warfare and to increase awareness. In the previous decade, attacks with the nerve agents sarin, VX and Novichok were reported. The weaponized nerve agents belong to the chemical group of organophosphates with four generations which block the enzyme acetylcholinesterase leading to a large variety of symptoms: The G-series, the V-series, the A-series (Novichoks) and the carbamates which are however currently not weaponized. The first chapter explains the mode of action and biochemical properties, then the history and the legal framework of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Thereafter, the symptoms and countermeasures are presented. The course of the resulting disease depends on the type of agent, the extent of exposure and the speed of therapeutic intervention. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are needed to limit damage and to prevent death, but also due to a chemical 'aging' process of the affected enzyme. The medical treatment of nerve agents is embedded into other measures like physical protection, decontamination and triage and includes the imminent pre-hospital and the hospital treatment phases. The treatment is based on anticholinergics (atropine), acetylcholinesterase reactivation by oximes, anticonvulsive therapy with benzodiazepines and respiratory support to prevent respiratory failure as primary cause of death. New therapeutic concepts like bioscavengers are briefly discussed and summarized.
Why were white bourgeois gay male writers so interested in spies, espionage, and treason in the twentieth century? Erin G. Carlston believes such figures and themes were critical to exploring citizenship and its limits, requirements, and possibilities in the modern Western state. Through close readings of Marcel Proust's novels, W. H. Auden's poetry, and Tony Kushner's play Angels in America, which all reference real-life espionage cases involving Jews, homosexuals, or Communists, Carlston connects gay men's fascination with spying to larger debates about the making and contestation of so
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Mainstream policy economics now pays more attention to the delivery of policy outcomes and how incentives and institutional change shape the effectiveness of government. But should these issues be studied against a background of purely self-interested public servants? There is plenty of evidence that many citizens are publicly spirited. Can their motivation be harnessed in the public interest? These lectures review how economic thought on these issues has evolved. - ;What is good government? Why do some governments fail? How do you implement political accountability in practice? What incentive
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2015 Spring. ; Includes illustrations (some color). ; Includes bibliographical references (pages 98-107). ; Public expectations for what constitute responsible practices of mining and other extractive companies have been evolving and becoming evermore complex. As focal organizations struggle to come to terms with increased expectation, tools must be developed to assess performance and, if possible, predict and forecast how their performance will be received by stakeholders in the future. The main purpose of this work is to provide a tool for assessing the current state and longevity of public perceptions of corporations who are already measuring their social performance. This tool should allow managers and other decision makers within a focal organization to plan for and manage social risk to their operations by giving them a sense of the potential social outcomes that a specific project may generate. In addition, it may provide insight to others interested in the social license of a given project, such as governments, NGO's, and individual stakeholders and stakeholder groups. The work provided herein is comprised of an agent-based model of fluctuations in social license to operate through the use of opinion diffusion and stakeholder network creation. Agent-based modeling is a bottom-up approach that explores complex macroscopic phenomena through the implementation of simple microscopic rules for the behavior of individual agents. This method allows researchers to explore and quantify potential outcomes. The model created for this work demonstrates the change in social license for a group of stakeholders with a specific distribution of influence and individual consensus levels. Furthermore, it successfully recreates network structures thought to be associated with different levels of durability of the social license granted by a stakeholder network. These network structures are analyzed for their stability and ability to self-propagate within the model.
This book assesses the use and limitations of the principal-agent model in a context of increasingly complex political systems such as the European Union. Whilst a number of conceptual, theoretical and methodological challenges need to be addressed, the authors show that the principal-agent model can still provide deeper insights into a wide range of political phenomena. Through an empirical analysis of multiple principal-agent relations in the EU, covering a variety of policy fields and political actors, the volume refines our theoretical understanding of the politics of delegation and discretion in the EU. It will appeal to scholars in interested in EU politics and policy, public administration and governance, and international organisations. The chapter 'Multiple principals preferences, different types of oversight mechanisms, and agent's discretion in trade negotiations' is published open access under a CC BY 4.0 license via link.springer.com
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This book assesses the use and limitations of the principal-agent model in a context of increasingly complex political systems such as the European Union. Whilst a number of conceptual, theoretical and methodological challenges need to be addressed, the authors show that the principal-agent model can still provide deeper insights into a wide range of political phenomena. Through an empirical analysis of multiple principal-agent relations in the EU, covering a variety of policy fields and political actors, the volume refines our theoretical understanding of the politics of delegation and discretion in the EU. It will appeal to scholars in interested in EU politics and policy, public administration and governance, and international organisations. The chapter 'Multiple principals preferences, different types of oversight mechanisms, and agent's discretion in trade negotiations' is published open access under a CC BY 4.0 license via link.springer.com.--
This book brings together original research on the role of networks in regional economic development and innovation. It presents a comprehensive framework synthesizing extant theories, a palette of real-world cases in the aerospace, automotive, life science, biotechnology and health care industries, and fundamental agent-based computer models elucidating the relation between regional development and network dynamics. The book is primarily intended for researchers in the fields of innovation economics and evolutionary economic geography, and particularly those interested in using agent-based models and empirical case studies. However, it also targets (regional) innovation policy makers who are not only interested in policy recommendations, but also want to understand the state-of-the-art agent-based modeling methods used to experimentally arrive at said recommendations
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