Sustainable development goals in Europe: a geographical approach
In: Key challenges in geography, EUROGEO book series
Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- SDG 1. End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere -- SDG1 in Europe: Micro-grants, Poverty, and the Big-Picture Future of Sustainable Development in a Post-pandemic World -- Introduction -- Performance of European Countries Against the SDGs 1: End of Poverty -- Micro-grants: Sustainable Approaches Through Local Innovation and Creativity -- Vetting Grant Applicants -- Intermediaries for Linking Providers and Recipients -- Timeliness -- Supporting the Social Pillar of Sustainability -- Grant Management and Oversight -- Grant Deliverables -- Trust and Grant Formalization -- The Threat of Success -- Re-"Viewing" Sustainable Development -- Conclusion -- References -- SDG 2. End Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition, and Promote Sustainable Agriculture -- Geography: Origin of the Complexity of the Food System -- Geography Imposes Its Barriers -- Development of the Food System in Three Major Stages -- The Complexity of the Global Food System -- Feeding a Growing Population in Balance with the SDGs -- Sustainable Global Food System and SDGs for Zero Hunger -- A Quantitative Model of Approximation to the SDGs. Zero Hunger -- References -- SDG 3. Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-Being for All at All Ages -- Exploring Health and Well-Being in a European Context -- Introduction -- About SDG3 and its Targets -- Exploring the Data on SDG3 -- Target 3.1: Reduce Maternal Mortality -- Target 3.2: End All Preventable Deaths Under 5 years of Age -- Target 3.3: Fight Communicable Diseases -- Target 3.4: Reduce Mortality from Non-communicable Diseases and Promote Mental Health -- Target 3.5: Prevent and Treat Substance Abuse -- Target 3.6: Reduce Road Injuries and Deaths -- Target 3.7: Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Care, Family Planning and Education.