The preventive arrangement with creditors under Ohada law ; Le concordat préventif en droit Ohada
As a living organism, the company is born, lives, and may be the seat of various disorders which most serious may lead to its disappearance. That does not leave indifferent any legislator concerned about the socio-economic balance and transaction security. So nowadays, the traditional purpose of bankruptcy law, that is the creditors' satisfaction, without disappearing entirely, is relegated to the background, behind the concern for the preservation and continuity of commercial exploitation. Various legal instruments were deployed in order to avoid the bankruptcy of the debtor that is experiencing difficulties.It is in this context that the preventive arrangement with creditors under the Uniform Act of OHADA, on the right of collective procedures for settlement of liabilities. It is an instrument of hybrid nature, half conventional, half-judiciary, granted after a procedure known as preventive arrangement procedure, to a debtor who, without being insolvent, is experiencing economic and financial difficulties, which are not without remedy. This is an agreement freely negotiated and agreed between the debtor and some of his creditors, to which judicial intervention confers binding. However, the mechanism put in place by the Uniform Act of OHADA suffers some deficiencies such as to prevent it from reaching its goal of preventing and solving business problems. One reason for the ineffectiveness of the arrangement with creditors' procedure is the vagueness of the eligibility criterion, which has the effect of opening late in the process, which, in turn, adversely affects the performance of the concordat once concluded and approved. It is therefore proved useful to explore new avenues that can lead to greater efficiency in safeguarding firms in difficulty in the OHADA area. ; Comme un organisme vivant, l'entreprise naît, vit, et peut être le siège de désordres divers, dont les plus graves sont susceptibles de provoquer sa disparition. Ce qui ne saurait laisser indifférent tout législateur soucieux de l'équilibre ...