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In: Global Viewpoints Ser
Cover Page -- Half Title Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: Adoption Worldwide -- 1. Child Adoption Trends and Policies Worldwide: An Overview -- 2. In the United Kingdom, the Adoption Process Must Be Reformed -- 3. Lost Generation: Adoption in America Has Collapsed -- Here's What to Do About It -- 4. Teenagers Are Rarely Adopted in Canada -- 5. Adoption Is Well Accepted in Uganda -- 6. Adoption Is Not Well Accepted in Japan -- Periodical Bibliography -- Chapter 2: Transnational Adoption -- 1. Transnational Adoptions Should Be Strictly Regulated -- 2. New Irish Laws Change Regulations for Transnational Adoptions -- 3. "Baby Factories" in Nigeria Engage in Child Trafficking -- 4. Celebrities Adopt Children from Abroad -- 5. Transnational Adoptions Pose Difficult Questions -- Periodical Bibliography -- Chapter 3: Gender, Race, and Indigenous Peoples -- 1. Girls Are Given Up for Adoption More Often than Boys in China -- 2. Despite a Federal Law, American Indian Children Are Not Placed with Native Families for Adoption -- 3. Australian Aboriginal Children Were Wrongly Taken from Their Families for Adoption -- 4. The Wrongful Adoption of Australian Aboriginal Children Is a Myth -- 5. Canadian First Nations Children Were Wrongfully Taken from Their Families for Adoption -- 6. UK Government: Adoption Policy Must Be Colorblind -- 7. Children Should Be Placed in Same-Race Families -- Periodical Bibliography -- Chapter 4: The Rights of Adoptive Parents, Birth Parents, and Adoptees -- 1. In the United States, Adoptees Fight to Have Their Birth Records Unsealed -- 2. Unsealing Adoption Records in New Jersey Will Do More Good than Harm -- 3. Adoptees Return to Korea to Argue for the Rights of Birth Parents and Adoptees.
ADOPTION is the legalised recognition of the child of other parents as one's own. According to Berlier, Adoption is "un atto di consolazione per l'adottante e un atto di beneficenza verso l'adottato". ; N/A
In: Issues That Concern You Ser
Cover Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Introduction -- 1: Adopted Children Discuss Adoption -- 2: Open Adoption Is Based on the Needs of the Adopted Child -- 3: Adopted Children Can Choose Whether to Talk About Being Adopted -- 4: Adopted Children Can Choose Whether to Seek Their Birth Parents -- 5: Crisis Pregnancy Centers Pressure Pregnant Women to Choose Adoption -- 6: Transracial Adoption Adds Diversity to Families -- 7: Latino and Asian Children in White Homes -- 8: Children Adopted from Other Countries May Have Been Illegally Taken from Their Families -- 9: Gay People Face Challenges When Preparing to Adopt -- 10: Gay People Should Not Be Allowed to Adopt -- 11: Opposing Gay Adoption and Leaving Children Without Families Is Immoral -- Appendix -- What You Should Know About Adoption -- What You Should Do About Adoption -- Organizations to Contact -- Bibliography -- Index -- Picture Credits -- Back Cover.
In: dtv-nomos 58117
In: n-tv Service: Recht
In: N-TV
In: Service Recht
Der Autor, Familien- und Vormundschaftsrichter, gibt ausführlich Auskunft über die inhaltlichen, persönlichen und rechtlichen Voraussetzungen einer Adoption und deren Rechtsfolgen. Eigene Abschnitte informieren über die Annahme eines ausländischen Kindes, machen mit dem Verfahren der Adoptionsvermittlung und den besonderen Regelungen der Annahme Volljähriger bekannt. Die laienverständliche Darstellung des stellenweise schwierigen Themas ist reihenüblich mit vielen Beispielen und Tipps versehen, zusätzlich auch nützlichen Adressen. (1) (id-Rez. der 1. Auflage 2000)
In: New politics: a journal of socialist thought, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 63-81
ISSN: 0028-6494
A cultural comparison of Western society adoption practices to those Eastern Oceania explores the stigmas attached to inheritance and adoption laws to argue that the lessening stigma of adoption helps people to embrace the "other." A brief history of Western patrilineal society adoption practices traces the stigma is of inheritance rights, the child welfare orientation distinguished from the matrilineal, clan & sibling group priority of Eastern Oceanic adoption practices. The changes in Western attitude towards adoption still suffers the legacy of the stigma of the legitimacy as exemplified in the conflicted over opening adoption records, & is supported by the analysis of surveys on adult adoptees opinions about open adoption which indicate a release of emotional baggage and guilt. The current state of adoption in the US is characterized as making it harder for black families to adopt, leaving black children in foster care, despite the advances by the adoption & safe families act of 1997. Assessment of the current state of international adoption indicates a rise in the last two decades, the standards set by the Hague convention, sexual politics between countries, & open international adoption. The lessening of the stigma of adoption is concluded to help put aside the idealization of the biological nuclear family, biological reproduction, & ethnic purity to pave the way for an ideal society are children could choose whom they want to live with. J. Harwell
Die Verarbeitung bedrohter Normalität in der Adoption
In: Lebenswelt und soziale Probleme: Verhandlungen des 20. Deutschen Soziologentages zu Bremen 1980, S. 369-382
Adoption: ein Handbuch für die Praxis ; Adoptionsvorbereitung und Adoptionen im In- und Ausland
In: Familie, Betreuung, Soziales
Das Adoptionswesen in Deutschland hat in den letzten Jahren starke Veränderungen erfahren. Die zunehmende Internationalisierung stellt neue Anforderungen an alle Adoptionsbeteiligten - seien es Vermittlungsstellen, Jugendbehörden, Gerichte oder Adoptionswillige. Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Anerkennung von im Ausland erfolgten Adoptionen sowie der Vermittlung ausländischer Kinder ins Inland stehen heute im Focus.