Discover the secrets to success in sport-related tourism and adventure travel!This essential handbook of sport-related travel provides an in-depth look at an international industry growing by leaps and bounds. Sport and Adventure Tourism serves as a unique reference resource for sports and tourism professionals, educators and students, presenting an invaluable overview of a niche market that's rapidly outgrowing its niche. Covering every aspect of sport tourism from historical, economic, and sport-specific starting points, the book features thoughtful and incisive commentary from the foremost
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Outdoor and adventure sports (OAS) have been linked to positive health and wellbeing outcomes. This Special Edition brings together cutting-edge research and thought on the implications of this link. An analysis of the papers in this Special Edition reveals important insights into (i) the diverse and powerful outcomes derived from adventure experiences, (ii) how adventure experiences facilitate these outcomes, (iii) how best to design outdoor and adventure experiences. The evidence in this edition indicates a need for a more systematic approach to the inclusion of OAS as important to good health and wellbeing. OAS should be included as part of education, health, policy and planning.
Hast du schon immer davon geträumt, im NBA-Finale zu stehen? Oder bist du vor dem Fernseher verzweifelt, wenn das Lieblingsteam in der Champions League den entscheidenden Penalty verschossen hat? Dann nimm es selbst in die Hand, denn im neusten Wurf der NBA2K-Spielerreihe kannst du per Scan des eigenen Gesichts mit der zugehörigen Smartphone Applikation direkt ins Geschehen eingreifen. Nun liegt es an dir, dein Lieblingsteam zu Ruhm und Ehre zu führen und zum Schluss im Ruhestand den wohlverdienten Platz neben den Sportlegenden einzunehmen.
Das Aushängeschild der in diesem Beitrag thematisierten Sportspiele ist der 'My Player/Career'-Modus. Als Spieler/in kommt man selbst so nah an das Geschehen wie möglich, indem man einen Avatar kreiert, diesen personalisiert, trainiert und damit eine möglichst erfolgreiche Sportkarriere zu absolvieren versucht. Dabei drängen sich Assoziationen zu Role-Playing Games (RPGs), wie sie sonst v. a. mit Fantasy und Science Fiction in Verbindung gebracht werden, unweigerlich auf.
Aufgrund dieser Irritation möchte ich mich in meinem Artikel ausgewählten Sportspielen widmen und der Frage nachgehen, welche Rollenspielelemente darin aufzufinden sind und wie sie eingesetzt werden. Den Fokus richte ich dabei auf die Basketballspiele NBA2K17 (2016) und NBA2K12 (2011) und die Fussballspiele Fifa12 (2011) und Fifa06 (2005) sowie auf NBA Street V3 (2005), das nicht einer der beiden grossen Spielreihen entstammt und damit als Vergleichsgegenstand dienen soll.
In: Journal of risk research: the official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 133-146
Following a tragic accident in 1993 involving the deaths of teenagers while kayaking a new regulatory regime was imposed upon some adventure sports providers in the United Kingdom. In particular, a new regulatory body, the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA), was established to oversee the sector. Yet in 2010, a government‐sponsored review recommended that AALA be abolished and this recommendation has been quickly accepted by government. This article explores the background to these developments through documentation, interviews with those affected by the AALA regime, and court cases. Evidence reported here, perhaps surprising, is that AALA itself is seen in a very positive light by many, even those it regulates. What may have happened is that AALA became caught up in a wider debate about the place and management of risk in life beyond the workplace, which has been simmering in the United Kingdom for a decade or more, and of which it fell foul. It may also be that adventure sports, because they entail voluntary engagement with high consequence hazards, starkly expose serious questions about the application of conventional, factory‐originated risk assessment approaches to life in general.
Adventure tourists are engaged in a variety of activities around the world in parks and protected areas. For these tourists, one of the more popular interests is hiking. Hiking may involve a short walk in the local park or an extended long distance experience found during the pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago or America's long distance giant, the Appalachian Trail. Hikers can become the eyes and ears for park management, especially needed in the backcountry lands away from the busy trail.
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Background: The Battle Back Centre offers a bespoke, Self Determination Theory-oriented adapted sport and adventurous training programme centred on experiential learning and reflection to support the recovery of military personnel. Aim: To identify the short-term impact of participation in the programme on positive mental health and psychological need satisfaction. Method: Participants were 978 wounded, injured and sick (WIS) personnel classified as: Wounded (battle casualties), Injured (non-battle casualties) and Sick (mental/physical illness). Participants completed the Basic Need Satisfaction in General Scale (Gagné ; 2003) and Warwick and Edinburgh Mental Well Being Scale (Tennant et al. 2006) on arrival and course completion. Results: All measures of positive mental health and psychological need satisfaction showed statistically significant increases, with a large effect size, from baseline to course completion (mean ± ; SD change in positive mental health, competence, autonomy and relatedness were 7.19 ± ; 9.61, 0.46 ± ; 0.9, 0.27 ± ; 0.84, 0.26 ± ; 0.86, respectively, p < ; 0.05). While the average magnitude of the intervention effect for positive mental health (16%) is comparable or greater than other reported interventions, changes were achieved in a shorter time. Conclusion: Findings highlight the positive short-term effect adapted sport and adventurous activities have for WIS personnel. Declaration of interest: Work supported by The Royal British Legion.
Background: The Battle Back Centre offers a bespoke, Self Determination Theory-oriented adapted sport and adventurous training programme centred on experiential learning and reflection to support the recovery of military personnel. Aim: To identify the short-term impact of participation in the programme on positive mental health and psychological need satisfaction. Method: Participants were 978 wounded, injured and sick (WIS) personnel classified as: Wounded (battle casualties), Injured (non-battle casualties) and Sick (mental/physical illness). Participants completed the Basic Need Satisfaction in General Scale (Gagné, 2003) and Warwick and Edinburgh Mental Well Being Scale (Tennant et al. 2006) on arrival and course completion. Results: All measures of positive mental health and psychological need satisfaction showed statistically significant increases, with a large effect size, from baseline to course completion (mean ± SD change in positive mental health, competence, autonomy and relatedness were 7.19 ± 9.61, 0.46 ± 0.9, 0.27 ± 0.84, 0.26 ± 0.86, respectively, p < 0.05). While the average magnitude of the intervention effect for positive mental health (16%) is comparable or greater than other reported interventions, changes were achieved in a shorter time. Conclusion: Findings highlight the positive short-term effect adapted sport and adventurous activities have for WIS personnel. Declaration of interest: Work supported by The Royal British Legion.
Background: The Battle Back Centre offers a bespoke, Self Determination Theory-oriented adapted sport and adventurous training programme centred on experiential learning and reflection to support the recovery of military personnel. Aim: To identify the short-term impact of participation in the programme on positive mental health and psychological need satisfaction. Method: Participants were 978 wounded, injured and sick (WIS) personnel classified as: Wounded (battle casualties), Injured (non-battle casualties) and Sick (mental/physical illness). Participants completed the Basic Need Satisfaction in General Scale (Gagné, 2003) and Warwick and Edinburgh Mental Well Being Scale (Tennant et al. 2006) on arrival and course completion. Results: All measures of positive mental health and psychological need satisfaction showed statistically significant increases, with a large effect size, from baseline to course completion (mean ± SD change in positive mental health, competence, autonomy and relatedness were 7.19 ± 9.61, 0.46 ± 0.9, 0.27 ± 0.84, 0.26 ± 0.86, respectively, p < 0.05). While the average magnitude of the intervention effect for positive mental health (16%) is comparable or greater than other reported interventions, changes were achieved in a shorter time. Conclusion: Findings highlight the positive short-term effect adapted sport and adventurous activities have for WIS personnel. Declaration of interest: Work supported by The Royal British Legion.
UK military personnel have faced increased demands over the last three decades ; these have affected their wellbeing and caused multiple physical and mental health problems. Currently, bespoke rehabilitation systems may recommend participation in sports programmes. Although research attention has been drawn to the short-term positive effects of these programmes, their long-term impact on psychological wellbeing is unknown. To address this gap, the current study explored the long-term impact of a sports programme on UK military personnel&rsquo ; s ability to make changes in their day-to-day life through the lens of psychological wellbeing. For this purpose, UK military personnel (n = 97) completed an online survey aiming to provide a quantitative and qualitative picture of their experiences of an outdoor and adventure sports programme, underpinned by the basic psychological needs theory, six months following completion. Findings suggest that 75% of respondents found that the course was useful for facilitating adaptive changes. Content analysis suggests that elements of the course seem to satisfy their basic psychological needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy. Activities initiated six months after the course are mostly aligned with improved psychological wellbeing. Useful theoretical and applied implications are discussed.