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2 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
In: Springer eBook Collection
1. Introduction -- 2. Cultural Diplomacy Today: A 'Culture of Dialogue' or a 'Dialogue of Cultures'? -- 3. China's Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin: The Impact of Transnational and Local -- 4. Xinjiang in China's Public Diplomacy in Central Asia: Case Study of Almaty -- 5. The 'Silk Road' Public Diplomacy of the PRC in Central Asia. Rethinking the 'Network' Approach to China's Public Diplomacy and Its Instrumentalism -- 6. Establishing a Common Ground—Admiral Zheng He as an Agent of Cultural Diplomacy in Malaysia -- 7. Two Confucius Institutes and a Cross-border University as Sites of China's Cultural Diplomacy in Malaysia: The Limitations of 'Domestic Structures' -- 8. Attracting the Arabs? Promoting 'Muslim' China to Boost Regional Development in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region -- 9. Trajectory of Chinese Cultural Diplomacy: The Case of International Co-production of Documentaries.