A selected bibliography of academic theses dealing with socio-politico-economic aspects of Iranian society
In: Public administration series : bibliography 599
28493 Ergebnisse
In: Public administration series : bibliography 599
In: Publizistik: Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, Band 54, Heft 4, S. 533-552
ISSN: 1862-2569
In: Law of business and finance volume 16
Which rights and obligations arise from the EU principle prohibiting unjust enrichment? This is the first publication to thoroughly examine the consequences this principle has - or may have - for private law relationships. An illuminating analysis, bearing both academic and practical importance. As the interplay between EU law and national private law intensifies, the question arises how the EU principle prohibiting unjust enrichment plays into various legal relationships involving one or more individuals. Unjust enrichment in European Union law takes a pioneering step in addressing this pressing issue. The author puts forward a compelling analysis, taking into account the functions of unjust enrichment in a number of national law systems and the functions of general principles of EU law, as well as case law of the Court of Justice of the EU. For analytic purposes, links are identified between EU causes of action based on undue payment, unjust enrichment and unlawful act, respectively. This is followed by a discussion whether or not such actions should be founded on violation of an EU provision having direct (horizontal) effect. Insight into the possible consequences of the EU principle prohibiting unjust enrichment has both academic and practical importance. The reader gains a deeper understanding of how the Court of Justice may further develop EU law on the basis of private-law principles. The study illuminates which rights individuals may derive from such legal principles and - if they can do so - under which circumstances
In: Biblioscholar dissertations
In: AD-a471 369
In Africa, the effect of the proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) continues to impact negatively on socioeconomic development, particularly within the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa (GLHA) subregion. Since 2000, several initiatives on the matter have been developed. Foremost among the subregional and regional initiatives are the Nairobi and Bamako declarations on the "African Common Position on the Illicit Proliferation, Circulation and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons" in March and December 2000, respectively. This study seeks to examine the strategies that the GLHA countries are using to deal with the SALW problem with an emphasis on those of Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia. It also analyzes the challenges the subregional governments have encountered while tackling this menace, and the measures they have developed to mitigate them. It is clear that the strategies' ends and ways are sufficient to contain the problem but only require better coordination, integration, and synchronization into one main effort. The author concludes that the war on SALW will remain elusive unless all member states show the political will to address the factors of increased supply and demand of SALW and allocate more resources to achieve their strategic ends
World Affairs Online
In: Schriften zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik 42
Characteristics of Hungary's Regions and Industries - Manufacturing Industry Concentration - Regional Development 1992 to 2008 - Econometric Analyses of Agglomeration and Regional Specialization - New Economic Geography Models - European Regional Policy - Policy Implications for an enlarged EU.
In: Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien 23
Contenu : Biographie de Christian von Ehrenfels - Courants intellectuels autrichiens en philosophie et en économie à la fin du XIXème siècle - Théorie générale de la valeur - Question de la possible utilisation de la théorie d'Ehrenfels dans les sciences économiques actuelles.
Traumatic brain injury encompasses any incident in which external force causes damage to the brain. This injury can be either temporary, as in the case of concussion, or severely debilitating and long-lasting. The changes in warfare strategies over the years have made blast injuries and the resulting traumatic brain injuries the most common war-related injury of recent conflicts. The paper reviews current TBI management and makes comparison to the guidelines established by the Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality. A program model developed from the research that focuses on the care of military veterans with moderate and severe TBI is presented. An exploration of literature produced by the Department of Veterans Affairs follows, along with an analysis of the completeness and effectiveness of these recommendations.
The present dissertation provides an analytical and comparative study of the application of Islamic law (Shari'ah) and international human rights law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It provides an analysis of the sources of Islamic law as well as the sources of international law to set the background for analysis and defines the nature of both laws. It also tackles the subject of the domestic application of international human treaties in Saudi Arabia. In addition, it examines some reservations Saudi Arabia has entered to some of the international human rights treaties it has ratified, specifically the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). It also sheds some light on the political, cultural and religious obstacles to the realisation of norms protected by international human rights treaties in the country, and in other countries for that matter, clearly stating the impossibility of implementing the provisions of the international human rights treaties in their entirety. This is due to the various political and legal developments towards the internationalization of the concept of human rights. It observes that despite the existence of the international human rights treaties, which aim at reinforcing a universal realisation of international human rights, these rights cannot be possibly realised by all countries. To stress the importance Saudi Arabia attaches to the issue of human rights, the dissertation discusses some rights of women before Saudi courts in family matters, an issue which has been criticised by some international human rights treaties, and examines to what extent the country has managed to tackle the issue of domestic violence, particularly violence against women. It provides an overview of the major causes of domestic violence against women in Saudi Arabia, presents some cases of domestic violence before Saudi courts and sheds some light on the measures taken by the Saudi government to combat domestic violence against women. It also tackles this issue both in the international and domestic legal frameworks, clearly stating the Islamic standpoint on the issue, namely that Islamic law, and Saudi Arabia for that matter, whose laws are essentially derived from the two main sources of Shari'ah. It also discusses the common forms of violence against women in Saudi Arabia and suggests a number of recommendations towards more effective protection of women against violence in the country. The dissertation concludes by presenting a number of obstacles in the way of executing judicial decisions in the Kingdom as well as the obstacles which negatively affect the performance of the new code of law practice. It also presents some recommendations concerning personal status law obstacles and hindrances to progress and attempts to answer the research questions it has posed
In: Hohenheimer volkswirtschaftliche Schriften 53
Financial Crises and Financial Instability: Definitions and Principles - Stylized Facts and Standard Theory of Financial Crises - A Model of Financial Crises and Endogenous Fluctuations in Industrial Countries - A Model of Financial Crises and Endogenous Fluctuations in Emerging Market Countries - A Calibration Model of Financial Crises in Emerging Markets.
This project seeks to identify the role that foreign direct investment (FDI) has played in the development of the automobile industries of Hungary and China. That entailed examining their transition economies-economies that shift from being centrally-planned toward free market capitalism-over the past three decades. I observed the similarities and drew the parallels which instigated the establishment and growth of the automobile industries, despite significant differences in scale, culture, and government policy in both countries. In conducting the research, I have read the relevant published research, and I collected data from governmental statistics offices and manufacturers' reports in order to conduct my own data analyses. This project highlights the significant influence that FDI had on the automobile industry in both countries, and evaluates the role of FDI in the rapid development of their respective transition economies.
In: Commonalities Ser
Cover; Contents; Preamble: The Ruse of Sovereignty or Agonistic Monism?; Thesis 1: Constituent power forges the distinction between democracy and sovereignty; Thesis 2: Sovereign violence is always justified violence; Thesis 3: The different ways in which violence is justified delineate different forms of sovereignty; Intermezzo 1: Sovereignty and the Refugee; Thesis 4: Judgment is constitutive of democracy; Thesis 5: Judgment establishes the agonistic relation between democracy and sovereignty by dejustifying violence.
In: Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen
World Affairs Online