Weltluftfahrt: Luftverkehr, Luftsport, Lufttechnik, Raumfahrt = Airworld
ISSN: 0935-3496
17 Ergebnisse
ISSN: 0935-3496
Kaunas S. Darius and S. Girėnas airfield was the first Lithuanian aviation place and one of the oldest airfields in Europe. Lithuanian aviation development started in 1915 when Kaunas airfield was established. Kaunas S. Darius and S. Girėnas airfield flourished during the period of First Republic of Lithuania. The airfield began to expand: new buildings, aviation facilities appeared. Military aviation school and military aviation workshop were also established. In addition, at the same time the rudiments of civil aviation appeared in Kaunas airfield. They led to the establishment of the Lithuanian Aero Club (LAC). LAC organized plenty of festivals which brought aviation to public's attention. Until the establishment of LAC, Lithuanian society has had a little interest in aviation and had no access to it. Lithuanian Aero Club (founded in 1927) took the action in Lithuanian society; it promoted civil and sport aviation. LAC organized aviation festivals in various Lithuanian cities and towns, promoted aviation in press, encouraged people to participate in a lottery (organized by LAC) and become members of the club. LAC activities were carried out not only in Lithuania but also abroad. Aviation festivals organized by Lithuanian Aero Club became an object of Lithuanian public attention and discussion. In the press constantly appeared articles where the main attention was given to: aviation celebrations, participants of the festivals, pilots, fluttering of acrobatic planes. Demonstrative parachute jumps gripped much attention from aviation lovers during aviation days. Parachutists gained special reaction and support from the audience. S. Darius – S. Girėnas and F. Vaitkus transatlantic flights received a lot of public interest. Exactly these flights, apart aviation days, were the most analyzed and discussed topics among Lithuanian society. Lithuanian people especially focused on welcome and accolade of transatlantic pilots. The relationship between Lithuanian public and aviation was suppressed, or, in other words, stopped by the Soviet occupation. The work of Kaunas airfield and Lithuanian Aero Club was suspended during Soviet occupation.
"Available governmental publications on aeronautics": p. 237-246. ; Cover-title: Aero club of America Rule book, including F. A. I. regulations (translated) ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Schriftenreihe Heft 12
В статье рассматриваются принципы и порядок медицинского отбора курсантов в аэроклубы Осоавиахима в предвоенный период, выступавших на данном хронологическом отрезке в роли основной базы комплектования летных школ ВВС Красной Армии. Целью исследования является оценка того, как качество работы медицинских комиссий в аэроклубах отражалось на состоянии советской военной авиации. ; The article discusses the principles and procedures of selection of medical students in flying clubs of the OSOAVIAKhIM in the period preceding the World War II, served at this chronological interval as the main base of manning flight schools Red Air Force. The aim of the study is to assess the quality of the medical boards in aero clubs reflected on the state of Soviet military aviation.
In: Journal of Inter-American Studies, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 345-356
ISSN: 2326-4047
In Latin America, international rivalry over aviation followed World War I. In its early form, it consisted of a commercial scramble among several Western European nations and the United States to sell airplanes and aviation products and to establish airlines in Latin America. Somewhat later, expanding European aviation activities posed an implicit threat to the Panama Canal.Before World War I, certain aerophiles had sought to advance the airplane as the panacea for the transportation problem in Latin America. The aviation pioneer Alberto Santos-Dumont of Brazil and the Aero Club of America, an influential private United States association, were in the van. In 1916, efforts by these enthusiasts led to the formation of the Pan American Aviation Federation, which they envisioned as the means of promoting and publicizing aviation throughout the Western Hemisphere.
In: Revista da Escola Superior de Guerra, Band 31, Heft 62, S. 107-129
ISSN: 2675-2174
O presente artigo visa expor uma análise embrionária sobre a interação entre sociedade civil e sociedade política no debate acerca do uso do aeroplano como ferramenta de atuação militar e de manutenção de soberania. O ano de 1911 baliza nossa reflexão por ter sido o momento no qual setores da sociedade marcaram posição diante do uso do meio aéreo pelo aparelho estatal e empreenderam esforços para viabilizar a criação da atividade aeronáutica no Brasil. Integrantes da classe política, membros da imprensa, empresários, profissionais liberais e parte do meio militar expressaram seus anseios e organizaram-se diante do impacto das transformações tecnológicas manifestadas na passagem do século XIX para o século XX, do desenvolvimento de novos meios de guerra e do acirramento das tensões e disputas fronteiriças entre os países da América do Sul. Materializando esta dinâmica, o Aero-Club Brazileiro e a Confederação Aérea Brazileira, associações fundadas no Rio de Janeiro, configuramse como importantes conexões entre frações da sociedade brasileira e o Estado.
Northwestern Inaugurates New President; Call to Granberg; Reformed Church VIP's Attend Inauguration; "The Messiah"; Northwestern Forms Political Clubs: Young Democrats, Young Republicans; International Relations Club; Speech and Drama; Student Editorial; Alumni Gifts; Class Notes; Births; Deaths; Marriages; Professor Displays Art Works; Government Loan for New Dormitory; Alumni Meet in Holland; Alumnus Writes Alma Mater; Professor Schutter Awarded Ed. D. Degree; Faculty: Miss Barbara L. Hoskins, Professor Walter J. McCormick, Dr. Yoon Bae Ouh, Mrs. Bessie Pinnick, Dr. Aro Quirch, Mr. Frank Weaver; Faculty Editorial: Reflections on Our New President; Northwest Iowa College Association; Football; Basketball; N Club Newsletter; NW Wins Tourney: Raiders Over Hope in Opening Round, Raiders Top Michigan Lutheran for Championship ; https://nwcommons.nwciowa.edu/classic1960/1008/thumbnail.jpg