The diffusion of public and private sustainability regulations: the responses of follower countries
Introduction to The diffusion of public and private sustainability regulations : the responses of follower countries /Etsuyo Michida, John Humphrey, and David Vogel --National palm oil standards in Asia : motivations and impacts on trade and rural development /John Humphrey and Etsuyo Michida --Factors explaining the adoption of green building rating systems at the country level : competition of LEED and other green building rating systems /Kenji Shiraishi and Hajime Iseda --Diffusion mechanisms for regulating fishery products : the cases of Tanzania, Madagascar, and Mauritius /Seeking the similarities while keeping the differences : the development of emissions trading schemes in northeast Asia /Fang-Ting Cheng --Diffusion of energy efficiency policies in Asian countries : country-specific drivers of policy followers /Michikazu Kojima.