Neue Turboladerbaureihe A100-H für die einstufige Aufla dung schnelllaufender Motoren
In: MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, Band 69, Heft 7-8, S. 568-576
ISSN: 2192-8843
327 Ergebnisse
In: MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, Band 69, Heft 7-8, S. 568-576
ISSN: 2192-8843
In: ADIP magazine 3,3
In: MTZ worldwide, Band 69, Heft 7-8, S. 8-15
ISSN: 2192-9114
In: Jane's defence weekly: JDW, Band 34, Heft 8, S. 18-19
ISSN: 0265-3818
In: Jane's defence weekly: JDW, Band 38, Heft 6, S. 14-15
ISSN: 0265-3818
In: Parliamentary history, Band 31, Heft s1, S. 142-144
ISSN: 1750-0206
The review of "A 100 años de su descubrimiento, Alta Vista" (Alta Vista: 100 Years After its Discovery) by J. Humberto Medina González and Baudelina L. García Uranga analyses the contributions of this book recently published by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH) and the State Government of Zacatecas, México. Being the result of more than twenty years of research in the field, cabi net and in archives of different nature in Mexico and the United States of America, this work represents a compilation of great relevance for the archaeology of northern Mexico because it provides an overview of all the conservation and restoration activities carried out in one of the most important archaeological sites of the region. A learned iconographic study stands out among the interpretative content of the book, which describes the history and meaning of the representation of eagles devouring serpents. This representation appeared as a decoration on several ceramics encountered throughout Alta Vista's history. Finally, this volume brings together information regarding the conservation on the earthen architecture of the site, a history of interventions that goes back to the beginnings of the nineteenth century. ; La reseña del libro A 100 años de su descubrimiento, Alta Vista, de J. Humberto Medina González y Baudelina L. García Uranga, publicado recientemente por el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) y el Gobierno del estado de Zacatecas, analiza su contenido y aportaciones: el libro compila más de 20 años de investigación en campo, en gabinete y en archivos de diversa índole de México y los Estados Unidos de América, de gran relevancia para la arqueología del norte de México, en tanto que recorre todos los trabajos de conservación y restauración que se han hecho en Alta Vista, uno de los sitios más importantes de esta región. En el análisis interpretativo destaca un erudito estudio iconográfico de la historia y el significado de la representación de águilas devorando serpientes que aparecen en diversas cerámicas halladas a lo largo de su historia. Finalmente, este volumen reúne información acerca de la conservación de la arquitectura de tierra del sitio, una historia de intervenciones que dio inicio en los albores del siglo XX.
Abstract. Until recently, elected authorities in Peru were allowed to run for re-election. The objective of this study is to test whether voters reward (or punish) elected authorities according to expenditure performance. In particular, I measure the probability of a mayor being reelected subject to their capital expenditure throughout the four-year term. I study the two most recent electoral terms: 2006-2010 and 2010-2014. To deal with the endogeneity of capital expenditure, the model controls for a number of characteristics of the elected authority and his or her political party (including the share of voted obtained in the previous election), for district characteristics and for other characteristics of the municipality. I find that mayors who get reelected for another four-year termare characterized by high levels of capital expenditure throughout the periods of 2007-2010 and 2011-2014. In particular, the years before the electoral processes, 2009 and 2013, seem to be of vital importance to determine the outcome of an election. A more refined question is answered by looking at both timing and type of expenditure which reveals that the electorate values the provision of public goods such as security, electrification, education, health and roads during the electoral term. Voters tend to punish projects related totransportation, communications and plumbing, which are characterized by the destruction of roads in the electoral years.Keywords. Reelection, Decentralization, Public capital expenditure, Local governments.JEL. D72, D73, H70.
Objectives: This paper presents an overview of the vaccination campaigns in France, Israel, Italy and Spain during the first eleven months from the first COVID-19 vaccine approval (Dec 2020 - Nov 2021). These four countries were chosen as they share similar socioeconomic, and epidemiological profiles and adopted similar vaccination strategies.Methods: A rapid review of available primary data from each country was conducted. Data were collected from official government documents whenever possible, supplemented by information from international databases and local reports. The data were analysed via descriptive and graphical analysis to identify common patterns as well as significant divergences in the structural changes of countries' healthcare systems during the pandemic, outcomes of the vaccination roll-out, and their impact on contextual policies.Results: The four countries adopted similar interventions to protect and strengthen their healthcare systems. The effective coordination between the governance levels, ability to ensure a large supply of doses, and trust towards health authorities were among the determinants for more successful vaccination outcomes. The analysis reports a positive impact of the COVID-19 vaccines on epidemiological, political and economic outcomes. We observed some evidence of a negative association between increased vaccine coverage and fatalities and hospitalisation trends.Conclusions: The strengths and weaknesses of COVID-19 pandemic crisis management along with the various strategies surrounding the vaccination roll-out campaigns may yield lessons for policymakers amid such decisions, including for future pandemics.
24 mars 1904 ; 1904/03/24 (A100,N69). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : PrnS001
21 juillet 1904 ; 1904/07/21 (A100,N168). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : PrnS001
05 janvier 1904 ; 1904/01/05 (A100,N3). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : PrnS001
11 mars 1904 ; 1904/03/11 (A100,N58). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : PrnS001
01 avril 1904 ; 1904/04/01 (A100,N76). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : PrnS001