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41020 Ergebnisse
In: Human development, Band 36, Heft 1, S. 27-40
ISSN: 1423-0054
In: Youth & society: a quarterly journal, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 107-124
ISSN: 1552-8499
In: Annals of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry, v. 27
In: Child & adolescent social work journal, Band 11, Heft 6, S. 433-453
ISSN: 1573-2797
In: Routledge Studies in Anthropology
In: Routledge Studies in Anthropology Ser. v.7
As our world becomes increasingly permeable, and as human populations are rapidly converging and transitioning within a global interconnectedness, it is vital that we look to, and learn from, those most adept at the adaptation, creation, and contesting of culture: adolescents. This text is designed to bridge critical gaps in the understanding of the daily lives, identity development, and experiences of adolescents in diverse cultures around the world. Cultural context is predictive of developmental uniqueness; comparisons provide insights into how social structures and relationships influence
if we are to try to understand the challenges of adolescence, it must first and foremost be distinguished from puberty. It is a specific human process, while puberty participates in the physiological register and the laws that report on it. At the same time, and it is the difficulty in locating those two situations in relation to each other, puberty determines adolescence in the sense that it is the substrate from which it can manifest itself with its own characteristics. Psysonists summarise the adolescent issue in a very relevant way, referring to both a redefinition of identity and a pulse upheaval, which is a double record of processes to which we will return. However, any attempt to explain adolescence must start with historical development and sociological backsliding. The ground is then cleared to explain its processes. ; International audience ; if we are to try to understand the challenges of adolescence, it must first and foremost be distinguished from puberty. It is a specific human process, while puberty participates in the physiological register and the laws that report on it. At the same time, and it is the difficulty in locating those two situations in relation to each other, puberty determines adolescence in the sense that it is the substrate from which it can manifest itself with its own characteristics. Psysonists summarise the adolescent issue in a very relevant way, referring to both a redefinition of identity and a pulse upheaval, which is a double record of processes to which we will return. However, any attempt to explain adolescence must start with historical development and sociological backsliding. The ground is then cleared to explain its processes. ; Si l'on veut tenter de comprendre les enjeux de l'adolescence, il faut avant tout la distinguer de la puberté. Elle relève de processus spécifiquement humains, alors que la puberté participe, quant à elle, du registre physiologique et des lois qui en rendent compte. En même temps, et c'est toute la difficulté pour situer ces deux réalités ...
In: Child & adolescent social work journal, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 33-51
ISSN: 1573-2797
In: Family relations, Band 45, Heft 3, S. 283
ISSN: 1741-3729
In: Child & adolescent social work journal, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 187-204
ISSN: 1573-2797
In: Genèses: sciences sociales et histoire, Band 97, Heft 4, S. 47-66
ISSN: 1776-2944
Cet article porte sur le traitement différentiel des adolescents selon le genre dans la justice pénale. Après avoir présenté les statistiques publiques dans ce domaine sous le rapport du genre, on examine d'un point de vue qualitatif le travail judiciaire et ses productions (écrits éducatifs, dossiers judiciaires), afin de saisir, dans leur banalité, les biais de genre opérant quotidiennement dans le traitement des « mineurs délinquants ». Cette analyse est confrontée aux propos d'éducateurs et de magistrats recueillis au cours d'une enquête par observation et entretiens. On décrit ainsi, dans ses aspects les plus concrets, la production et reproduction des normes de genre et ses effets sur les carrières institutionnelles des adolescents.