Democracy in Crisis?: Politics, Governance and Policy
In: Political Analysis Ser.
Cover -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Something happened to democracy -- Trying to move beyond 'parochial' views of changes -- Outline of the book: the argument in brief -- 1 Party Democracy Challenged -- The cartel strategy and its limits -- The challenge to parties of an unfriendly environment -- Another partisan response to challenges: the presidentialization of politics -- The uncoupling between politics and policy-making: spiral effects and paradoxes -- 2 Mediatization and Audience Democracy -- The impact of media commercialization on politics: complex and multifaceted -- Can the media see behind front-stage? -- New media: a change of logic? -- The limits of audience democracy -- 3 Internationalisation, Europeanization, and Multilevel Governance -- Internationalization of governance: limits to inclusiveness and accountability -- Global civil society: the solution? -- The democratic deficit of private governance: invisible and by stealth -- Europeanization and multilevel governance -- Overall assessment and prospects -- 4 Collaborative Governance and Cooperative Policy-Making -- A move from 'government' to 'governance'? -- Why collaborative governance? -- Collaborative governance, representation, and accountability -- More horizontal governance, less democracy? -- 5 Empowering the Citizen or the Customer? -- Deliberative and participatory experiments: do they matter? -- New Public Management and subsequent reform layers: who are the winners? -- The 'accountability agenda': failed promises, limited relevance? -- 6 Limits To Majority Rule: Agencification and Judicialization -- Agencification by contagion -- More accountability, less democracy? -- Judicialization: part of juridification, sustained through internationalization -- Judges as account-holders and as legislators: a controversial role.